Paper Publications
- [131] gezhi. Modified heat of hydration and strength models for concrete containing fly ash and slag. Computers and Concrete, 6, 19, 2009.
- [132] gezhi. Characterization and Performance Prediction of Cement-Based Materials Using a Simple Isothermal Calorimeter. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY, 7, 355, 2009.
- [133] gezhi. 基于相场法的砂浆裂纹相互作用失效分析 . 工程科学学报, 38, 841, 2016.
- [134] gezhi. 含钢渣的复合矿物掺合料对胶凝材料及混凝土性能的影响. 《硅酸盐通报》, 2015.
- [135] gezhi. Hydration and strength development in a cement kiln dust-fly ash system. 硅酸盐学报, 2012.
- [136] gezhi. Prediction of pavement concrete strength development, joint sawing, and opening time using FEMLAB. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2012.
- [137] gezhi. Characterization and Performance Prediction of Cement-Based Materials Using a Simple Isothermal Calorimeter . JOURNAL OF ADVANCED CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY, 2009.
- [138] sunrenjuan and gezhi. Mix design of concrete with recycled clay-brick-powder using the orthogonal design method. Construction and building materials, 31, 2012.
- [139] sunrenjuan and gezhi. Physical and mechanical properties of mortar using waste Polyethylene Terephthalate bottles . Construction and building materials, 44, 81, 2013.
- [140] sunrenjuan and gezhi. Properties of plastic mortar made with recycled polyethylene terephthalate. Construction and building materials, 2014.