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- [241] 何京良 , 陶绪堂 , 张百涛 and 贾志泰. Continuous wave and passively Q-switched laser performance of Nd:LuxGd3-xGa5O12 crystal at 1062 n.... laser physics letters, 2012.
- [242] 吴拥中 , 何京良 and 郝霄鹏. Large energy laser pulses with high repetition rate by graphene Q-switched solid-state laser. Optics Express, 19, 9950, 2011.
- [243] 张百涛 , 何京良 , 陶绪堂 , 董春明 and 贾志泰. Diode-end-pumped passively mode-locked Nd:GAGG laser at 1.3 um with SESAM. laser physics letters, 2012.
- [244] 张百涛 , 杨克建 , 王瑞华 , 何京良 and 苏现翠. Bismuth quantum dots as an optics saturable absorber for a 1.3 mu m Q-switched solid-state laser. Applied Optics, 58, 1621, 2019.
- [245] 何京良 , 赵圣之 , 李明 , 李涛 , 乔文超 , 张百涛 and 杨克建. Soliton mode-locking and nonlinearity characterization of Yb3+:Y2SiO5 crystal. Optical Engineering, 2018.
- [246] 张百涛 , 何京良 , 赵圣之 , 李涛 , 乔文超 and 杨克建. Silicon-nanoparticle-based broadband optical modulators for solid-state lasers. Optics Letters, 2018.
- [247] 何京良 , 赵圣之 , 赵佳 , 李涛 , 乔文超 , 李桂秋 , 李德春 , 张百涛 and 杨克建. Ferroferric-Oxide Nanoparticle Based Optical Modulator for 2 μm Spectral Region. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS Journal, 2018.
- [248] 王瑞华 , 何京良 , 张百涛 and 杨克建. Passively Q-switched mode-locked Ho,Pr:LiLuF4 laser operating at 2.9 μm with semiconductor satur.... Applied physics express, 2018.
- [249] 张百涛 , 杨克建 , 何京良 and 聂鸿坤. Watt-Level Continuous-Wave and Black Phosphorus Passive Q-Switching Operation of Ho<sup>3+</sup>,.... IEEE J Sel Top Quantum Electron, 24, 2018.
- [250] 何京良 and Sun, Shijia. Two novel Yb:YAG-based garnet solid solutions with broader spectral bandwidth. Journal of Luminescence, 181, 179, 2017.