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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
办公地点:山东省青岛市即墨区滨海路72号,山东大学信息科学与工程学院N5楼321室。 邮箱:jiangmingyan@sdu.edu.cn
- [41] 江铭炎. Respiratory Signal Prediction Based On Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network Using Adjustable Training Samples. Medical Physics, 45, 2016.
- [42] 江铭炎. 基于流形的局部加权协从表示人脸识别. 《计算机应用研究》, 33, 2016.
- [43] 江铭炎. Contourlet变换域的稀疏表示分类方法. 内蒙古师范大学学报, 45, 89, 2016.
- [44] 江铭炎. Inferring gene regulatory networks using a time-delayed mass action model. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2018.
- [45] 江铭炎. Respiratory Signal Prediction Based on Adaptive Boosting and Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 45, 2016.
- [46] 江铭炎. Tensor Locality Preserving Sparse Projection for Image Feature Extraction. Neural Processing Letters, 2018.
- [47] 江铭炎. Kernel Locality Preserving Low-Rank Representation. Journal of Information Science & Engineering, 2016.
- [48] 江铭炎. An improved possibilistic fuzzy entropy clustering based on artificial bee algorithm. AIIE2016, 2016.
- [49] 江铭炎. A novel level set model with automated initialization and controlling parameters for medical image segmentation. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2016.
- [50] 江铭炎. Effect of machine learning methods on predicting NSCLC overall survival time based on Radiomics analysis. Radiation Oncology, 2018.
- [51] 江铭炎 and 单婷婷. Fisher discriminative coupled dictionaries learning. Neural Processing Letters, 2019.
- [52] 江铭炎 Face recognition system based on CNN and LBP features for classifier optimization and fusion. Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, 22, 37, 2018.
- [53] 江铭炎 and 孙舒婉. Image Detection Using Exemplar-SVM with Augmented Features. 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE APPLICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGIES (ACSAT 2017), 62, 2017.
- [54] 江铭炎 and 孙文正. Respiratory signal prediction based on adaptive boosting and multi-layer perceptron neural network. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 62, 6822, 2017.
- [55] 江铭炎 and 闫蕾芳. A new node selection method of Deep Belief Network based on similarity. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATION, MECHANICAL CONTROL AND COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING (AMC, 118, 645, 2017.
- [56] 江铭炎 and 徐慧慧. Depth estimation algorithm based on data-driven approach and depth cues for stereo conversion in three-dimensional displays. Opt Eng, 55, 2016.
- [57] 江铭炎 and 李斐. An Adaptive Sparse Representation Model by Block Dictionary and Swarm Intelligence. 2017 2ND IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND APPLICATIONS (ICCIA), 200, 2017.
- [58] 江铭炎 and 潘禹岐. LRR-TTK DL for face recognition. IET Biometrics, 6, 165, 2017.
- [59] 江铭炎 and 李斐. Tensor Locality Preserving Sparse Projection for Image Feature Extraction. Neural Process Letters, 47, 661, 2018.
- [60] 江铭炎 and 徐慧慧. Depth prediction from a single image based on non-parametric learning in the gradient domain. Optik , 181, 880, 2019.