
山东大学软件学院副教授,工学博士,硕士生导师,美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校访问学者,中国计算机学会(CCF)高级会员,CCF大数据专委委员、数据库专委委员、协同计算专委委员,IEEE Transactions on Services Computing、Knowledge and Information Systems、Neural Computing and Applications等多个期刊审稿人和CCF推荐会议PC成员。主要研究领域为时空数据管理与分析、移动服务推荐、服务计算与分布式协同技术、个性化流程管理与服务推荐、智能数据分析与预测等。

主持和参与国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金、山东省自然科学基金、山东省科技发展计划、山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金等国家和省部级项目十余项,在软件学报、中国科学、ACM TKDD、ICDE 2023、IJCAI 2022、ICSOC 2022/2018、DASFAA 2018、ICWS 2014等国内外重要期刊和会议发表论文30余篇,获得山东省科技进步奖一等奖1 项、二等奖2项、计算机应用优秀成果一等奖1项,获国家级教学成果二等奖1项,省级教学成果特等奖1项。





硕士生课程:大数据智能推荐系统(Recommender System with Big Data)英文课程。




1.  服务效能影响因素变化规律定量分析, 国家重点研发计划课题,2021.12 - 2024.11,主持

2.  面向移动用户真实行为场景的个性化服务推荐研究,山东省自然科学基金,2018.03 - 2021.06,主持

3.  多元国际协同的新软件人才培养模式研究与实践,山东省省级教学改革项目,2022.10 – 2024.10,主持

4.  软件定义的云平台智能调度算法研究,山东省自然科学基金智慧计算联合基金,2020.01 – 2022.12,参与(第2位)

5.  多异质信息网络的集成与分析关键问题研究,山东省自然科学基金,2017.08 - 2020.06,参与(第2位)

6.  社区云计算环境中的敏捷流程研究,山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金项目,2010.12 - 2013.12,主持

7.  基于粒度计算的网络服务聚合与协同方法研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2011.01 - 2013.12,参与(第2位)

