Affiliation of Author(s):山东大学第二医院
Journal:mediators of inflammation
All the Authors:yuzhigang,zhoufei,yulixiang,mazhongbing,liuliyuan,gaodezong,zhangqiang,liliang
First Author:刘璐
Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research
Document Code:6E8C08D2491046E181A6D59909DEC38F
Volume: 0
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-06-01
Pre One:Impact of phosphorylated insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor on the outcome of breast cancer patients and the prognostic value of its alteration during neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Next One:Characterization, bioactivity and pharmacokinetic study of a novel carbohydrate-peptide polymer: Glycol-split heparin-endostatin2 (GSHP-ES2)