Personal Information:
  • Name (Pinyin):
    Feng Tianli
  • E-Mail:
  • Date of Employment:
  • School/Department:
  • Education Level:
    Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)
  • Gender:
  • Degree:
  • Status:
  • Alma Mater:
  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Honors and Titles:

2019-01-29    山东省“泰山学者青年专家”;
2019-01-29    山东大学“齐鲁青年学者”;
2017-06-07    全国光学工程学科优秀博士论文提名;
2016-12-01    山东省优秀博士毕业论文;
2016-05-05    山东大学优秀博士毕业论文;
2015-11-18    DAAD奖学金;
2015-08-29    山东省优秀毕业生;
2015-07-30    山东大学优秀毕业生;

   冯天利博士毕业于山东大学信息科学与工程学院。博士毕业论文获山东大学及山东省优秀博士毕业论文,并于2017 年获全国光学工程学科优秀博士论文提名奖。两次获得德国DAAD奖学金。2015年9月-2019年2月年在德国柏林马克斯玻恩超快非线性研究所从事超快非线性光学、中红外光参量啁啾脉冲放大技术等方面的研究工作

   目前担任山东大学信息科学与工程学院教授,博士生导师,山东大学齐鲁青年学者,山东省泰山学者青年专家,《光子学报》青年编委。截至目前以第一作者和通讯作者在Physical Review Letters、Rhotonics Research、Optics Letter、Optics Express等期刊发表SCI论文30余篇。担任Optics LettersOptics Express、JOSAB、Optical Materials Express、Laser Physics Letter、Applied Optics等国际期刊的审稿人。



1. 毛佳佳. All-solid-state ultrafast 2 μm laser with 1.83 W output power .Applied Optics.2024 (10)

2. 胡平. 603 MHz harmonic mode-locked femtosecond Ho-doped fiber laser .IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology.2024 (10)

3. 周雪. 4.1 W continuous-wave and broadly wavelength tunable Tm-doped laser in 2.1-2.4 μm spectral region based on vibronic and electronic transitions .Optics Express.2024 (10)

4. . Optical modulation properties of the Ni-based layered double hydroxides for dual-wavelength Q-switched Er:YAP laser at 2.7 μ m .OPTICAL MATERIALS.2023 (137)

5. 于京成. Nonlinear Optical Modulation Characteristics of MXene Cr<sub>2</sub>C for 2 μm Pulsed Lasers .NANOMATERIALS.2023,13 (13)

6. 毛佳佳. Femtosecond Tm:Lu2O3 Lasers Operating in the Spectral Region Below 2 μm Jiajia .IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics.2023 (30)

7. 商景诚. Short mid-infrared watt-level all-fiber nonlinear pulse compressor above 100-MHz pulse repetition rate .HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING.2023,11

8. 胡平. Multiple soliton mode-locking operations of a Holmium-doped fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation .Optics &Laser Technology.2023,161

9. 商景诚. Short mid-infrared watt-level all-fiber nonlinear pulse compressor above 100-MHz pulse repetition rate .HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING.2022 (11)

10. 于京成. Nonlinear Optical Modulation Characteristics of MXene Cr 2 C for 2 μm Pulsed Lasers .NANOMATERIALS.2023 (13)

11. 商京城. A Watt-level noise-like Tm-doped fiber oscillator by nonlinear polarization rotation .Applied Physics Express.2021,14 (5)

12. 张一诺. All-Polarization-Maintaining, Mode-Locking Fiber Front-End Laser Delivering Both the Picosecond Seed Laser and the Femtosecond Seed Laser .PHOTONICS.2023 (10)

13. 赵元涛. Diode-pumped Tm3+ ,Ho3+ co-doped GAGG mode-locking laser near the 2.1μm wavelength region .Optics Express.2022,30 (8)

14. 商景诚. Investigation on the spectrum smoothing effect in an ultrafast Tm-doped fiber chirped pulse amplifier .Applied Physics Express.2022,15 (8)

15. 商景诚. Gigahertz-repetition rate, high power, ultrafast Tm-doped fiber laser source .Optics and Laser Technology.2022,153 (无)

16. 商景诚. Multiple pulses mode-locking operations in a Tm-doped fiber oscillator .OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY.2022,72 (无)

