所属院部: 化学与化工学院
  • 教师拼音名称:
    Zhang Heng
  • 入职时间:
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  • 办公地点:
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  • 联系方式:
    zhangheng@sdu.edu.cn +86-531-88366428
  • 学位:
  • 在职信息:
  • 毕业院校:
  • 硕士生导师
  • 2018-9 — 2022-9
  • 2011-9 — 2014-6
  • 2007-9 — 2011-6
  • 2004-9 — 2007-6
  • 2023-09-至今
  • 2016-09 — 2023-08
  • 2014-07 — 2016-08

1.  林猛. 物理化学理论授课-实践验证-模拟分析联合教学模式探索——以表面张力为例.  大学化学,  2024. 

2.  孙封凯. Permeability-Controlled Probe for Ratiometric Detection of Plasma Membrane Integrity and Late Apoptosis.  ACS SENSORS,  2024. 

3.  崔鹏. Adsorption dynamics of heavy oil droplets on silica: Effect of asphaltene anionic carboxylic.  《JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR GRAPHICS & MODELLING》,  133,  2024. 

4.  张恒. Molecular Dynamics Study on Adsorption and Desorption of the Model Oligosaccharide above Polymer Antifouling Membranes.  LANGMUIR,  2024. 

5.  张恒. 多学科融合背景下综合开放创新化学实验教学体系及平台建设与实践.  大学化学,  2024. 

6.  崔鹏. Investigating aggregation of heavy oil droplets: Effect of asphaltene anionic carboxylic.  Chemical Physics Letters,  2024. 

7.  余新东. Atomistic Insights into the Influence of High Concentration H2O2/H2O on Al Nanoparticles Combustion: ReaxFF Molecules Dynamics Simulation.  MOLECULES,  2024. 

8.  崔鹏. Theoretical investigation of asphaltene molecules in crude oil viscoelasticity enhancement.  Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling,  2023. 

9.  张恒. “考古”陶片中酒类残留的分析检测.  大学化学,  38,  207-213, 2023. 

10.  张恒. 《分子模拟》教材建设的探索与实践.  大学化学,  38,  1-8, 2023. 

11.  马莹. 新文科背景下理论与实践相结合的考古化学教学模式探索.  大学化学,  38,  1-7, 2022. 

12.  张恒. 分子及团簇的分子动力学模拟——介绍一个计算化学实验.  大学化学,  1-9, 2022. 

13.  苑士登. Theoretical insights into the uptake of sulfonamides onto phospholipid bilayers: Mechanisms, interaction and toxicity evaluation.  JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,  2022. 

14.  张恒. Molecular dynamics study on adsorption and desorption of lysozyme above polymer antifouling membranes.  Colloid and Surface A,,  2022. 

15.  张恒. Molecular Dynamics Study on Properties of Hydration Layers above Polymer Antifouling Membranes.  Molecules,  2022. 

16.  苑士登. Mechanistic study of the adsorption and penetration of modified SiO2 nanoparticles on cellular membrane.  CHEMOSPHERE,  2022. 

17.  刘沙沙. Molecular Dynamics Simulation for the Demulsification of O/W Emulsion under Pulsed Electric Field.  Molecules,  8,  2022. 

18.  张恒. Effect of pH on caffeine removal from aqueous media by graphene/ graphene oxide adsorption.  COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINE,  2022. 

19.  林豪禹. On the HOMFLY polynomials of even trigonal bipyramid links.  Journal of Mathematical Chemistry,  60,  542, 2022. 

20.  王雪玉. Degradation evaluation of acrylamide in advanced oxidation processes based on theoretical method: Mechanisms, kinetics, toxicity evaluation and the role of soil particles.  JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,  2022. 

21.  苑士登. Molecular insights into the uptake of SiO2 nanoparticles on phospholipid membrane: Effect of surface properties and particle size.  Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,  2022. 

22.  苑士登. Atomistic insights into uptake of hydrogen peroxide by TiO2 particles as a function of humidity.  Journal of Molecular Liquids ,  2022. 

