• 其他栏目


    • 副教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
    • 性别:男
    • 学历:博士研究生毕业
    • 学位:工学博士学位
    • 所在单位:能源与动力工程学院
    • 办公地点:山东大学千佛山校区东配楼
    • 联系方式:0531-88399008 suoyinghe@hotmail.com; s.he@sdu.edu.cn









    [1]      传热传质理论及其工程应用(蒸发冷却、喷嘴/填料蒸发冷却的工程应用);

    [2]      高效能量转换理论与技术(冷却塔的节能节水优化、干湿联合冷却技术);

    [3]      低碳能源及节能新技术(太阳能光伏组件冷却和清洗、光伏光热高效利用技术、空气源热泵技术、先进储能技术)。



    [1]    入选山东大学青年学者未来计划2016年度济南市杰出青年技术创新能手

    [2]     获得中国轻工业联合会科学技术进步奖二等奖,河南省科学技术进步奖二等奖,河南省教育厅科技成果二等奖,山东省高等学校科学技术奖一等奖

    [3]     2023年《中国电力》期刊年度突出贡献青年编委,2023 年《中国电机工程学报》年度优秀审稿专家,2022、2023 年《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》优秀审稿人,山东大学2019年、2022年暑期学校优秀项目,山东大学青年教师教学比赛三等奖,一带一路蒸发冷却空调关键技术与应用论坛优秀论文奖,1st ICSRAC国际会议优秀论文奖,山东省博士后新旧动能转换重大工程专题研究征文三等奖,2023年中国山东博士后创新创业大赛决赛优胜奖

    [4]    山东省研究生优秀成果奖二等奖(指导教师),指导学生参加《全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛》获二等奖1项、三等奖4项;指导学生参加《2016年全国大学生物联网设计竞赛》获华东赛区一等奖

    [5]    UQ Graduate School International Travel Award2011年国家公派研究生




            2011-2015,澳大利亚昆士兰大学,博士,热能工程 (导师: Prof. Hal Gurgenci, Dr. Zhiqiang Guan, Dr. Kamel Hooman)



    [1]    Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing期刊编委、Energies期刊Special Issue编委、Green Energy and Resources期刊青年编委、《中国电力》期刊青年编委

    [2]    教育部学位中心硕士研究生学位论文,评审专家

    [3]    山东省能源行业专家库专家

    [4]    Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energy Conversion and Management, Applied Thermal Engineering, International Journal of Thermal Science, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 中国电机工程学报,中南大学学报,中国电力,流体机械,热力发电等期刊审稿人

    [5]    全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛网评专家



    [15]    浮力驱动下光伏组件干湿联合冷却系统多过程能质传递机理及性能调控机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,在研;

    [14]    低碳智慧供热技术研发中心校企共建,在研;

    [13]    高效干湿联合一体式换热站节水增效关键技术研究,山东省科技厅其他计划,在研;

    [12]    智慧城市供热大脑关键技术研发,山东省科技厅其他计划,在研;

    [11]   太阳能光伏板干湿联合冷却过程的能质传递强化机理研究,山东省自然科学基金面上项目,在研;

    [10]    高效干湿联合一体式换热站节水增效关键技术研究,企事业单位委托项目,在研;

    [9]    智慧空气源热泵系统仿真模拟,企事业单位委托项目,已结题

    [8]    高位收水、节水除雾及噪声防治一体化的机力通风冷却塔数模物模试验研究,企事业单位委托项目,已结题

    [7]    大型湿式冷却塔填料优化布置的数值模拟,企事业单位委托项目,已结题

    [6]    变截面通道浮力驱动气-液两相流动与热质传递耦合机理,能源清洁利用国家重点实验室开放基金,已结题

    [5]  进风预冷的空冷塔喷嘴布置和侧风的协同机理及最优匹配研究,山东省自然科学基金青年项目,已结题;

    [4] 进风预冷的空冷塔喷嘴布置和塔内配风的协同机理研究,中国博士后科学基金第61批面上资助,已结题;

    [3] 基于喷嘴与填料蒸发预冷原理的空冷塔增效机理研究,山东省博士后创新项目,已结题;

    [2] 超大型高位收水冷却塔集水装置风阻特性的实验研究,企事业单位委托项目,已结题;

    [1] 环境气象条件与进塔水温及水量对大型逆流式冷却塔热力特性的影响规律研究,企事业单位委托项目,已结题;





    [36]   Wangrui Liu, Shen Cheng, Jucheng Wang, Huaichen Wang, Zhilan Liu, Zhe Geng, Shuzhen Zhang, Suoying He*, Jianhui Qi, Kuihua Han, Ming Gao, Yuetao Shi. Numerical study on the cooling performance of various arrangements of medium-gap-medium for direct evaporative cooling systems. Applied Thermal Engineering, 236 (2024) 121921.