8.  社会公共服务云平台研发,山东省科技发展计划项目,2010.01-2011.12,主持

9. 以高端复合型国际化人才培养为导向的特色化示范性软件学院建设探索与实践,教育部第二批新工科研究与实践项目,参与(第2位

10. 大数据时代下面向“国产自主可控”GaussDB的数据库课程实践体系更新升级,教育部产学合作协同育人“华为-山东大学新工科建设项目”,2020年,主持

11. 教育部高等学校软件工程专业教指委,特色化示范性软件学院教育改革项目,参与第2位

12. 多元国际协同的新软件人才培养模式研究与实践,山东省省级本科教学改革研究项目,2021年,主持

13. 山东大学研究生国际化课程建设项目,大数据智能推荐系统(Big Data for Recommender System),2020年,主持



1. “三融一化”的拔尖创新软件人才培养模式探索与实践,国家教学成果二等奖,2023,排名:2/14

2. “三融一化”的拔尖创新软件人才培养模式探索与实践,山东省教学成果特等奖,2022,排名:2/10

3. “四位一体”螺旋式“人工智能+X”研究生培养模式研究实践,山东省研究生教学成果二等奖,2022,排名:2/9









1.   一种群组活动推荐方法、系统、电子设备及可读存储介质,ZL202110591196.6,已授权,第一发明人

2.   一种移动服务用户轨迹预测方法及系统,ZL202210500248.9,已授权,第一发明人

3.   基于时间序列的众包服务供需缺口预测方法及系统,ZL202110774605.6,已授权,第一发明人

4.   一种连续POI推荐方法及系统,202210495679.0,已授权,第一发明人

5.   实现C2C通用移动众包的方法、通用移动众包服务器及系统,    ZL201811075623.X,已授权,第一发明人

6.   一种基于知识图谱的电子病历问答方法及系统,ZL202010047420.0    2021.6,已授权

7.   一种移动用户时空轨迹的挖掘和预测方法及系统,202310331408.6,已受理

8.   一种基于知识图谱挖掘的个性化学习路径推荐方法及系统,202010096087.2,已受理

9.   一种基于深度学习的用户兴趣点推荐方法与系统,202011084795.0,已授权

10. 基于深度学习的医学图像报告自动生成方法及系统,202010940977.7,已受理

11. 一种基于医疗健康大数据的数据治理方法及系统,202011097864.1,已授权

12. 一种基于集成学习的SNP交互作用检测系统,202210860224.4,已受理



  1. Shaowei Jiang, Wei He(*), Lizhen Cui, Yonghui Xu, Lei Liu. Modeling Long- and Short-term User Preferences via Self-Supervised Learning for Next POI Recommendation. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, Vol. 17, No. 9, Article 125. June 2023.

  2. Yixin Zhang, Yong Liu, Hao Xiong, Yi Liu, Fuqiang Yu, Wei He, Yonghui Xu, Lizhen Cui, Chunyan Miao. Cross-Domain Disentangled Learning for E-Commerce Live Streaming Recommendation 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(IEEE ICDE 2023, CCF A), April 2023.

  3. Fenglong Cai; Dong Yuan; Mengwei Xie; Wei He; Lanju Kong; Wei Guo; Yali Jiang, Lizhen Cui, ParaTra: A Parallel Transformer Inference Framework for Concurrent Service Provision in Edge Computing, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2023, CCF B), Chicago, IL, USA, 2023.

  4. Xiaofang Sun, Yonghui Xu, Xiangwei Zheng, Wei Guo, Wei He, Yali Jiang, Yongqing Zheng, Lizhen Cui. Brain Functional Residual Temporal Convolution Network for Major Depressive Disorder Recognition2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2023, CCF B)

  5. Xiaojing Yin, Jiwei Huang, Lei Liu, Wei He, Lizhen Cui. An reinforcement learning approach for allocating software resources. Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp. 35(14) (2023)

  6. Yixin Zhang, Yong Liu, Yonghui Xu, Hao Xiong, Lei Chenyi, Wei He, Lizhen Cui, Miao Chunyan. Enhancing Sequential Recommendation with Graph Contrastive Learning. IJCAI 2022 (CCF A), Oct 2022.

  7. Haiting Zhong, Wei He(*), Lizhen Cui, Lei Liu, Zhongmin Yan, Kun Zhao. Joint Attention Networks with Inherent and Contextual PreferenceAwareness for Successive POI Recommendation, Data Science and Engineering, 7, pages370–382 (2022)

  8. Haiting Zhong, Wei He(*), Lizhen Cui, Lei Liu. Combining User Inherent and Contextual Preferences for Online Recommendation in Location-based Services, ICSOC 2022(CCF B Research full paper), LNCS 13740, pp. 316–330, 2022.

  9. Zhaoming Li, Wei He(*), Ning Liu, Yonghui Xu, Lizhen Cui, Kaiyuan Qi. Balancing Supply and Demand for Mobile Crowdsourcing Services, ICSOC 2022(CCF B Research full paper), LNCS 13740, pp. 285–299, 2022.

  10.  Fanglin Zhu, Shunyu Chen, Yonghui Xu, Wei He, Fuqiang Yu, Xu Zhang, Lizhen Cui: Temporal Hypergraph for Personalized Clinical Pathway Recommendation. BIBM 2022: 718-725

  11. Xijie Lin, Yuan Li, Yonghui Xu, Wei Guo, Wei He(*), Honglu Zhang, Lizhen Cui, Chunyan Miao. Personalized Clinical Pathway Recommendation via Attention Based Pre-training. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2021, CCF B), Oct. 2021.

