Affiliation of Author(s):微生物技术研究院
Journal:Microbial Cell factories
All the Authors:guotingting,kongjian
First Author:xinyongping
Document Code:37FCCBE8D7DE431DB044D8A1B6C22EA7
Volume: 16
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-07-05
Pre One:Functional Analysis of the Minimal Twin-Arginine Translocation System Components from Streptococcus thermophilus CGMCC 7.179 in Escherichia coli DE3
Next One:Characterization of Feruloyl Esterases Produced by the Four Lactobacillus Species: L-amylovorus, L-acidophilus, L-farciminis and L-fermentum, Isolated from Ensiled Corn Stover