    [35]   Tiantian Liu, Jucheng Wang, Tianyi Song, Suoying He*, Jianwei Zhan, Zhe Geng, Shuzhen Zhang, Xiang Huang, Jianhui Qi, Ming Gao, Yuetao Shi. Investigation on the spray strategy for the inlet air pre-cooling of natural draft dry cooling tower under typical crosswind. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 239 (2023) 105465.

    [34]   Cuilin Zhao, Mingwei Wang, Qi Gao, Shen Cheng, Suoying He*, Jifang Zhao, Jianwei Zhan, Zhilan Liu, Zhe Geng, Shuzhen Zhang, Jianhui Qi, Ming Gao, Yuetao Shi. Investigation on the cooling performance of mechanical draft dry-wet hybrid cooling tower. Applied Thermal Engineering, 228 (2023) 120473.

    [33]   Qi Zhang, Suoying He*, Tianyi Song, Mingwei Wang, Zhilan Liu, Jifang Zhao, Qi Gao, Xiang Huang, Kuihua Han, Jianhui Qi, Ming Gao, Yuetao Shi. Modeling of a PV system by a back-mounted spray cooling section for performance improvement. Applied Energy, 332 (2023) 120532.

    [32]   Huimin Pang, Chunrong Zhao, Shen Cheng, Mingwei Wang, Qi Gao, Suoying He*, Gengsheng Sun, Guangxu Jiang, Qinggang Sun, Zhilan Liu, Zhe Geng, Shuzhen Zhang, Ming Gao. Investigation on feasible zone of nozzle spray for pre-cooling the inlet air of natural draft dry cooling tower. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 38 (2023) 101650.

    [31]    Suoying He*, Yang Li, Mingwei Wang, Aiping Wang, Abdullah M. Alkhedhair, Hongjun Guan, Xuehong Wu, Yuetao Shi*, Ming Gao. Investigation on the control mechanism of spray pre-cooling the inlet air of natural draft dry cooling tower. Applied Thermal Engineering, 217 (2022) 119186.

    [30]    Qi Zhang, Suoying He*, Jun Cheng, Bin Zhao, Xuehong Wu, Mingxuan Yan, Ming Gao, Zhe Geng, Shuzhen Zhang. Numerical simulation of evaporative cooling process in a medium-gap-medium arrangement. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 179 (2022) 107700.

    [29]    Mengfei Xu, Suoying He*, Jun Cheng, Ming Gao, Yuanshen Lu, Kamel Hooman, Yi Xu, Zhe Geng, Shuzhen Zhang. Investigation on heat exchanger arrangement in solar enhanced natural draft dry cooling towers under various crosswind conditions. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 28 (2021) 101505.

    [28]    Jiayu Miao, Suoying He*, Yuanwei Lu, Yuting Wu, Xuehong Wu, Guanhong Zhang, Ming Gao, Zhe Geng, Shuzhen Zhang. Comparison on cooling performance of pre-cooled natural draft dry cooling towers using nozzles spray and wet medium. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 27 (2021) 101274.

    [27]    Mingxuan Yan, Suoying He*, Na Li, Xiang Huang, Ming Gao, Mengfei Xu, Jiayu Miao, Yuanshen Lu, Kamel Hooman, Jianjun Che, Zhe Geng, Shuzhen Zhang. Experimental investigation on a novel arrangement of wet medium for evaporative cooling of air. International Journal of Refrigeration, 124 (2021) 64–74.

    [26]    Mingxuan Yan, Suoying He*, Ming Gao, Mengfei Xu, Jiayu Miao, Xiang Huang, Kamel Hooman. Comparative study on the cooling performance of evaporative cooling systems using seawater and freshwater. International Journal of Refrigeration, 121 (2021) 23–32.

    [25]    Zhiyu Zhang, Suoying He*, Mingxuan Yan, Ming Gao, Yuetao Shi, Yuanshen Lu, Jiayou Liu, Cong Guo. Numerical study on the performance of a two-nozzle spray cooling system under different conditions. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 152 (2020) 106291.

    [24]    S. He, F. Sabri, Kamel Hooman. Transient natural convection: scale analysis of dry cooling towers. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 139 (2020) 2891−2897.

    [23]    Suoying He*, Zhiyu Zhang, Ming Gao, Fengzhong Sun, Manuel Lucas, Kamel Hooman. Experimental study on the air-side flow resistance of different water collecting devices for wet cooling tower applications. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 190 (2019) 53−60.

    [22] Suoying He*, Guanhong Zhang, Ming Gao, Fengzhong Sun, Xiang Huang. Wind tunnel test on the flow resistance of U-type water collecting devices for natural draft wet cooling towers. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 186 (2019) 234−240.

    [21] Suoying He*, Yi Xu, Guanhong Zhang, Kamel Hooman, Ming Gao, Fengzhong Sun. Selection of wetted media for pre-cooling of air entering natural draft dry cooling towers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 114 (2016) 857−863.

