Paper Publications
[101] Liang Zuo tang. Quark charge balance function and hadronization effects in relativistic heavy ion collisions. Physical Review C, 86, 064903, 2012.
[102] Liang Zuo tang. Chiral Anomaly and Local Polarization Effect from the Quantum Kinetic Approach. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 109, 232301, 2012.
[103] Liang Zuo tang. Double spin asymmetry A_{LT} in direct photon production. physics Letters B, 712, 235, 2012.
[104] Liang Zuo tang. Hadron Yield Correlation in Combination Models in High Energy AA Collisions. . Physical Review C, 86, 054906, 2012.
[105] Xu Qinghua and Liang Zuo tang. Longitudinal polarization of hyperon and antihyperon in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering .... physical review d, 79, 094018-1, 2009.
[106] Liang Zuo tang. Twist-4 contributions to the azimuthal asymmetry in semi-inclusive deeply inelastic scattering. physical review d, 83,, 054010-1, 2011.
[107] Liang Zuo tang. Transverse-momentum-dependent parton distribution function and. physical review d, 77, 125010-1, 2008.
[108] Liang Zuo tang. Transverse momentum dependent quark distributions and polarized Drell-Yan processes. physical review d, 81, 054008-1, 2010.
[109] Liang Zuo tang. Nuclear dependence of azimuthal asymmetry in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering. Physical Review C, 81, 065211-1, 2010.
[110] Liang Zuo tang. Multiple parton scattering in nuclei: Gauge invariance. Nuclear Physics A, 819, 79, 2009.
[111] Liang Zuo tang. Longitudinal polarization of hyperon and anti-hyperon in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering. physical review d, 79, 094018-1, 2009.
[112] Liang Zuo tang. Hyperon polarization in unpolarized scattering processes. physical review d, 78, 114008-1, 2008.
[113] Liang Zuo tang. Higher twist contributions to the azimuthal asymmetries in semi-inclusive DIS. AIP Conf. Proc., 1418, 106, 2011.
[114] Liang Zuo tang. Entropy puzzle and the quark combination model. Physical Review C, 81, 057901-1, 2010.
[115] Liang Zuo tang. Drell–Yan lepton pair azimuthal asymmetry in hadronic processes. physics Letters B, 678, 264, 2009.