  • 2014/09/01-2020/08/04
  • 2008/09/01-2011/06/24
  • 2004/09/01-2008/06/30
Professional Experience
  • 2011-07 — 2014-08
  • 2014-12 — 2021-10

(1)廖卫. 中国南方猩猩化石的研究进展 .人类学学报 .2024 (2)

(2)范窅彬. Dental microwear and diets of mainland fossil Pongo from the Mid-Pleistocene of southern China .JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION .2024 (193)

(3)梁华. Evidence for the smallest fossil Pongo in southern China .JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION .2024 (189)

(4)廖卫. New discovery of Acheulean artifacts from the fluvial gravel bed of terminal Early Pleistocene in Bose Basin, southern China .Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports .2024 (58)

(5)易智星. Enamel thickness in the deciduous postcanine dentition of fossil and extant Pongo .JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION .2024 (191)

(6)田淳. New evidence for a 30–10 ka lithic assemblage at Jianshan Cave, Guangxi, South China .Archaeological Research in Asia .2024 (40)

(7)胡鹏程. Morphometric analysis of the front-view human figures in the Ningming Huashan Rock Art, Southern China .Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports .2024 (60)

(8) The demise of the giant ape Gigantopithecus blacki .nature .2024 (7995)

(9)张一景. Variation in the Quaternary Stegodon-Ailuropoda Faunal Complex in Southern China: Upper Pubu Cave (Bubing Basin, Guangxi) .QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS .2024 (346)

(10)易智星. Estimates of absolute crown strength and bite force in the lower postcanine dentition of Gigantopithecus blacki .JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION .2023 (2)

(11)梁华. Middle Pleistocene <i>Pongo</i> from Ganxian Cave in southern China with implications for understanding dental size evolution in orangutans .JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION .2023 ,178

(12)易智星. Estimates of absolute crown strength and bite force in the lower postcanine dentition of Gigantopithecus blacki .JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION .2023 (2)

(13)易智星. Estimates of absolute crown strength and bite force in the lower postcanine dentition of Gigantopithecus blacki .JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION .2023 ,175 (2)

(14)廖卫. Combined U-series dating of cave pearls and mammal fossils: Constraint on the age of a late middle pleistocene Ailuropoda–Stegodon fauna from the Diaozhongyan Cave, Guangxi, South China .Quaternary Geochronology .2020 (60)

(15)易智星. A deep-learning-based workflow to assess taxonomic affinity of hominid teeth with a test on discriminating Pongo and Homo upper molars .AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY .2021 (2)

(16)李大伟. 广西更新世早期吹风洞的古环境——来自巨猿动物群牙釉质C、O同位素的证据 .第四纪研究 .2021 (5)

(17)梁华. New discovery of a late Middle Pleistocene mammalian fauna in Ganxian Cave, Southern China .HISTORICAL BIOLOGY .2022 (34)

(18)范窅彬. Taphonomy and biochronology of the Late Pleistocene mammalian fauna at Baolai cave, in Bubing Basin, southern China .HISTORICAL BIOLOGY .2022 (34)

(19)范窅彬. Late Pleistocene large-bodied mammalian fauna from Mocun cave in south China: Palaeontological, chronological and biogeographical implications .QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS .2022 (294)

(20)廖卫. Evidence for the latest fossil Pongo in southern China .JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION .2022 (170)

(21)廖卫. Combined U-series dating of cave pearls and mammal fossils: Constraint on the age of a late middle pleistocene Ailuropoda–Stegodon fauna from the Diaozhongyan Cave, Guangxi, South China .Quaternary Geochronology .2020 (60)

(22)易智星. A deep-learning-based workflow to assess taxonomic affinity of hominid teeth with a test on discriminating Pongo and Homo upper molars .AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY .2021 (4)

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