23.  苑士登. Atomistic insights into heterogeneous reaction of formic acid on mineral oxide particles.  CHEMOSPHERE,  2022. 

24.  王雪玉. Understanding the properties of methyl vinyl ketone and methacrolein at the air-water interface: Adsorption, heterogeneous reaction and environmental impact analysis.  CHEMOSPHERE Journal,  283,  2021. 

25.  周艺. Molecular Recognition of the Self-Assembly Mechanism of Glycosyl Amino Acetate-Based Hydrogels.  ACS Omega,  6,  21801, 2021. 

26.  白慧. Simulative Analysis of a Family of DNA Tetrahedrons Produced by Changing the Twisting Number of Each Double Helix.  JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOPHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY,  20,  529, 2021. 

27.  李鼎. Determination of Minimum Miscibility Pressure of CO2–Oil System: A Molecular Dynamics Study.  Molecules,  26,  2021. 

28.  管兆永. Molecular Recognition of the Self-Assembly Mechanism of Glycosyl Amino Acetate-Based Hydrogels.  ACS Omega,  2021. 

29.  宗兆辉. The origin of supramolecular chirality in 1-ferrocenyl amino acids.  DaltonTrans,  50,  9695, 2021. 

30.  刘沙沙. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Pulsed Electric Field O/W Emulsion Demulsification.  CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,  42,  2170, 2021. 

31.  梁君聪. Hierarchically Evolved Supramolecular Chirality Mediated by Arene-Perfluoroarene Interaction.  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,  13,  29170, 2021. 

32.  吕国春. Insight into the formation of organosulfur compounds from the reaction of methyl vinyl ketone with sulfite radical in atmospheric aqueous phase.  Science of The Total Environment ,  774,  2021. 

33.  杜英喆. A study of influence factors to improve the heat transfer of pure-polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS): A molecular dynamics study.  Colloids and Surfaces A,  618,  2021. 

34.  张恒. 分子动力学模拟在三次采油中的应用.  Scientia Sinica Chimica,  56,  2021. 

35.  苑士登. Atomistic insights into resistance to oxidation of Si (111) grafted different organic chains.  计算材料科学,  191,  2021. 

36.  苑士登. Atomistic insights into heterogeneous reaction of hydrogen peroxide on mineral oxide particles.  Applied Surface Science,  556,  2021. 

37.  苑士登. Atomistic Insights into Oxidation of Chemical Passivated Silicon (100) Surface: Reactive Molecular Dynamic Simulations.  CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY Journal,  39,  896, 2021. 

38.  杜英喆. Effect of salt-resistant monomers on viscosity of modified polymers based on the hydrolyzed poly-acrylamide (HPAM): A molecular dynamics study.  Journal of Molecular Liquids,  325,  2021. 

39.  苑士登. Reactive molecular dynamics on the oxidation of passivated H-terminated Si (111) surface: 1-Alkynes vs 1-Alkenes.  COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINE,  2020. 

40.  马莹. 考古化学课程建设探索与实践.  大学化学,  36,  47-53, 2020. 

41.  邢鹏遥. Modular Molecular Self-Assembly for Diversified Chiroptical Systems.  Small,  2020. 

42.  马莹. 虚拟仿真实验项目助力实验课在线教学.  大学化学,  35,  223-228, 2020. 

43.  杜英喆. Molecular Dynamics Study on the Suitable Compatibility Conditions of a CO2-Cosolvent-Light Hydrocarbon System by Calculating the Solubility Parameters.  ENERGY & FUELS Journal,  34,  3483, 2020. 

44.  马莹. 无机及分析化学实验课程中学生创新能力培养探索.  化学教育中英文,  41,  52-54, 2020. 

45.  张恒. Ultrathin Supramolecular Architectures Self-Assembled from a C3-Symmetric Synthon for Selective Metal Binding.  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,  2020. 

