Paper Publications
- [11] 霍孟友. The application of database connection pool based on java in things networking. Applied mechanics and materials, 2013.
- [12] 朱振杰. Development of Multi Micro Holes Synchronous Rotating and Vibration EDM Machine Tool. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020.
- [13] 霍孟友. Development of Multi Micro Holes Synchronous Rotating and Vibration EDM Machine Tool. 2019.
- [14] 霍孟友. 一种骑乘式下肢助行器结构设计与仿真分析. 锻压装备与制造技术(原:锻压机械), 2020.
- [15] 霍孟友. 基于插值算法的升降机自动平层控制器设计. 《自动化仪表》, 2018.
- [16] 朱振杰. Development of Multi Micro Holes Synchronous Rotating and Vibration EDM Machine Tool. IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng., 2020.
- [17] huomengyou. 基于插值算法的升降机自动平层控制器设计. 《自动化仪表》, 2018.
- [18] huomengyou. Design of Micro Energy Pulse Power Supply for Multi Electrode. 2018.
- [19] huomengyou and 徐功铖. Functional connectivity analysis of distracted drivers based on the wavelet phase coherence of functional near-infrared spectroscopy signals. Plos one, 12, 2017.
- [20] huomengyou , Zhu Zhenjie and 罗彦铭. 施工升降机强制性维修保养监管系统设计. 济南大学学报(自然科学版), 31, 401, 2017.