  12. Lizhen Cui, Jing Chen, Wei He(*), Hui Li, Wei Guo & Zhiyuan Su. Achieving Approximate Global Optimization of Truth Inference for Crowdsourcing Microtasks, Data Science and Engineering volume 6, pages294–309 (2021)

  13. Xiaojing Yin, Jiwei Huang, Wei He, Wei Guo, Han Yu, Lizhen Cui: Group task allocation approach for heterogeneous software crowdsourcing tasks. Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. 14(3): 1736-1747 (2021)

  14. Lizhen Cui; Jing Chen; Wei He(*); Wei Guo . Answer Aggregation for Crowdsourcing Microtasks using Approximate Global Optimal Searching. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2020, CCF B)

  15. X LianW He(*),L Cui,H Li,L Liu. Task Assignment with Consensus Decision for Spatial Crowdsouring. IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA 2020, CCF C)

  16. Y ZhangW He(*),L Cui,L Liu,Z Yan. Multi-interest Aware Recommendation in Crowdintell Network. IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA 2020, CCF C)

  17. Lizhen Cui,Jing Chen,Wei He(*),Hui Li,Wei Guo. A Pruned DOM-Based Iterative Strategy for Approximate Global Optimization in Crowdsourcing Microtasks. APWeb-WAIM 2020 (CCF C)

  18. Xiaojing Yin, Jiwei Huang, Lei Liu, Wei He, Lizhen Cui: An Iterative Feedback Mechanism for Auto-Optimizing Software Resource Allocation in Multi-Tier Web Systems. CCGRID 2020: 802-809

  19. 姜芸, 何伟(*), 崔立真, 杨倩, 刘磊. 移动情景和用户轨迹感知的众包服务推荐, 计算机科学与探索, Vol 13, Issue 9, 2019

  20. Yun Jiang, Wei He(*), Lizhen Cui. User Location Prediction in Mobile Crowdsourcing Services. The 16th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2018, CCF B). 2018.11.

  21. Yun Jiang, Wei He(*). Spatial Task Allocation Based on User Trajectory Prediction. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer, 2018.11.

  22. Qing Wang, Wei He(*), Xinjun Wang, Lizhen cui. Quality-Assure and Budget-Aware Task Assignment for Spatial Crowdsourcing. 12th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing (CollaborateCom 2016),2016.11.

  23. 何伟,崔立真,任国珍,李庆忠,李婷.移动计算环境下基于动态上下文的个性化Mashup服务推荐.《中国科学F辑》(《中国科学 信息科学》), 46(6): 1-23, 2016.06.

  24. Wei He, Hui Li, Lizhen Cui, Shuoyan Lu. Maximizing the Availability of Process Services in Mobile Computing Environments. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing. (SCC 2016),2016.06.

  25. Wei He, Guozhen Ren, et al. User Behavioral Context-Aware Service Recommendation for Personalized Mashups in Pervasive Environments. 2015 The 17th Asia Pacific Web Conference. (APWeb 2015). LNCS 9313, pp. 696–707, 2015.10.

  26. Wei He, Qingzhong Li, et al. A Context-based Autonomous Construction Approach for Procedural Mashups. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Web Services. (ICWS 2014, CCF B),2014.06.

  27. Zongshui Xiao, Wei He(*), et al. A context-based collaboration supported framework for E-commerce PaaS platform, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 18th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 2014.5.

  28. 李婷,何伟(*),崔立真,郑永清.基于用户偏好的个性化流程自主构建方法,计算机集成制造系统. 19(8):1906-1912. 2013.08.

  29. Wenlong Li, Wei He(*). An Improved Collaborative Filtering Approach Based on User Ranking and Item Clustering. Internet and Distributed Computing Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2013.10

  30. Zhenchao Zhang, Wei He(*), et al. A component model based on sematic for E‐commerce PaaS platform. 2013 10th Web Information System and Application Conference (WISA2013). 2013.11.

  31. Wei He, Lizhen Cui. A Parallel Approach for Real-Time OLAP Based on Node Performance Awareness. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 207(1):75-88. 2013.06

  32. Wei He, Haiyang Wang. Business process management with group features in pervasive environments. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 2010, Vol.10(10):1334-1349.(SCI IF:0.96)

  33. 何伟,崔立真,等.面向实时ROLAP应用的并行处理方法.第29届中国数据库学术会议(NDBC2012).合肥. 2012.10.

