2022年第79期 稷下风研究生学术讲坛


报告题目:Direct FE2 – Concurrent multiscale and multiphysics modelling with commercial finite element codes

举办时间:2022年12月13号 下午2:30-3:30

腾讯会议: 359-623-312

讲坛简介:FE2 is an attractive approach to multiscale finite element analysis (FEA) of multiphasic materials because it is often difficult to obtain accurate homogenized constitutive relations due to complex microstructures and the nonlinear interactions among the constituents of such materials. Homogenized properties are obtained through FEA of representative volume elements (RVE) where the different phases of the heterogeneous material are explicitly modelled. However, the conventional implementation of FE2 requires familiarity with computational homogenization and significant in-house coding. The microscale RVE calculations need to be carried out in tandem with the FEA of the macroscale structure with constant information exchange between the micro and macro scale simulations.   

This talk presents a much simpler implementation - Direct FE2 - that enables FE2 to be carried out on commercial FE codes with only two pre-processing steps. It will be shown that anyone who has some familiarity with FEA of RVEs or unit cells can readily carry out concurrent multiscale modelling with Direct FE2 on commercial FE codes. By leveraging the capabilities of commercial codes, multiphysics analyses can be easily incorporated. Example problems include static analysis of cantilever heterogenous beams with geometric and material nonlinearities, thermomechanical analysis, and transient analysis. Direct FE2 for beam and plate elements will also be introduced.

主讲人简介:Vincent Tan is an Associate Professor and Deputy Head at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore. After obtaining his BEng and MEng in Mechanical Engineering from the National University of Singapore, he pursued his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Northwestern University, USA.

Currently, his research interests are in computational homogenization and multiscale modelling, computational modelling, bioinspired composites, failure of composite materials, impact mechanics and ballistics. His research has been funded by both industrial and research agency grants, including US Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Defence Science Organization, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Defence, Vestas, and Airbus. He serves on the editorial boards of several journals, including Composites Part B, Mechanics of Materials, and International Journal of Applied Mechanics. He is a Vice President and Fellow of the Association for Computational Mechanics (Singapore) and is a General Council Member of both the International Association of Computational Mechanics and Asian Pacific Association for Computational Mechanics. He co-chaired the 23rd International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials in Singapore (2013) and has served on the scientific advisory committees of several international conferences. A winner of multiple teaching awards at both the Faculty and University levels, he teaches modules on mechanics, mathematics, and numerical methods.

主持人:张峰领 山东大学土建与水利学院副研究员

Vincent Tan-稷下风申请表-土建学院 - 20221213-海报2.jpg


下一条:2024年第14期 博士高端讲坛

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