  • LI Fangyi
  • Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • Professor
  • 机械工程学院


  • 1987.91991.7

     山东工业大学   机械制造与设计(师范)   Bachelor 

Professional Experience

  • 2000.07Now


  • 1994.072000.07


Research Focus


Personal Information





山东大学可持续制造研究中心  副主任



中国绿色制造技术标准化技术委员会  副主任委员;

中国内燃机工业协会  专家委员会委员;

中国机械工程学会环境保护与绿色制造技术分会  常务委员;

循环性低碳生态产业技术创新战略联盟专家技术委员会  副主任;

中国设备管理协会再制造技术委员会  委员;

山东省机械产品再制造标准化技术委员会  委员;

中国机械工程学会  高级会员;

美国ASME  会员;

Journal of Cleaner Production  审稿人;

IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology  审稿人;

IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing  审稿人;


中国绿色制造技术创新联盟  理事;

科技部国际科技合作计划  评议专家;

国家自然科学基金国际合作项目  评议专家;

国家重点研发计划项目 评审专家;

国家科技奖励  评审专家;

教育部科研基金和科技奖励  评审专家;

山东省科技奖励项目  评议专家;


联系电话:(0531) 88392813 (办公室)

E-mail: lifangyi@sdu.edu.cn

Website: www.rcsm.sdu.edu.cn


简介:李方义,男,博士,山东大学教授,博士生导师。现任 “高效洁净机械制造”教育部重点实验室副主任,山东大学可持续制造研究中心研究主任。2007年至2008年在美国the University of Texas访学。主要研究方向:机电产品绿色设计、绿色制造和再制造。主持和参与973/863、国家科技支撑计划、国家自然科学基金等本领域相关课题30余项。发表论文110余篇,SCIEI收录60余篇。获山东省科技进步二等奖2项,专利20余项。










研究生:绿色制造和再制造;International Networked Teams for Engineering Design (INTEnD)



1987.9 - 1991.7  山东工业大学机械制造专业读本科,获工学学士学位;

1991.9 - 1994.7  山东工业大学机械制造专业读研究生,获工学硕士学位;

1998.3 - 2003.12  清华大学精密仪器系,清华至卓绿色制造研发中心,机械制造及自动化专业,获工学博士学位;

2007.9 - 2008.9  美国the University of Texas访问教授。



1994.9 – 1998.3:山东工业大学机械工程系机设教研室,教学、科研;

2003.1 – 至今:山东大学机械工程学院CAD/CAM研究所,教学、科研;

2003.1 – 至今:山东大学可持续制造研究中心副主任;

2008.1 – 2018.4:山东大学机械工程学院副院长;

2009.1 – 2018.10:高效洁净机械制造教育部重点实验室副主任。




(1)     国家自然基金项目:面向方案设计的产品宏-微特征与碳排放关联建模及碳效益评估(51675314)2017/1/1 -2020/12/31,主持;

(2)     国家自然基金项目:基于超声盐浴的再制造毛坯复合清洗机理与应用(51375278)2013/08/15 -2017/12/31, 参加;

(3)     国家工信部项目:金属切削机床绿色设计平台建设与集成示范,2017/1/1-2018/12/31, 主持;


(1)     国家973项目:机械装备再制造的基础科学问题(2011CB013400),2011.11-2016.8



(2)     国家自然科学基金项目:基于绿色特征的产品方案设计建模研究(51175312),2012.01-2015.12,主持;

(3)     山东省自然科学基金项目:基于绿色特征的产品方案设计(ZR2010EM007),2011.01-2013.12,主持;

(4)     国家863项目:工程机械回收产品逆向物流技术集成与应用研究(2013AA040204),2012.12-2015.12,校方主持;

(5)     国家863项目:面向机床和工程机械产品的绿色工艺技术评估及相关基础数据库开发(2014AA041503),2014/1/1-2016/12/31,校方主持;

(6)     济南市科技重大专项项目:汽车零部件再制造关键技术与装备,2011.01-2013.12,校方主持;

(7)     山东省自然科学基金项目:基于绿色特征的产品方案设计决策方法研究”,2010-2013,主持;

(8)     山东大学自主创新基金自然科学类专项:发动机再制造类激光高能脉冲精密冷补技术机理研究与应用,2012.1-2014.01,主持;

(9)     企业项目:消防自动泡沫比例调节器及整机系统优化设计开发,2010.09-2012.09,主持;

