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Effects of inoculants Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus parafarraginis on the fermentation characteristics and microbial communities of corn stover silage


Affiliation of Author(s):微生物技术研究院

Journal:scientific reports

All the Authors:kongjian

First Author:徐振上

Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research

Document Code:F937D6B71BC3471495D5B7DBFDFAC976

Volume: 7

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2017-10-19

Pre One:Characterization of Feruloyl Esterases Produced by the Four Lactobacillus Species: L-amylovorus, L-acidophilus, L-farciminis and L-fermentum, Isolated from Ensiled Corn Stover

Next One:Identification and functional analysis of potential prophage-derived recombinases for genome editing in Lactobacillus casei