17. 马晓冉. Dissipative soliton resonance and noise-like pulse in a self-pulsing fiber laser .Optics and Laser Technology.2022,157 (无)

18. 赵元涛. The interferometric measurement of thermal lens effect in an LD pumped Tm-doped bulk laser .Applied Physics Express.2022 (1)

19. 张浩. Optical modulation properties of the Ni-based layered double hydroxides for dual-wavelength Q-switched Er:YAP laser at 2.7 μ m .OPTICAL MATERIALS.2023 ( 137 (2023))

20. 乔文超. Investigation of Nonlinear Optical Modulation Characteristics of MXene VCrC for Pulsed Lasers .Molecules.2022 (2022, 27)

21. 杨克建. Passively mode-locked dual-wavelength Ho-doped fiber laser with noise-like pulse regime .JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS.2022 (61)

22. 杨克建. Passively mode-locked Ho-doped fiber laser with soliton rain and noise-like pulse regime .OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY Journal.2022 (153)

23. 杨克建. Passively mode-locked dual-wavelength Ho-doped fiber laser with noise-like pulse regime .JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS.2022 (11)

24. 杨克建. Passively mode-locked Ho-doped fiber laser with soliton rain and noise-like pulse regime .OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY Journal.2022 (153)

25. 赵元涛. The passive Q-switching Tm, Ho co-doped GAGG state laser operating near 2.1 μm .OPTICAL MATERIALS.2022,129

26. 徐荣. High-power, 474 fs, 31.12 MHz, all-polarization-maintaining, 1560 nm fiber laser system based on the chirped-pulse amplification .Applied Physics Express.2022 (11)

27. 高空. Sub-60-fs, compact 1100-nm fiber laser system based on double-pass pre-chirp managed amplification .OPTICS LETTERS.2022 (19)

28. 牛自群. Layered Metallic Vanadium Disulfide for Doubly Q-Switched Tm:YAP Laser with EOM: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations .Nanomaterials .2021,11 (10)

29. 牛自群. MXene Ti3C2Tx (T = F, O, or OH) saturable absorber for a 2 mu m doubly Q-switched laser with AOM .Optics and Laser Technology.2021,134

30. 苏纯云. Optical modulation of the MXene Ti3C2Tx saturable absorber for Er: Lu2O3 laser .Optical materials.2021,115

31. 商景诚. The Investigation on Ultrafast Pulse Formation in a Tm-Ho-Codoped Mode-Locking Fiber Oscillator .Molecules.2021,26 (11)

32. 牛自群. Theoretical and experimental investigations on Nb2CTx MXene Q-switched Tm:YAP laser at 2 mu m for the nonlinear optical response .Nanotcchnology.2021,32 (37)

33. 牛自群. Theoretical and experimental investigations on doubly Q-switched Tm:YAP laser with EOM and Sb(2)Te(3)( )nanosheets .Optics Express.2021,29 (16):24684

34. 梁洋洋. Investigation on the optical nonlinearity of the layered magnesium-mediated metal organic framework (Mg-MOF-74) .Optics Express.2021,29 (15):23786

35. 商景诚. Saturable absorption characteristics of Bi2Se3 in a 2 mu m Q-switching bulk laser .Optics Express.2020,28 (4):5639

36. 商景诚. An investigation into self-pulsing behavior in an Er-doped ring laser .Applied Physics Express.2020,13 (11)

37. 冯天利. Nonlinear optical response of ternary chalcogenide nanoflakes for the pulse generation near 2 μm .Optical materials.2021 (114)

38. 冯天利. A Watt-level noise-like Tm-doped fiber oscillator by nonlinear polarization rotation .Applied Physics Express.2021 (14)

39. 冯天利. An investigation into self-pulsing behavior in an Er-doped ring laser .Applied Physics Express.2020 (13)

40. 冯天利. 27W 2.1μm OPCPA system for coherent soft X-ray generation operating at 10 kHz .Optics Express.2020 (6)

41. 冯天利. 高重复频率光参量啁啾脉冲放大器研究进展 .中国激光.2021 (12)

42. 冯天利. MXene Ti3C2Tx (T =F, O, or OH) saturable absorber for a 2 μm doubly Q-switched laser with AOM .OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY Journal.2021 (1)