    [20] Suoying He*, Hal Gurgenci, Zhiqiang Guan, Kamel Hooman, Zheng Zou, Fengzhong Sun. Comparative study on the performance of natural draft dry, pre-cooled and wet cooling towers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 99 (2016) 103−113.

    [19] Suoying He*, Hal Gurgenci, Zhiqiang Guan, Xiang Huang, Manuel Lucas. A review of wetted media with potential application in the pre-cooling of natural draft dry cooling towers. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 44 (2015) 407−422.

    [18] Suoying He*, Zhiqiang Guan, Hal Gurgenci, Kamel Hooman, Yuanshen Lu, Abdullah M.Alkhedhair. Experimental study of the application of two trickle media for inlet air pre-cooling of natural draft dry cooling towers. Energy Conversion and Management, 89 (2015) 644−654.

    [17] Suoying He*, Zhiqiang Guan, Hal Gurgenci, Kamel Hooman, Yuanshen Lu, Abdullah M.Alkhedhair. Experimental study of film media used for evaporative pre-cooling of air. Energy Conversion and Management, 87 (2014) 874−884.

    [16] Suoying He*, Zhiqiang Guan, Hal Gurgenci, Ingo Jahn, Yuanshen Lu, Abdullah M.Alkhedhair. Influence of ambient conditions and water flow on the performance of pre-cooled natural draft dry cooling towers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 66 (2014) 621−631.

    [15] Suoying He*, Hal Gurgenci, Zhiqiang Guan, Abdullah M.Alkhedhair. Pre-cooling with Munters media to improve the performance of Natural Draft Dry Cooling Towers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 53 (2013) 67−77.

    [14] 何锁盈, 孙奉仲*, 高明, 赵元宾. 基于填料蒸发预冷原理的自然通风干式冷却塔夏天运行效率的优化. 太阳能学报, 38 (11) (2017) 3022-3028.

    [13] 刘严雪,何锁盈*,张治愚,闫明暄,王蕊,高明,孙奉仲. 双喷嘴布置间距对蒸发冷却性能影响的数值模拟. 中国电机工程学报, 40 (15) (2020) 4910-4918.

    [12] 何锁盈*,王蕊,张治愚,闫明暄,刘严雪,高明. 蓄热层形状对太阳能增效空冷塔换热性能的影响研究. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版), 54 (4) (2021) 405-410.

    [11] 赵斌,谭恒,何锁盈*,曲宏伟,白珍,周腊吾. 高原高寒地区光伏组件背板冷却对输出功率影响的实验研究. 太阳能学报, 43(8) (2022) 122-129.

    [10] 何锁盈,苗佳雨,赵斌,吴学红,耿哲,酆烽,张淑贞,高明. 太阳能电池板自然通风冷却系统流动与传热的数值模拟. 中国电机工程学报, 2022.06.28网络首发.

    [9] 何锁盈*,刘天天,张齐,苗佳雨,张志远,高明. 自然风冷与预喷淋冷却对光伏组件的冷却效果. 西安工程大学学报, 36(04) (2022) 1-9.

    [8] 何锁盈*,高明,史月涛,徐梦菲,孙奉仲. 国际能源转型趋势下大学生节能减排创新训练新模式的探索. 西部素质教育,2020(4)197-198.

    [7] 何锁盈*,高明,徐梦菲,苗佳雨. 新能源技术课程国际化建设的探索与思考. 高教学刊,2021年第1期,74-77.

    [6] 何锁盈, 高明, 史月涛, 孙奉仲, 王妮妮, 赵元宾. 连续填料布置的干湿混合大型冷却塔、冷却系统及方法. 发明专利, 专利号:ZL201611233385.1.

    [5] 何锁盈,张贯虹,高明, 史月涛, 孙奉仲. 一种填料双层布置的蒸发预冷进风空冷塔及其工作方法. 发明专利, 专利号:ZL201810617107.9.

    [4] 何锁盈,张治愚, 史月涛, 高明, 孙奉仲. 一种喷嘴蒸发预冷的自然通风空冷塔及冷却方法. 发明专利, 专利号:ZL201810614093.5.

    [3] 何锁盈, 李娜, 苗佳雨, 徐梦菲, 高明, 史月涛. 一种浮力驱动的光伏板预喷淋冷却系统及冷却方法, 发明专利, 专利号:ZL202010273281.3.

    [2] 何锁盈,刘天天,高明, 史月涛. 一种双面进风间接蒸发冷却冷水机组及冷却系统. 实用新型专利,专利号:ZL202220912826.5.

    [1] 黄翔,邵双全、吴学渊,何锁盈. 绿色数据中心高效适用制冷技术及应用. 北京:机械工业出版社,2021.05. 21世纪高等教育建筑环境与能源应用工程系列教材,ISBN978-7-111-68088-8.







          E-mail: suoyinghe@hotmail.coms.he@sdu.edu.cn

          Tel: 0531-88399008

          Room: 山东大学千佛山校区东配楼