(10)  中机生产力促进中心:生命周期评价标准测试验证研究(11381151),2011.11.08-2013.03.31,主持;

(11)  国家自然科学基金:生物质缓冲包装制品的材料定向处理机制及其成型可控性(51275278),2013.1-2016.12,第二位;

(12)  山东大学自主创新基金自然科学类专项(交叉学科培育项目):生物质全降解缓冲包装制品配伍成型机理研究(2012JC004),2012.1-2014.12,第二位。

(13)  山东省科技攻关计划二批:汽车锻件热锻模再制造关键技术研究与应用(2011GGH20316),2011/1/1-2012/12/31,参加;

(14)  济南市高校院所自主创新计划:机电产品生命周期评价方法研究及数据库框架开发(201004063),2010/6/1-2012/12/30,参加;

(15)  国家科技攻关计划项目、国家863十一五“绿色制造的技术框架与发展战略”子课题、已结题;

(16)  企业项目:内燃机绿色制造发展战略和规化(11381320),2013/05/31-2014/05/31,主持;

(17)  企业项目:发动机连杆再制造关键技术(11381006),2010.02-2012.08,参加;

(18)  国家十一五科技支撑计划重大项目:绿色制造关键技术与装备课题一:绿色制造共性技术研究及应用--- 产品生命周期评价技术及软件工具开发与应用(2006BAF02A01-03),主持,2007-2009;

(19)  国家十一五科技支撑计划重大项目:绿色制造关键技术与装备课题八:生物质全降解制品关键技术及成套装备2006BAF02A08,第二位,2007-2009;

(20)  国家自然科学基金重点项目:机电产品绿色设计理论及方法(59935120),主要成员;

(21)  国家自然科学基金项目:机电产品绿色模块化设计方法研究(50375086),第二位;

(22)  国家科技攻关计划项目:国家863十一五绿色制造的技术框架与发展战略子课题;

(23)  2006年度山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金计划项目:机电产品绿色适应性设计方法研究2006BS050102006-2008,主持;

(24)  山东省科技攻关项目:生物质缓冲包装材料关键技术与装备,2010-2011,主要承担;

(25)  山东省科技重大专项研究项目:全降解材料制品及其成套装备(2005GG11040022006GG1104042),主要成员;

(26)  企业项目:发动机再制造关键技术-发动机机体冷焊机理研究,2010-2013,主持;

(27)  企业项目:轻型载货汽车驱动桥壳轻量化设计,2010-2012,主持;

(28)  企业课题:铝制瓶盖自动检测设备开发,2008-2009,主要成员;

(29)  企业课题:装载机钢圈结构优化设计分析,2007,主持;

(30)  企业博士后科研工作站项目:工程机械全生命周期设计若干关键技术研究(LGP200401),主持;

(31)  清华大学机械工程学院“ 985 ”学科建设重点基金项目:绿色制造基地建设,主要成员;

(32)  清华大学基础科学研究基金项目:基于产品系统的全生命周期分析与评估系统(JC2000013),主要成员;

(33)  清华至卓绿色制造研发中心专项基金项目:机电产品拆卸回收分析建模研究;

(34)  清华至卓绿色制造研发中心专项基金项目:产品生命周期评估系统开发;

(35)  清华至卓绿色制造研发中心专项基金项目:绿色设计数据库开发研究。



[1].   李方义, 刘钢, 汪劲松, 段广洪, 张洪潮. 模糊AHP方法在机电产品绿色模块化设计中的应用. 中国机械工程, 2000, 11 (9): 997~1000 (EI 收录)

[2].   李方义, 段广洪, 汪劲松, 李飒. 产品绿色设计评估建模研究. 清华大学学报, 2002, 42 (6): 783~786 (EI收录, ISTP收录)

[3].   Li Fangyi, Duan Guanghong, Wang Jinsong et al. Green design assessing model of products. In: Proceedings of IEEE 2002 International symposium on Electronics and the Environment. San Francisco, USA, 2002, 5. 123~127 (EI收录, ISTP收录)

[4].   Fangyi Li, Guanghong Duan, Jinsong Wang, Hong C. Zhang. A Decision Making Model for Material Management of End-of-Life Electronic Products. In: 1th Proceedings of International Symposium on Sustainable Manufacturing. Shanghai, China, 1999, 11. 119~126