43. 冯天利. Chemical vapor deposition synthesized monolayer MoS2 for Q-switching pulse generation in the 2μm spectral region .optical material express.2020 (9)

44. 黄佳诚. Optical modulation of magnesium 2,5-dihydroxyterephthalate saturable absorber for passively Q-switched 2 mu m solid-state laser .Applied Physics Express.2020,13 (11)

45. 梁洋洋. Nano-seconds pulsed Er:Lu2O3 laser using molybdenum ditelluride saturable absorber .光学和激光技术.2020,121

46. 梁洋洋. Mid-infrared Q-switch performance of ZrC .Photonics research.2020,8 (12):1857

47. 李国强. Passively Q-switched Er:Lu2O3 laser with MXene material Ti4N3Tx (T = F, O, or OH) as a saturable absorber .OPTICS LETTERS Journal.2020,45 (15):4256

48. 高空. Pulsed Tm:Ca(Gd,Lu)AlO4 laser doubly Q-switched by acousto-optic modulator and CVD-grown tungsten disulfide (WS2) .Infrared Physics and Technology.2020,109

49. 牛自群. Dual-loss- modulated Q-switched Tm:Ca(Gd,Lu)AlO4 laser using AOM and a MoS2 nanosheet .Optical Materials Express.2020,10 (3):752

50. T. Feng*, et.al., 27W 2.1 μm OPCPA system for coherent soft X-ray generation operating at 10 kHz, Optics Express, 28, 8724 (2020).

51. J. Shang, T. Feng*, Saturable absorption characteristics of Bi2Se3 in a 2 μm Q-switching bulk laser, Optics Express, 28, 5639 (2020).

52. K. Gao, Z. Pan, T. Feng*, Graphitic Carbon Nitride Q-Switched Tm:CNNGG Laser at 2 Micrometer Wavelength Region, Photonics Technology Letters, 32, 162 (2020).

53. P. Rustige†, T. Feng†, et.al. Influence of the Doppler effect of a periodically moving mirror on the carrier-envelope frequency of a pulse train, Opt. Lett. 44, 5246 (2019) (共同第一作者)

54. T. Feng*, et.al. Electric-field induced second-harmonic generation of femtosecond pulses in atmospheric air, Appl.Phys.Lett. 112,241101 (2018)

55. N. Raabe†, T. Feng†, et.al. Role of intrapulse coherence in carrier-envelope phase stabilization, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 123901 (2017) (共同第一作者)

56. T. Feng, et.al. Passively mode-locked Nd:LuAG laser at 1338 nm, Optics Material Express, 6,1-7 (2016).

57. T. Feng*, et.al. Intracavity measurement of the electro-optic Kerr effect via carrier-envelope phase demodulation, Opt. Lett. 41, 5158-5161 (2016)

58. T. Feng, et.al. Efficient CW dual-wavelength and passively Q-switched Tm:LuAG lasers. Photonics Technology Letters, 27, 7-10 (2015).

59. T. Feng, et.al. 1.21 W passively mode-locked Tm:LuAG laser, Optics Express, 23,11819-11825 (2015).

60. T. Feng, et.al. The Investigation on Diode-pumped Wavelength Tunable and Actively Q-switched Tm, Mg: LiTaO3 Lasers. Photonics Technology Letters, 26, 1546-1548 (2014).

61. T. Feng, et.al. Diode-pumped continuous wave and passively Q-switched Tm, Mg: LiTaO3 lasers, Optics Express, 22, 3818-3823 (2014).

62. T. Feng, et.al. Passively Q-switched lasers at 1.06 μm with graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes D2O dispersion, Optical Materials, 36, 1270-1273 (2014).

63. T. Feng, et.al. Optimization of diode-pumped doubly Q-switched mode-locked laser with electro-optic modulator and GaAs saturable absorber, Optics Laser &Technology, 54, 371–375 (2013).

64. T. Feng, et.al. A diode-pumped passively Q-switched Tm, Ho:YAP laser with a single-walled carbon nanotube, Laser Physics Letter, 10, 095001-6 (2013).

65. T. Feng, et.al. Diode-pumped continuous wave tunable and graphene Q-switched Tm:LSO lasers, Optics Express,21, 24665-24673 (2013).

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