Rao, Z.H., Chen, Z.M.*, Liang, H., Huang, L.B., Huang, D. Carbonyl compounds over urban Beijing: Concentrations on haze and non-haze days and effects on radical chemistry. Atmospheric Environment, 124, 207−216, 2016
上一条:Shen, X.L., Wu, H.H., Zhao, Y., Huang, D., Huang, L.B., Chen, Z.M.* Heterogeneous reactions of glyoxal on mineral particles: A new avenue for oligomers and organosulfate formation. Atmospheric Environment, 131, 133−140, 2016
下一条:Wu, Q.Q., Huang, L.B., Liang, H., Zhao, Y., Huang, D., Chen, Z.M.* Heterogeneous reaction of peroxyacetic acid and hydrogen peroxide on ambient aerosol particles under dry and humid conditions: kinetics, mechanism and implications. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 6851−6866, 2015