

  • 华东师范大学
  • 北京体育大学
  • 山东第一医科大学
  • 山东省营养学会运动营养专委会委员






(1) 武庆旭.Systemic Modulators: Potential Mechanism for the 5-HT System to Mediate Exercise Amelioration in Alzheimer's Disease.AGING AND DISEASE.2024 (2024.0834. )

(2) 尹淑婷.Walking more, not faster, is associated with bone health in China of community-dwelling older women:A cross-sectional study.PREVENTIVE MEDICINE.2023 (175)

(3) Association between physical activity, sedentary behavior patterns with bone health among Chinese older women.BONE.2024 (181)

(4) 李婷.高强度间歇训练在改善老年人认知功能中的应用及机制研究进展.《中国康复医学杂志》.2023,38 (12):1777-1784

(5) 张宪亮.步行如何影响老年女性衰弱状态:步数还是步行强度?.上海体育大学学报.2024,48 (05):73-80

(6) 张宪亮.老年女性体质健康促进:基于模式与组合的身体活动建议.体育科学.2023,43 (1):34-40,49

(7) Associations between objectively measured pattern of physical activity, sedentary behavior and fear of falling in Chinese community-dwelling older women.Geriatric Nursing.2022,46 :80-85

(8) 董叶蕾.Impact of Prolonged Sitting Interruption on Blood Glucose, Insulin and Triacylglycerol in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Applied Sciences-Basel.2024 (14)

(9) 杜黎涛.Associations between objectively measured pattern of physical activity, sedentary behavior and fear of falling in Chinese community-dwelling older women.GERIATRIC NURSING.2022 (46)

(10) 时贝贝.Assessing the Effectiveness of eHealth Interventions to Manage Multiple Lifestyle Risk Behaviors Among Older Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH.2024,26 (26)

(11) 卢艳瑜.Associations between accelerometer-measured physical activity and sedentary behaviour with physical function among older women: a cross-sectional study.BMC Public Health.2024 (24)

(12) 李婷.Association of daily step patterns with frailty in community older Chinese women.Geriatric Nursing.2023,54 :94

(13) 李婷.Associations between sedentary behaviour, physical activity and frailty in older Chinese women: A cross-sectional study.Journal of clinical nursing.2023,32 (5-6):825

(14) 杜黎涛.Associations between objectively measured patterns of sedentary behaviour and arterial stiffness in Chinese community-dwelling older women.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR NURSING.2023,22 (4):374

(15) 吴双.Comparative effectiveness of interventions on promoting physical activity in older adults: a systematic review and network meta-analysis.Digital health.2024 (4)

(16) 时贝贝.Association of daily step counts and step intensity with fear of falling in Chinese community-dwelling older women.GERIATRIC NURSING.2023 (1)

(17) 吴双.The association between physical activity and fear of falling among community-dwelling older women in China: the mediating role of physical fitness.Frontiers in Public Health.2023 (11)

(18) 吴双.The effectiveness of wearable activity trackers for increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary time in older adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.Digital health.2023 (9)

(19) 张宪亮.Associations of accelerometer-measured physical activity, sedentary behavior with self-reported insomnia in older women: Does pattern matter?.Sleep Medicine.2023 (104):58

(20) 史佳楠.Estimation of Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass for Women Aged 60-70 Years Using a Machine Learning Approach.JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION .2022,23 (12)

(21) 陈维祺.Brain functional connectivity in middle-aged Hong Chuan Tai Chi players in resting state.INT J ENVIRON RES PUBLIC HEALTH.2022,19 (19)

(22) 陈维祺.Brain Functional Connectivity in Middle-aged Hong Chuan Tai Chi Players in Resting State.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022 (19)

(23) Associations between objectively measured patterns of sedentary behaviour and arterial stiffness in Chinese community-dwelling older women.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR NURSING.2022 (079)

(24) 任晓宇.Prevalence of sarcopenia in Chinese community-dwelling elderly: a systematic review.BMC Public Health.2022,22 (1):1702

(25) Associations between objectively measured pattern of physical activity, sedentary behavior and fear of falling in Chinese community-dwelling older women.Geriatric Nursing.2022 (46)

(26) 张宪亮.Associations between sedentary behaviour, physical activity and frailty in older Chinese women: A cross-sectional study.Journal of clinical nursing.2022 (0):1

(27) 任鹏飞.Reallocating Time Spent in Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior and Its Association with Fear of Falling: Isotemporal Substitution Model.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022,19 (5)

(28) 陈珂.Short Video Viewing, and Not Sedentary Time, Is Associated with Overweightness/Obesity among Chinese Women.NUTRIENTS.2022,14 (6)

(29) 李雪娇.High intensity interval training ameliorates cognitive impairment in T2DM mice possibly by improving PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signaling-regulated autophagy in the hippocampus.Brain research.2021,1773

(30) Effect of High-Intensity Interval Training on Physical Health in Coronary Artery Disease Patients: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease.2021,8 (11)

(31) 脂肪组织氧化应激与运动干预.中国生物化学与分子生物学报.2018 (5)

(32) 脂肪组织在胰岛素抵抗中的作用及其运动调控.《中国运动医学杂志》.2016 (11)

(33) 4周游泳训练通过抑制Netrin-1/UNC5B基因表达改善db/db小鼠脂肪组织炎症.《西安体育学院学报》.2016 (5)

(34) MicroRNA在运动适应中的作用.沈阳体育学院学报.2016 (3)

(35) 一次急性耐力游泳运动对DIO小鼠脂肪组织巨噬细胞介导的慢性炎症的影响.《北京体育大学学报》.2016 (2)

(36) 4周游泳训练对db/db小鼠脂肪组织巨噬细胞介导炎症的影响.《体育学刊》.2015 (5)

(37) 贺强.骨骼肌的内分泌与运动代谢适应.《中国运动医学杂志》.2015,34 (2)

(38) 贺强.参与自噬的相关蛋白质的翻译后修饰.中国生物化学与分子生物学报.2013,29 (9)

(39) 贺强.骨骼肌细胞自噬与运动适应.《中国运动医学杂志》.2013,33 (3)

(40) 贺强.MicroRNA与细胞自噬调节.中国生物化学与分子生物学报.2013,29 (5)

(41) 贺强.耐力训练诱导AMPKα2对鼠骨骼肌pp38和P-MEF2的影响.《体育科学》.2011,30 (10)

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