Cindy Guo
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  1. PFKFB3 是一个编码可诱导的6-磷酸果糖2激酶(iPFK2)的基因,主要在脂肪组织中大量表达。6-磷酸果糖2激酶催化产生2,6-二磷酸果糖,后者能激活6-磷酸果糖1激酶,从而提高糖酵解。糖酵解的激活与脂肪细胞的脂肪合成密切相关。不断进行的糖酵解能生成大量3-磷酸甘油和乙酰辅酶A,两者是合成甘油三酯的底物。因此,6-磷酸果糖2激酶在脂肪组织中通过刺激糖酵解来增加脂肪储存。小鼠的PFKFB3基因的缺失能减少高脂食物诱导的小鼠体重以及总脂肪含量的增加,但高脂食物诱导的脂肪组织炎症反应、系统性代谢失常和胰岛素抵抗却明显加重。PFKFB3的过量表达增加小鼠的体重,但减轻高脂诱导的炎症反应和胰岛素抵抗。PFKFB3对营养过剩引起的脂肪组织炎症反应和系统性IR有重要调控作用。选择性激活PFKFB3基因或许能成为预防或治疗胰岛素抵抗及2型糖尿病的有效方法。

  2. 棕榈油酸(palmitoleate or palmitoleic acid,PO)是一种16碳单不饱和脂肪酸(16:1n7),可从饮食中获得,主要来源于海产油脂,也存在于母乳、动物脂肪和植物油脂(例如榴莲)中。也可以由脂肪细胞生成内源性的棕榈油酸。给小鼠灌胃棕榈油酸能够增加血液循环中的棕榈油酸水平并增加系统胰岛素敏感度。在高脂诱导的脂肪肝小鼠中,棕榈油酸使肝脏胰岛素信号通路则增强。另外,棕榈油酸降低肝脏中巨噬细胞的数量并通过抑制核因子κB p65的磷酸化来减少炎症反应。我们用棕榈油酸处理原代肝细胞和巨噬细胞发现棕榈油酸能够抑制核因子κB p65的磷酸化并降低炎症因子包括肿瘤坏死因子α和白介素6的释放。

Time: the 2015-02-11 hits: 1121 author: zhang haihua

This is a real visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? Not everyone can immediately think of. Need guidance at this time, the product manager can use substitution method to inspire you, find the factors that play a role, namely some elements are replaced with other similar elements in the scene, look at the scene can also set up.

This is a real visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? Not everyone can immediately think of. Need guidance at this time, the product manager can use substitution method to inspire you, find the factors that play a role, namely some elements are replaced with other similar elements in the scene, look at the scene can also set up.

This is a real visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? Not everyone can immediately think of. Need guidance at this time, the product manager can use substitution method to inspire you, find the factors that play a role, namely some elements are replaced with other similar elements in the scene, look at the scene can also set up.

This is a real visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? Not everyone can immediately think of. Need guidance at this time, the product manager can use substitution method to inspire you, find the factors that play a role, namely some elements are replaced with other similar elements in the scene, look at the scene can also set up.

This is a real visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? Not everyone can immediately think of. Need guidance at this time, the product manager can use substitution method to inspire you, find the factors that play a role, namely some elements are replaced with other similar elements in the scene, look at the scene can also set up.

This is a real visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? Not everyone can immediately think of. Need guidance at this time, the product manager can use substitution method to inspire you, find the factors that play a role, namely some elements are replaced with other similar elements in the scene, look at the scene can also set up.

This is a real visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? Not everyone can immediately think of. Need guidance at this time, the product manager can use substitution method to inspire you, find the factors that play a role, namely some elements are replaced with other similar elements in the scene, look at the scene can also set up.

This is a real visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? Not everyone can immediately think of. Need guidance at this time, the product manager can use substitution method to inspire you, find the factors that play a role, namely some elements are replaced with other similar elements in the scene, look at the scene can also set up.

上一页:visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? No
下一页:visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? No
Personal information

Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Gender : Female

Alma Mater : Texas A&M University

Education Level : With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Degree : Doctor

Status : Employed

School/Department : 公共卫生学院

Date of Employment : 2017-09-14

Business Address : 公共卫生学院305

Contact Information : 0531-88382135

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Honors and Titles:

山东大学2021年齐鲁医学院青年教师全英文授课比赛一等奖  2021-06-01

2020年度山东大学青年教师教学比赛中评为“教学能手”称号  2021-01-01

2020年度山东大学青年教师教学比赛二等奖  2020-12-01

山东大学2019年MBBS项目青年教师全英文授课比赛三等奖  2019-05-15

第一届山东省公共卫生与预防医学青年教师微课比赛一等奖  2019-11-06

2018年山东大学公共卫生学院青年教师比赛二等奖  2018-12-01

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