  34. Wei He, Lizhen Cui. An Adaptive Distribution Model for Multi-dimensional Data in Decentralized Environments, WISM 2011(EI, LNCS 6987), 2011.9

  35. 何伟,李庆忠,郑永清,崔立真等.社区云计算环境中的一种数据分布及搜索策略.计算机研究与发展. 2010, Vol.47(Supp):407-413.

  36. Wei He, Yongqing Zheng, et al. An Efficient Service Search Strategy in Decentralized E-business Environments. 6th International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information. 2010.08.

  37. Wei He,Lixin Du,Lizhen Cui,A Multi‐Dimensional Measuring Model for E‐travel Service in Decentralized Network,1st International Conference on E-Business and E-Government,2010.5

  38. Wei He, Quansheng Jiang. A Mechanism of Self-maintainable Materialized View-based Distributed Database in Maintaining the Data Replication, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2008

  39. Wei He, Haiyang Wang, Lizhen Cui. A True Decentralized Framework for Smart-flow Applications in Pervasive Computing Environments, ICPCA 2008, 2008.

  40. Wei He, Haiyang Wang. A Groupware Supported Workflow Model and its Applications in Pervasive Computing Environments, ICPCA 2007, 2007.

  41. Wei He, Haiyang Wang. A Groupware-supported Workflow Model and its Applications in Electric Power Enterprise, CSCWD 2007

  42. 何伟,王海洋,林宗锴. 普适计算环境中基于群组特性的业务流程管理,软件学报, 2007.12





主要研究领域为时空数据管理与分析、移动服务推荐、服务计算与分布式协同技术、个性化流程管理与服务推荐、智能数据分析与预测等。主持和参与国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金、山东省自然科学基金、山东省科技发展计划、山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金等国家和省部级项目十余项,在软件学报、中国科学、ACM TKDD、ICDE 2023、IJCAI 2022、ICSOC 2022/2018、DASFAA 2018、ICWS 2014等国内外重要期刊和会议发表论文30余篇,获得山东省科技进步奖一等奖1 项、二等奖2项、计算机应用优秀成果一等奖1项,获国家级教学成果二等奖1项,省级教学成果特等奖1项。



(1) A Survey on Federated Recommendation Systems.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS.2024 (early access)

(2) 孙晓芳.Brain Functional Residual Temporal Convolution Network for Major Depressive Disorder Recognition.2023

(3) 崔立真.Achieving Approximate Global Optimization of Truth Inference for Crowdsourcing Microtasks.Data Science and Engineering.2020,6 (3):294-309

(4) 崔立真.A Pruned DOM-Based Iterative Strategy for Approximate Global Optimization in Crowdsourcing?Microtasks.2020,12317 LNCS :779-793

(5) Yin, Xiaojing.Group task allocation approach for heterogeneous software crowdsourcing tasks.International Journal of Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications.2020

(6) 姜少伟.Modeling Long- and Short-term User Preferences via Self-Supervised Learning for Next POI Recommendation.ACM TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY FROM DATA.2023,17 (9)

(7) 张艺馨.Enhancing Sequential Recommendation with Graph Contrastive Learning.2022

(8) Cross-Domain Disentangled Learning for E-Commerce Live Streaming Recommendation.2023

(9) 钟海婷.Combining User Inherent and Contextual Preferences for Online Recommendation in Location-based Services.2022

(10) 李招明.Balancing Supply and Demand for Mobile Crowdsourcing Services.2022

(11) 何伟.Joint Attention Networks with Inherent and Contextual Preference?Awareness for Successive POI Recommendation.Springer Data Science and Engineering.2022,7 (4):370

(12) 何伟.Achieving Approximate Global Optimization of Truth Inference for Crowdsourcing Microtasks.Data Science and Engineering.2021,Vol 6 (Issue 3):294

(13) 徐庸辉.Knowledge Distillation In Medical Data Mining: A Survey.2021

(14) 徐庸辉.Personalized Clinical Pathway Recommendation via Attention Based Pre-training.2021

