

    本科毕业于山东大学生命科学院,博士毕业于山东大学基础医学院遗传学专业,博士后师从于荷兰皇家科学院成体干细胞与类器官专家Hans Clevers教授。2019年3月成立PI团队,目前从事成体干细胞与再生相关研究,应用三维类器官模型和生物信息学、基因功能筛选技术相结合,进行肝脏再生相关研究,明确成体干祖细胞命运调控的新机制并探索多种类器官在疾病治疗和仿生器官构建当中的转化应用。

    以第一作者或通讯作者身份在国际知名期刊Cell、Cancer Cell、Cell Discovery、CDD、Oncogenesis,以及共同作者身份在Cell Stem Cell、Nature Protocols、JCI、Cancer Research 等发表文章20余篇。主持国家重点研发计划、国家自然基金重大项目培育等国家基金4项,省部级基金5项。担任中国生物物理学会代谢分会副秘书长,青年理事。山东大学交叉学科群体带头人。身为热爱科研的普通人,期盼自强不息的你加入。上善若水,厚德载物,携手同行。


1. Yujia Fan, Xiaohan Huo, Beibei Guo, Xiaohui Zhang, Yang Yang, Jiabei Lian, Xinyuan Meng, Yiwen Shao, Yongxin Zou, Haiyang Guo, Haitao Wang, Gongping Sun, Hao Dou, Jinshen Wang, Changshun Shao, Yaoqin Gong* and Huili Hu*. Cullin 4b-RING ubiquitin ligase targets IRGM1 to regulate Wnt signaling and intestinal homeostasis. Cell Death & Differentiation. 2022 Feb 23.

2. Huili Hu, Helmuth Gehart, Benedetta Artegiani, Carmen Lopez-Iglesias, Florijn Dekkers, Onur Basak, Johan van Es, Susana M. Chuva de Sousa Lopes, Harry Begthel, Jeroen Korving, Maaike van den Born, Chenhui Zou, Corrine Quirk, Luis Chiriboga, Charles M. Rice, Stephanie Ma, Anne Rios, Peter J. Peters, Ype P. de Jong, and Hans Clevers*. Long-term expansion of functional mouse and human hepatocytes as 3D organoids. Cell. 2018. 175(6): 1591-1606.

3. Huili Hu, Yang Yang, Qinghong Ji, Wei Zhao, Baichun Jiang, Ruiqiong Liu, Jupeng Yuan, Qiji Liu, Xi Li, Yongxin Zou, Changshun Shao, Yongfeng Shang, Yan Wang*, and Yaoqin Gong*. CRL4B catalyzes H2AK119 monoubiquitination and coordinates with PRC2 to promote tumorigenesis. Cancer Cell. 2012. 22(6): 781-795.

4. Jihan Osborne*, Evgenia Salta*, Huili Hu*, Brett Shook*, Yun Li*, Nagarajan Kannan*. Introductions to the Community: Early-Career Researchers in the Time of COVID-19. Cell Stem Cell. 2021 28(3):367-369.

5. Yanjun Li, Huili Hu*, Yuxing Wang, Yujia Fan, Yang Yang, Beibei Guo, Xueyong Xie, Jiabei Lian, Baichun Jiang, Bo Han, Changshun Shao, Yaoqin Gong. CUL4B contributes to cancer stemness by repressing tumor suppressor miR34a in colorectal cancer. Oncogenesis. 2020 Feb 13;9(2):20.

6. Fan Yang, Huili Hu*, Yuanyuan Liu, Ming Shao, Changshun Shao and Yaoqin Gong*. Cul4a promotes zebrafish primitive erythropoiesis via upregulating scl and gata1 expression. Cell Death and Disease. 10:388.2019.

7. Jingyu Lin, Jie Cheng, Yaqin Du, Wei Pan, Zhong Zhang, Jin Wang, Jie An, Fan Yang, Yunfei Xu, Hui Lin, Wentao An, Jia Wang, Zhao Yang, Renjie Chai, Xueying Sha, Huili Hu*, Jinpeng Sun*, Xiao Yu*. In vitro expansion of pancreatic islet clusters facilitated by hormones and chemicals. Cell Discovery. 2020 6 (1):0-20.


