WISE J141530.7+592234: A Very Low Mass Ratio Contact Binary with Significant Light Curve Variations
  • 发表刊物:
  • 关键字:
    Binary stars (154); Contact binary stars (297); Spectroscopy (1558)
  • 摘要:
    Multi-band photometric observations and period investigations of the total eclipsing binary WISE J141530.7 +592234 (hereinafter J141530), whose mass ratio close to the low mass ratio limit, were carried out for the first time. The stellar atmospheric parameters of the primary component were calculated by the spectral fitting, yielding the following results: Teff = 5890 ± 22 K, [Fe/H] = 0.01 ± 0.03 dex, log g = 4.53 ± 0.04 cm s−2. Our observations show that the light curve of V-band on May 2 is about 0.1 mag brighter than that observed in February and March at phase 0.6. Comparing with the small amplitude (about 0.2 mag), the variations are remarkable. Meanwhile, obvious light curve variations and quick reversal of O’Connell effects are found in Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite data, which is likely caused by magnetic activity. Photometric solutions derived from multi-band light curves indicate that J141530 has a high contact degree ( f ∼ 70%) and a very low mass ratio (q ∼ 0.0546). Based on the O − C diagram, a long-term period increase was found. The period increase rate is calculated to be dP/dt = 3.90 × 10−7 day yr−1, which can be explained by mass transfer from the low mass component to the large mass component. By analyzing the merging criterion, such as the ratio of spin angular momentum (Jspin) to the orbital angular momentum (Jorb), the instability separation and the instability mass ratio, J141530 can be regarded as a potential progenitor of luminous red novae
  • 第一作者:
    Difu Guo , Kai Li, Fen Liu, Huaizhen Li, Xinyi Liu, and Xu Chen
  • 论文类型:
  • 是否译文:
  • 发表时间:
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