46.  苑士登. Reactive Molecular Dynamics on the Oxidation of H-Si(100) Surface: Effect of Humidity and Temperature.  The Journal of Physical Chemestry C,  124,  1932, 2020. 

47.  马莹. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Adsorption of Methylene Blue by Graphene Oxide.  2004 43RD IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL (CDC), VOLS 1-5,  40,  2534, 2019. 

48.  张恒. 氧化石墨烯吸附亚甲基蓝的分子动力学模拟.  高等学校化学学报,  2019. 

49.  张恒. 拔尖计划特色课分子模拟实验中的思政案例设计.  大学化学,  34,  82-87, 2019. 

50.  马莹. 化学专业拔尖学生培养体系的探索与实践——以山东大学为例.  大学化学,  34,  23-26, 2019. 

51.  张恒. 分子模拟实验课程建设的探索与实践.  大学化学,  34,  26-31, 2019. 

52.  张恒 , 孙孝敏  and 吕国春. Understanding the properties of methanesulfinic acid at the air-water interface.  Science of The Total Environment ,  2019. 

53.  刘刚 , 张恒 , 苑世领  and 朱庆增 (Qingzeng Zhu). 碱/ 脲水溶液体系中纤维素包合物构型及纤维素与溶剂分子间相互作用力的分子动力学模拟.  高等学校化学学报,  2018. 

54.  刘刚 , 张恒 , 苑世领  and 朱庆增 (Qingzeng Zhu). A molecular dynamics study of cellulose inclusion complexes in NaOH/urea aqueous solution.  Carbohydrate Polymers,  185,  12, 2018. 

55.  Cui, Peng. Molecular dynamics study on mechanism of preformed particle gel transporting through nanopores: Surface chemistry and heterogeneity.  Chemical Physics Letters,  685,  294, 2017. 

56.  张恒. 预交联凝胶颗粒在纳米孔道中的运移机制.  19-20, 2017. 

57.  张恒. 分子间弱相互作用的计算——构建氢键、卤键势能面.  大学化学,  32,  44-48, 2017. 

58.  马莹 , 苑世领  and 张恒. Molecular dynamics study on mechanism of preformed particle gel transporting through nanopores:Deformation and Dehydration.  JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,  2016. 

59.  马莹 , 苑世领  and 张恒. 分子模拟研究醇醚类表面活性剂耐盐机理.  《山大学报》,  51,  126, 2016. 

60.  苑世领 , 张恒  and 刘刚. Tetraalkylammonium interactions with dodecyl sulfate micelles: a molecular dynamics study.  Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,  2016. 

61.  张恒 , 苑世领 , 马莹  and 刘刚. Molecular dynamics study on mechanism of preformed particle gel transporting through nanopores: surface hydration.  RSC advances,  2015. 

62.  刘刚 , 苑世领 , 张恒  and 刘成卜. Monte Carlo模拟研究有机分子的模板诱导定位沉积.  中国科学:化学,  45,  1271, 2015. 

63.  张恒 , 苑世领  and 刘刚. A kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of surface micro?uidic patterning organic molecules based on anisotropic wetting.  Chemical Physics Letters,  2015. 

64.  苑世领  and 张恒. 阴-非离子表面活性剂的结构性质.  齐鲁工业大学学报,  2015. 

65.  张恒 , 苑世领  and 马莹. 部分水解的预交联凝胶型聚丙烯酰胺的水化层结构.  《高等学校化学学报》,  36,  386, 2015. 

66.  张恒  and 苑世领. Step-edge induced area selective growth: a kinetic Monte Carlo study.  RSC advances,  4,  25005, 2014. 

67.  张恒  and 苑世领. 溶菌酶蛋白与聚合物防污膜相互作用的分子动力学模拟.  《高分子学报》,  0,  99, 2014. 

68.  张恒  and 苑世领. 聚合物防污材料表面水化层的分子动力学模拟.  化学学报 2013, 71:649-656,  71,  649, 2013. 

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