Paper Publications
- [31] fushujun , wangwenqia and Fuzheng Gao. A feature-dependent fuzzy bidirectional flow for adaptive image sharpening. Neurocomputing, 70, 883, 2007.
- [32] fushujun and wangwenqia. Geometry-driven nonlinear equation with an accelerating coupled scheme for image enhancement. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4487, 490, 2007.
- [33] fushujun and wangwenqia. Region-based fuzzy shock filter with anisotropic diffusion for adaptive image enhancement. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 345, 1036, 2006.
- [34] fushujun and wangwenqia. Feature-oriented fuzzy shock-diffusion equation for adaptive image resolution enhancement. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4223, 874, 2006.
- [35] fushujun. Adaptive filtering with self-similarity for low-dose CT imaging. Optik, 126, 4949, 2015.
- [36] fushujun. An efficient classification method based on principal component and sparse representation. Springerplus, 5, 2016.
- [37] fushujun. Retinal image enhancement using robust inverse diffusion equation and self-similarity filtering. Plos one, 11, 2016.
- [38] fushujun and wangwenqia. 基于各向异性扩散方程的局部非纹理图像修整与去噪. 《信号处理》, 23, 548, 2007.
- [39] fushujun and wangwenqia. 带有局部耦合项的冲击扩散方程与图像锐化. 光电子·激光, 18, 245, 2007.
- [40] fushujun , liyu and wangwenqia. 基于各向异性扩散方程的超声图像去噪与边缘增强. 电子学报, 33, 1191, 2005.