Paper Publications
- [41] chengyong , jishaobo and 赵秀亮. Real time identification of the internal combustion engine combustion parameters based on the vibration velocity signal. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 390, 205, 2017.
- [42] jishaobo , lanxin and chengyong. influence of Ozone on Ignition and Combustion Performance of a Lean Methane/Air Mixture. energy & fuels, 31, 14191, 2017.
- [43] lanxin , jishaobo and chengyong. Stress intensity factor solutions for several crack problems using the proportional crack opening displacements. Engineering fracture mechanics, 171, 35, 2017.
- [44] chengyong , jishaobo and 赵秀亮. Combustion parameters identification and correction in diesel engine via vibration acceleration signal. Applied Acoustics, 116, 205, 2017.
- [45] jishaobo. Cyclic Variation of Large-Bore Multi Point Injection Engine Fuelled by Natural Gas with Different Types of Injection Systems. Applied thermal engineering, 102, 1241, 2016.
- [46] jishaobo. 喷射持续期对大功率气体机影响规律分析. 《农业机械学报》, 47, 344, 2016.
- [47] 王洋 , chengyong , jishaobo , lanxin and wangyang. 缸盖表面各振动响应信号耦合关系的分析. 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》, 45, 78, 2017.
- [48] jishaobo and chengyong. 内时钟采集时域缸压信号转角度域的方法. 《上海交通大学学报》, 51, 57, 2017.
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