(15) 何伟.移动情景和用户轨迹感知的众包服务推荐.计算机科学与探索.2019,13 (9)

(16) 鹿旭东.供需匹配中的非诚信行为预防.《计算机科学》.2021,48 (4)

(17) 何伟.Answer Aggregation for Crowdsourcing Microtasks using Approximate Global Optimal Searching.2020

(18) 何伟.Multi-interest Aware Recommendation in Crowdintell Network.2020

(19) 何伟.Task Assignment with Consensus Decision for Spatial Crowdsouring.2020

(20) 崔立真.A Pruned DOM-Based Iterative Strategy for Approximate Global Optimization in Crowdsourcing Microtasks.Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2020,volume 12317 (LNCS, volume 12317):779

(21) 何伟.Spatial Crowdsourcing Task Assignment Based on the Qality of Workers.2018

(22) 崔立真.A Context-based Autonomous Construction Approach for Procedural Mashups .IEEE ICWS 2014 (CCF B类会议).2014,1 (1):487

(23) 何伟.Task Assignments in Complex Collaborative Crowdsourcing.2018

(24) 何伟.Spatial Crowdsourcing Task Assignment Based on the Qality of Workers.2018

(25) 何伟.Spatial Task Allocation Based on User Trajectory Prediction.2018

(26) 何伟.User Location Prediction in Mobile Crowdsourcing Services.Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2018,LNCS 11236 (C. Pahl et al. (Eds.): ICSOC 2018, LNCS 11236):515

(27) 刘磊.Answer Aggregation of Crowdsourcing Employing an Improved EM-Based Approach.2018

(28) 王青.Quality-Assure and Budget-Aware Task Assignment for Spatial Crowdsourcing.COLLABORATE COMPUTING: NETWORKING, APPLICATIONS AND WORKSHARING, COLLABORATECOM 2016.2017,201 :60

(29) 何伟.Business process management with group features in pervasive environments.Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing.2010,10 (10):1334

(30) 何伟.Quality-Assure and Budget-Aware Task Assignment for Spatial Crowdsourcing.12th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing (CollaborateCom 2016).2016

(31) 何伟.A Context-based Autonomous Construction Approach for Procedural Mashups.2014 IEEE International Conference on Web Services(ICWS 2014).2014,1 (1):487

(32) 何伟.基于节点性能感知的数据仓库并行处理方法.(HPC 2012)全国高性能计算学术年会.2012

(33) 何伟.An Adaptive Distribution Model for Multi-dimensional Data in Decentralized Environments.Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2011,6987 (1):175

(34) 何伟.An Improved Collaborative Filtering Approach Based on User Ranking and Item Clustering.Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2013,8223 (1):134

(35) 何伟.A Parallel Approach for Real-Time OLAP Based on Node Performance Awareness.《Communications in Computer and Information Science》.2013,207 (1):75

(36) 何伟.基于用户偏好的个性化流程自主构建方法.《计算机集成制造系统》.2013,19 (8):1906

(37) 何伟.A component model based on sematic for E-commerce PaaS platform.(WISA 2013)2013 10th Web Information System and Application Conference.2013,1 (1):465

(38) 何伟.User Behavioral Context-Aware Service Recommendation for Personalized Mashups in Pervasive Environments.APWeb 2015. LNCS 9313, pp. 696–707, 2015..2015,1 (1):696

(39) 崔立真.A Context-based Autonomous Construction Approach for Procedural Mashups .IEEE ICWS 2014 (CCF B类会议).2014,1 (1):487

(40) 何伟.An efficient service search strategy in decentralized e-business environments.Proceeding - 6th International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management.2010

(41) 何伟.社区云计算环境中的一种数据分布及搜索策略.《计算机研究与发展》.2010,47 (z1)

(42) 何伟.A context-based collaboration supported framework for E-commerce PaaS platform.Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 18th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2014.2014

(43) 何伟.Maximizing the Availability of Process Services in Mobile Computing Environments.Proceedings - 2016 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2016.2016,1 (1):483

