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Performance of doubly Q-switched and mode-locked Nd:Lu0.33Y0.37Gd0.3VO4 and Nd:Lu0.5Y0.5VO4 lasers with acousto-optic modulator and GaAs saturable absorber


Affiliation of Author(s):信息科学与工程学院

Journal:Opt. Commun.

All the Authors:lidechun,liguiqiu

First Author:zhaoshengzhi

Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research

Document Code:lw-174472

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2013-09-01

Pre One:Passively Q-switched laser performance of the mixed crystals Nd:Lu0.15Y0.85VO4, Nd:Lu0.5Y0.5VO4 and Nd:Lu0.33Y0.37Gd0.3VO4 with GaAs saturable absorber

Next One:Diode-pumped doubly Q-switched mode-locked YVO4/Nd:YVO4/KTP green laser with AO and GaAs saturable absorber