Paper Publications
- [57] chengyong , jishaobo , lanxin and 李新海. Influence of Key Structural Parameters of Combustion Chamber on the Performance of Diesel Engine. JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 139, 2017.
- [58] jishaobo , chengyong and lanxin. Stress intensity factor solutions for several crack problems using the proportional crack opening displacements. Engineering fracture mechanics, 171, 35, 2017.
- [59] jishaobo , chengyong and lanxin. The Effect of Geometric Configurations on the Elastic Behavior of an Edge-Cracked Bonded Strip. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 0, 2017.
- [60] jishaobo. Cyclic Variation of Large-Bore Multi Point Injection Engine Fuelled by Natural Gas with Different Types of Injection Systems. Applied thermal engineering, 102, 1241, 2016.
- [61] jishaobo. 喷射持续期对大功率气体机影响规律分析. 《农业机械学报》, 47, 344, 2016.
- [62] chengyong and jishaobo. Comparison of the vibration sensors used in the estimation of the combustion process in a diesel engine. Proc IMechE Part D:J Automobile Engineering, 228, 863, 2014.
- [63] chengyong and jishaobo. 汽油机进气过程燃油喷射挥发速率影响因素分析. 《农业机械学报》, 44, 25, 2013.
- [64] chengyong and jishaobo. 缸盖振动位移与缸内压力相关性分析. 《内燃机工程》, 34, 48, 2013.
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