(44) 何伟.移动计算环境下基于动态上下文的个性化Mashup服务推荐.中国科学F辑.2016,46 (6):1

(45) 何伟.A multi-dimensional measuring model for e-travel service in decentralized network.Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, ICEE 2010.2010

(46) 何伟.面向实时ROLAP应用的并行处理方法.第29届中国数据库学术会议.2012,第49卷 (计算机研究与发展增刊Ⅰ(NDBC2012)第29届中国数据库学术会议论文集(B辑)):107

(47) 何伟.Spatial Crowdsourcing Task Assignment Based on the Qality of Workers.2018

(48) 何伟.Spatial Task Allocation Based on User Trajectory Prediction.2018

(49) 何伟.User Location Prediction in Mobile Crowdsourcing Services.2018

(50) 刘磊.Answer Aggregation of Crowdsourcing Employing an Improved EM-Based Approach.2018

(51) 崔立真.A Context-based Autonomous Construction Approach for Procedural Mashups .IEEE ICWS 2014 (CCF B类会议).2014,1 (1):487

(52) 王青.Quality-Assure and Budget-Aware Task Assignment for Spatial Crowdsourcing.COLLABORATE COMPUTING: NETWORKING, APPLICATIONS AND WORKSHARING, COLLABORATECOM 2016.2017,201 :60

(53) 何伟.Maximizing the Availability of Process Services in Mobile Computing Environments.Proceedings - 2016 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2016.2016,1 (1):483

(54) 何伟.移动计算环境下基于动态上下文的个性化Mashup服务推荐.中国科学F辑.2016,46 (6):1

(55) 何伟.User Behavioral Context-Aware Service Recommendation for Personalized Mashups in Pervasive Environments.APWeb 2015. LNCS 9313, pp. 696–707, 2015..2015,1 (1):696

(56) 何伟.Business process management with group features in pervasive environments.Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing.2010,10 (10):1334

(57) 何伟.社区云计算环境中的一种数据分布及搜索策略.《计算机研究与发展》.2010,47 (z1)

(58) 何伟.A context-based collaboration supported framework for E-commerce PaaS platform.Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 18th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2014.2014

(59) 何伟.An efficient service search strategy in decentralized e-business environments.Proceeding - 6th International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management.2010

(60) 何伟.A multi-dimensional measuring model for e-travel service in decentralized network.Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, ICEE 2010.2010

(61) 何伟.A Context-based Autonomous Construction Approach for Procedural Mashups.2014 IEEE International Conference on Web Services(ICWS 2014).2014,1 (1):487

(62) 何伟.A component model based on sematic for E-commerce PaaS platform.(WISA 2013)2013 10th Web Information System and Application Conference.2013,1 (1):465

(63) 何伟.An Improved Collaborative Filtering Approach Based on User Ranking and Item Clustering.Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2013,8223 (1):134

(64) 何伟.A Parallel Approach for Real-Time OLAP Based on Node Performance Awareness.《Communications in Computer and Information Science》.2013,207 (1):75

(65) 何伟.基于用户偏好的个性化流程自主构建方法.《计算机集成制造系统》.2013,19 (8):1906

(66) 何伟.基于节点性能感知的数据仓库并行处理方法.(HPC 2012)全国高性能计算学术年会.2012

(67) 何伟.An Adaptive Distribution Model for Multi-dimensional Data in Decentralized Environments.Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2011,6987 (1):175

(68) 何伟.面向实时ROLAP应用的并行处理方法.第29届中国数据库学术会议.2012,第49卷 (计算机研究与发展增刊Ⅰ(NDBC2012)第29届中国数据库学术会议论文集(B辑)):107

(69) 何伟.User Location Prediction in Mobile Crowdsourcing Services.2018

(70) 何伟.Spatial Task Allocation Based on User Trajectory Prediction.2018

(71) 何伟.Task Assignments in Complex Collaborative Crowdsourcing.2018

(72) 何伟.Spatial Crowdsourcing Task Assignment Based on the Qality of Workers.2018


