Paper Publications
- [17] 杨帆. Hydrochemical characteristics and functions of groundwater in southern Laizhou Bay based on the multivariate statistical analysis approach. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE, 250, 2021.
- [18] 刘森. Groundwater Characteristics and Mixing Processes during the Development of a Modern Estuarine Delta (Luanhe River Delta, China). Journal of Coastal Research, 37, 349, 2021.
- [19] 刘森. 基于 DEM 数据的菲律宾海典型区地貌类型划分. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 41, 192, 2021.
- [20] 刘森. Groundwater Characteristics and Mixing Processes during the Development of a Modern Estuarine Delta (Luanhe River Delta, China). Journal of Coastal Research, 37, 349, 2021.
- [21] 高帅. Health risk assessment of groundwater nitrate contamination: a case study of a typical karst hydrogeological unit in East China. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, 27, 9274, 2020.
- [22] 刘森. Hydrochemical characteristics and functions of groundwater in southern Laizhou Bay based on the multivariate statistical analysis approach. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE, 107153, 2021.
- [23] 丁朋朋. Analysis and prediction of land subsidence along significant linear engineering. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 79, 5125, 2020.
- [24] 贾超. 华北平原鲁北地区地下水超采导致地面沉降区域特征及演化趋势预测. 地质学报, 2020.
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