Paper Publications
- [41] guowei , luxudong , lihui and 郭伟. Short-Term Load Forecasting of Virtual Machines Based on Improved Neural Network. IEEE Access 中科院SCI二区, 7, 121037, 2019.
- [42] liujing , Cui Lizhen , guowei , lihui , xuefuzhong and 卞伟玮. 基于网络爬虫技术的健康医疗大数据采集整理系统. 《山东大学学报》(医学版), 55, 47, 2017.
- [43] guowei , Cui Lizhen and 郭伟. A Cloud Resources Placement Method Supporting SaaS Applications with Multi-Dimensional and Heterogeneous Requirements. Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers, 28, 1225, 2018.
- [44] wangxinjun , guowei and 王新军. Workflow-Based Dynamic Adaptive Data Replica Placement Method. (WISA 2014)2014 11th Web Information System and Application Conference, 2014.
- [45] wangxinjun , guowei and 王新军. A framework for workload aware SaaS platform data management. 《Journal of Computational Information Systems》, 10, 2014.
- [46] wangxinjun , guowei and 王新军. A Data Placement Strategy Based on Genetic Algorithm in Cloud Computing Platform. (WISA 2013)2013 10th Web Information System and Application Conference, 1, 369, 2013.
- [47] wangxinjun , guowei , Cui Lizhen and 王新军. The Design and Evaluation of a Strategy of Data Placement in Cloud Computing Platform. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON SMART SENSING AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, 2014.
- [48] wangxinjun , guowei , Cui Lizhen and 王新军. A Community Cloud Platform Model Supporting Cross-Domain Business Collaboration. IJCCE(International Journal of Communication Engineering), Vol.2, 44, 2013.
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