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- [11] 郭红梅. the effect of estrogen on cytoplasmic Ca concentration of masticatory muscles myoblast in acid co.... 4th International Conference on Bioinformatic, 0, 2010.
- [12] 郭红梅. Rare Periodontal Ligament Drainage for Periapical Inflammation of an Adjacent Tooth: A Case Repor.... Case reports in dentistry, 2014.
- [13] 郭红梅. Coinfection with Fusobacterium nucleatum can enhance the attachment and invasion of Porphyromonas.... ARCH ORAL BIOL, 2015.
- [14] 郭红梅. Human gingiva-derived mesenchymal stromal cells contribute to periodontal regeneration in beagle .... Cells Tissues Organs, 2013.
- [15] 郭红梅. Coinfection with Fusobacterium nucleatum can enhance the attachment and invasion of Porphyromonas.... ARCH ORAL BIOL, 2015.
- [16] 郭红梅. Rare Periodontal Ligament Drainage for Periapical Inflammation of an Adjacent Tooth: A Case Repor.... Case reports in dentistry, 2014.
- [17] 郭红梅. Human gingiva-derived mesenchymal stromal cells contribute to periodontal regeneration in beagle .... Cells Tissues Organs, 2013.
- [18] 郭红梅. 17β-雌二醇对大鼠咀嚼肌成肌细胞内钙离子影响的实验研究. 华西口腔医学杂志, 2007.
- [19] 郭红梅. the effect of estrogen on cytoplasmic Ca concentration of masticatory muscles myoblast in acid co.... 4th International Conference on Bioinformatic, 0, 2010.