1. (包干项目)边缘计算下面向AIoT的服务器无感知数据传输与资源调度研究, 2024/01/01-2026/12/31

2. 服务效能影响因素变化规律定量分析, 2021/12/20-2024/11/30

3. 山东省信息技术领域科技发展战略研究, 2021/09/01-2022/08/31

4. 机理与数据混合驱动的制造大数据分析方法研究, 2020/09/18-2024/12/31

5. 山东省城市"一卡通"关键技术的研发与产业化, 2007/06/01-2008/12/31

6. 制造企业制造大数据分析方法与系统, 2019/11/21-2021/12/31

7. 云计算大数据分析PaaS平台研发与应用示范, 2015/09/01-2017/12/31

8. 市民信息综合服务与行业应用集成平台, 2006/06/30-2007/12/30

9. 山东省国产数据库管理信息集成平台及其示范, 2003/01/10-2004/12/30

10. 电力营销自动化与用电信息安全防护关键技术研究, 2012/01/01-2013/12/31

11. 支持跨域共享与服务协同的数据驱动型应用支撑平台, 2009/08/01-2010/12/31

12. 基于深度学习的医疗健康大数据智能分析关键技术与平台研发, 2019/07/08-2020/12/31

13. 山东省消化道肿瘤精准筛查大数据平台研发建设与深度数据挖掘技术, 2019/11/21-2021/12/31

14. 软件定义的云平台智能调度算法研究, 2019/12/19-2022/12/31

15. 山东省消化道肿瘤精准筛查大数据平台研发建设与深度数据挖掘技术-2, 2019/11/21-2021/12/31

16. SaaS应用交付平台若干关键问题的研究, 2010/01/01-2012/12/31

17. 新疆生产建设兵团社保基层平台系统开发, 2003/12/10-2005/12/30

18. 基于神经外科电子病历的的数据分析挖掘与仿真系统, 2006/04/01-2008/09/30

19. 基于中心城市的劳动力市场管理信息系统, 2005/10/01-2007/10/30

20. 信息内容管理系统开发, 2006/11/10-2008/12/30

21. 社会保险信息化系列产品开发, 2002/04/01-2004/04/01

22. 云服务资源状态及服务质量监控管理平台, 2010/01/01-2011/12/31

23. 地纬身份证系统开发, 2004/12/01-2006/12/30

24. 远红外集中抄表系统, 2003/10/30-2005/12/30

25. 远红外集中抄表系统, 2003/10/01-2004/12/31

26. 基于语义的应用集成平台研究, 2004/12/01-2006/12/30

27. 基于天地网络的数字出版资源投送云服务体系架构和标准研究, 2012/09/01-2015/08/31

28. 电力营销与客户服务系统应用集成系统, 2002/10/30-2004/12/30

29. 网络化制造系统研究与实现, 2005/12/01-2007/12/30

30. 支持非结构化数据的数据分析平台研究开发及示范应用, 2010/01/01-2011/12/31

31. 社会公共服务云计算平台研发, 2010/01/01-2011/12/31

32. 面向数据分析的关系数据库关键词检索技术研究, 2009/12/01-2012/12/31

33. 多异质信息网络的集成与分析关键问题研究, 2017/08/01-2020/06/30

34. 云计算环境下面向SaaS多租户的可伸缩数据放置关键问题研究, 2013/08/15-2016/12/31

35. 概率数据库的预测挖掘研究, 2005/10/10-2007/12/30

36. 省级集中存储的最低生活障管理信息系统, 2005/10/10-2008/12/30

37. 医疗系统集成平台, 2003/10/30-2005/12/30

38. 基于粒度计算的网络服务聚合与协同方法研究, 2011/01/01-2013/12/31

39. 面向移动用户真实行为场景的个性化服务推荐研究, 2018/04/01-2021/07/01

40. 卫生行业人才考评高可信基础平台设施, 2006/11/28-2006/12/31

41. 医保网络数据共享系统, 2005/12/23-2006/12/31

42. 社区云计算环境中的敏捷流程研究, 2010/10/01-2013/10/30

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