  • 2008-9 — 2014-6
  • 2004-9 — 2008-6
  • 2019-01 — 至今
  • 2015-12 — 2018-06
     Hubrecht研究所  荷兰皇家科学院 
  • 2014-07 — 2018-12





(1) 贾蒙.Targeting RNA oxidation by ISG20-mediated degradation is a potential therapeutic strategy for acute kidney injury.MOLECULAR THERAPY.2023,31 (10):3034

(2) 刘敏.Histone deacetylase 9 exacerbates podocyte injury in hyperhomocysteinemia through epigenetic repression of Klotho.Pharmacological Research.2023,198

(3) Depletion of CUL4B in macrophages ameliorates diabetic kidney disease via miR-194-5p/ITGA9 axis.Cell Reports.2023,42 (6)

(4) 范玉佳.Cullin 4b-RING ubiquitin ligase targets IRGM1 to regulate Wnt signaling and intestinal homeostasis.Cell Death and Differentiation.2022 (9)

(5) CUL4B facilitates HBV replication by promoting HBx stabilization.CANCER BIOLOGY & MEDICINE.2021 (1)

(6) 王茹.Anastasis enhances metastasis and chemoresistance of colorectal cancer cells through upregulating cIAP2/NFκB signaling.Cell Death & Disease.2023 (14)

(7) 范玉佳.Cullin 4b-RING ubiquitin ligase targets IRGM1 to regulate Wnt signaling and intestinal homeostasis.Cell Death and Differentiation.2022

(8) 王宇星.Chemotherapy-induced executioner caspase activation increases breast cancer malignancy through epigenetic de-repression of CDH12.2023,12 (1)

(9) 张崔煜.Inhibition of GABAA receptors in intestinal stem cells prevents chemoradiotherapy-induced intestinal toxicity.Journal of Experimental Medicine.2022,219 (12):20220541

(10) GPR97 deficiency ameliorates renal interstitial fibrosis in mouse hypertensive nephropathy.ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA.2023 (2)

(11) 龚瑶琴.Cullin 4b-RING ubiquitin ligase targets IRGM1 to regulate Wnt signaling and intestinal homeostasis..Cell Death and Differentiation.2022 (29 ):1673

(12) 赵晓晗.Zebrafish cul4a, but not cul4b, modulates cardiac and forelimb development by upregulating tbx5a expression.Human Molecular Genetics.2015,24 (3):853-864

(13) 钱言言.The CUL4B/AKT/beta-Catenin Axis Restricts the Accumulation of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells to Prohibit the Establishment of a Tumor-Permissive Microenvironment.cancer research.2015,75 (23):5070-5083

(14) 赵伟.Lack of CUL4B leads to increased abundance of GFAP-positive cells that is mediated by PTGDS in mouse brain.Human Molecular Genetics.2015,24 (16):4686-4697


1. 基于工程化仿生基质的胰岛类器官重塑葡萄糖稳态的作用及机制研究, 2024/01/01-2026/12/31

2. 肾脏损伤与多维修复, 2023/08/24-2028/12/31

3. 肿瘤类器官培养与建系, 2023/09/01-2024/08/31

4. 类器官构建及器件化融合功能关键技术研发与应用, 2022/10/01-2025/12/31

5. (包干项目)类器官与组织再生, 2021/10/12-2024/12/31

6. (包干项目)成体干细胞与类器官, 2021/12/23-2024/12/31

7. 类器官与组织再生, 2021/08/18-2024/12/31

8. 肝脏干/祖细胞标记物鉴定及3D肝脏微器官构建(奖励), 2020/12/11-2022/12/11

9. 肝脏干/祖细胞标记物鉴定及3D肝脏微器官构建(补助), 2020/12/11-2023/12/31

10. 肝细胞衰老与再生障碍机制探究与基于肝脏类器官的功能重建, 2020/12/11-2023/12/31

11. 人类重大疾病类器官模型构建与应用, 2020/01/01

12. 肝细胞衰老与再生障碍机制探究与基于肝脏类器官的功能重建

13. 交叉学科创新在我省3D疾病模型库战略构建中的应用, 2019/12/13-2021/10/25

14. 肝脏干/祖细胞标记物鉴定及 3D 肝脏微器官构建, 2019/11/01-2023/12/31

15. 肝再生中肝细胞去分化促进因子鉴定及作用机制研究, 2019/08/16-2023/12/31

16. CUL4B在前列腺癌恶性进展中的作用及其调控机制的研究, 2016/08/17-2020/12/31

17. 泛素连接酶骨架蛋白CUL4B在髓源抑制性细胞调控中的作用及其机制, 2015/08/17-2019/12/31

18. 抑郁相关神经递质膜受体蛋白质机器促进胃癌侵袭转移的分子机制及靶向干预研究, 2018/05/01-2023/04/30

19. 胡慧丽-山东省青年科技人才托举工程, 2018/10/01-2020/12/31

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