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- [311] 何京良. High-stability passively mode-locked laser based on dual SESAM. Appl. Phys. B, 116:, 347, 2014.
- [312] 张百涛 , 王瑞华 and 何京良. Dual-wavelength passively mode-locked Nd:LGGG laser with sesam. IEEE Photonic Tech. Lett., 26, 40, 2014.
- [313] 张百涛 , 王瑞华 and 何京良. A tri-wavelength synchronous mode-locked Nd:SYSO laser with a semiconductor saturable absorber mi.... Laser Phys. Lett. 11 (2014), 11, 035803, 2014.
- [314] 何京良. The laser performance of a novel disordered Yb:CTGG crystal. Optical Materials, 36, 2014.
- [315] 何京良. Nanosecond nonlinear ?erenkov conical beams generation by intracavity sum frequency mixing in KT.... Opt. Lett., 38, 576, 2013.
- [316] 何京良. Efficient Raman Laser Based on Bulk α-BaTeMo2O9 Crystals. Appl. Phys. Express, 6, 042401, 2013.
- [317] 张百涛 , 王瑞华 and 何京良. Dual-wavelength synchronously passively mode-locked Nd:LGGG 1.3 μm laser with SESAM. laser physics letters, 10, 045807, 2013.
- [318] 王瑞华 and 何京良. 1342 nm High-Power Picosecond Pulse Generation by a Passively Mode-Locked Nd:YVO4 Laser. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25, 1506, 2013.
- [319] 何京良. 双饱和吸收镜被动锁模脉冲动力学过程分析. 中国激光, 2013, 40, 0602002, 2013.
- [320] 何京良. High-efficiency femtosecond Yb:Gd3Al0.5Ga4.5O12 mode-locked laser based on reduced graphene oxide. Opt. Lett,, 38, 4189, 2013.