[5].   Fangyi Li, Guanghong Duan, Jinsong Wang, Hong C. Zhang. Modularity Analysis in Support of Green Design Electromechanical Products. In proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Manufacturing Automation (AMSMA’ 2000). Guangzhou, 2000, 6. 669~674

[6].   汪劲松, 段广洪, 李方义, Hong C. Zhang. 基于产品全生命周期的绿色制造技术的研究现状和展望. 计算机集成制造系统, 1999, 5(4): 1~8(第一、二作者为导师)

[7].   李方义, 段广洪, 汪劲松, Hong C. Zhang. 面向机电产品绿色设计的模块化方法研究. 制造业自动化, 1999, V21 (增刊): 259~266

[8].   刘钢, 李方义, 汪劲松, 段广洪. 基于局域环境的产品全生命周期评估体系研究. 中国机械工程. 2000, 11 (9): 991~993 (EI收录)

[9].   李飒, 李方义, 段广洪, 汪劲松, Hong C. Zhang. 机电产品退役策略综合管理模型. 见:第一届国际机械工程学术会议ICME2000. 上海, 2000, 11.

[10]. 刘钢, 段广洪, 汪劲松, 李方义. 面向产品全生命周期的绿色设计评估决策体系研究. 见:第一届国际机械工程学术会议ICME2000. 上海, 2000, 11.

[11]. Liu Xueping, Liu Guangfu, Duan Guanghong, Wang Jinsong, Li Fangyi. The quantification of the relating degree of parts based on the fuzzy synthesizing evaluation method. In: Proceedings of 2002 IEEE International S ymposium On Electronics and the Environment. San Francisco, USA, 2002, 5. 74~78 (EI收录, ISTP收录)

[12]. 孟鹏, 段光洪, 汪劲松, 李方义. 一个基于图论的产品拆卸回收决策评估系统. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing. Dalian, China, 2003. Vol.2: 387~392

[13]. Mao Wei, Duan Guanghong, Xue Junfang, Xiang Dong, Li Fangyi, Meng Peng. Research and Development of Parameterized CAD Systems Based on Technologies of ActiveX Automation and Database. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Progress of Machining Technology, Xi’an, China, 2002, 9. 932-937

[14]. Meng, Peng, Duan, Guanghong, Xiang, Dong, Liu, Xueping, Wu, Ying, Li, Fangyi, Li, Yi.  An information system management of assessment of disassembly and recycle. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment., Boston MA, United States, May 19-22 2003. 286-290 (EI收录, ISTP收录)

[15]. Meng, Peng, Duan, Guanghong, Wang, Jingsong, Li, Fangyi. Modeling and analysis system for product disassembly and recycle based on graph theory. Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2002, V38 (suppl). 85-89 (EI收录)

[16]. 李剑峰, 李方义等. 面向可持续制造的产品设计方法研究现状和展望. 中国机械工程年会. 2003, 12.

[17]. 李剑峰, 陈建, 李方义, 王玉玲. 机电产品拆卸回收模型及其拆卸序列生成. 山东大学学报 (工学版), 2004, 34 (5) 9-13

[18]. 王玉玲, 李剑峰, 李方义, 陈建. 基于混合图模型的机电产品拆卸回收系统. 现代制造工程2005, 1: 13-16

[19]. 孙杰, 李剑峰, 李方义, 贾晓东. 制造过程关键工艺环节的有限元仿真分析. 山东大学学报 (工学版), 2005, 35(1): 17-21

[20]. 路冬, 李剑峰, 李方义, 周锐. 绿色切削加工技术的研究现状与进展. 工具技术. 2005, 39(3): 3-6

[21]. LI Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Duan Guanghong, etal. Research in Green Modularity Design Methodology. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2005, 12, Vol. E-10(4) 402-406

[22]. 李方义, 李剑峰. 产品绿色设计研究现状及展望之一:一般理论及方法. 航空制造技术, 2004, 10: 73-78

[23]. 李剑峰, 李方义. 产品绿色设计研究现状及展望之二:DFX方法研究. 航空制造技术, 2004, 11: 61-65

[24]. 陈建, 李剑峰, 李方义, 王玉玲, 姜峰, 马开岑. 面向产品族设计的通用平台多域辨识研究. 计算机集成制造系统, 2006, 12(12): 1928-1933, 1956. (EI: 072610669186)

