Paper Publications
- [61] wangwenqia and fushujun. Region-based shock-diffusion equation for adaptive image enhancement. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4153, 387, 2006.
- [62] wangwenqia and fushujun. Combining bidirectional flow equation and fuzzy sets for adaptive image sharpening. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 23, 1565, 2007.
- [63] wangwenqia , Fuzheng Gao and fushujun. A feature-dependent fuzzy bidirectional flow for adaptive image sharpening. Neurocomputing, 70, 883, 2007.
- [64] wangwenqia and fushujun. Feature-oriented fuzzy bidirectional flow for image enhancement. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 4, 155, 2006.
- [65] wangwenqia and fushujun. 基于双向耦合扩散的保持特征的边缘锐化和图像增强. 《计算机学报》, 31, 529, 2008.
- [66] wangwenqia and fushujun. 基于双向耦合扩散的自适应图像插值. 《通信学报》, 28, 29, 2007.
- [67] wangwenqia and fushujun. Region-based anisotropic diffusion with soft shock filter for adaptive image enhancement. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 17, 56, 2008.
- [68] fushujun. Adaptive tight frame based multiplicative noise removal. Springerplus, 5, 2016.
- [69] fushujun. An efficient classification method based on principal component and sparse representation. Springerplus, 5, 2016.
- [70] fushujun. Retinal image enhancement using robust inverse diffusion equation and self-similarity filtering. Plos one, 11, 2016.