[25]. 李方义, 李剑峰, 颜利军, 段广洪, 魏宝坤. 产品绿色设计全生命周期评价方法研究现状及展望. 现代制造技术与装备. 2006, 01 8-13

[26]. Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Duan Guanghong, Li Jianzhi. Green design-oriented product AHP life cycle environmental impact assessment model. IET Conference Publications, International Technology and Innovation Conference 2006, ITIC 2006, No.524: 1020-1025 (No.01194) (EI)

[27]. Chen Jian, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Wang Yuling, Jiang Feng, Wang Wenyuan. Undirected graph model of product family architecture for mass customization [C]. Internationall technology and innovation conference. 2006, 6-7 November 2006, Hangzhou, China. (No.01083). (EI)

[28]. Jiang Feng, Li Jianfeng,Li Fangyi,Chenjian,Wang Yuling. Innovative CAD Method on the Intensity Analysis of Lift-arms under Offset Loading Condition. international technology and innovation conference, 2006, 6-7 November 2006, Hang Zhou, China(No.01095). (EI)

[29]. 姜峰, 李青海, 李剑峰, 李方义, 魏宝坤.基于LCA法的包装材料环境友好性的评价, 山东大学学报(工学版), 2006, 12.

[30]. 陈建, 李方义, 李剑峰, 王玉玲, 姜峰. 绿色适应性设计研究[J]. 组合机床与自动加工技术, 2006, (11): 13-15.

[31]. Wang Yuling, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Chenjian, Jiang Feng, Wang Wenyuan. Hybrid Graph Disassembly Model and Sequence Planning for Product Maintenance[C]. International technology and innovateion conference 2006, 6-7 November 2006, Hangzhou, China.(No.01100).

[32]. 王玉玲, 李方义, 李剑峰, 陈建, 姜峰. 面向产品生命周期的混合可靠性分配[J]. 组合机床与自动加工技术, 2006, (12)

[33]. 贾秀杰, 李剑峰, 李方义.生产流程系统分析及仿真的研究. 全国第一届智能制造会议. 中国杭州, 浙江工业大学. 2006.12.8

[34]. 贾秀杰, 李剑峰, 李方义.大型焊接件车间设备布置规划及其优化. 全国第一届智能制造会议. 中国杭州, 浙江工业大学. 2006.12.8,

[35]. 陈建, 李剑峰, 李方义, 王玉玲, 姜峰, 马开岑, 面向产品族设计的通用平台多域辨识研究 (EI 20070910461307), 计算机集成制造系统, 2006.12, V12 (12)

[36]. 陈建,李剑峰,李方义. 产品族结构无向图模型[J]. 机械科学与技术, 2007, 26(8): 1030-1034.

[37]. 王玉玲, 李剑峰, 李方义等. 工程机械绿色设计与制造技术研究[J]. 工程机械, 2007, 38(1): 40-44.

[38]. 姜峰, 李方义, 李剑峰等. 装载机销轴磨损历程分析及其改进. 润滑与密封, 2007, 32 (7): 132135 (EI收录)

[39]. Jiang Feng, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng. Automated Assembly Parameters Optimization of Circular Parts Based on Design for Assembly. 9th Conference on Machining & Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2007.8. EI

[40]. 姜峰, 李剑峰, 孙杰, 张松, 李方义. 钛合金高速加工动态铣削力建模的新方法. 2007全国博士生论坛, 2007.8. EI

[41]. 姜峰, 李剑峰, 孙杰, 李方义, 路冬. 硬脆材料塑性加工技术的研究现状. 工具技术. 2007, 41 (8): 3-7.

[42]. Jianzhi Li, Zhenhua Wu, Fangyi Li. Study of the Effect of CNTs on the Electrical Conductivity of Electronically Conductive Adhesives. Sustainable Manufacturing V, 2007, 9, 21. Rochester, USA.

[43]. Jiang Feng, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, Wang Yuling. Offset loading coefficient method on the intensity analysis of lift-arms.  China Mechanical Engineering, 2008, 19 (3): 272-276. EI

[44]. Fangyi Li, Jianzhi Li, Jianfeng Li. A LCIA weighting system based on china environmental policy and local manufacturing industry situation. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, 2008 16th IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, ISEE, 2008, 5. p 4562864.

[45]. Anfu Guo, Jianfeng Li, Fangyi Li, Yong Yang. Design of the full biodegradable and single-use dishware mold based on automatic ejection technology. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, 2008 16th IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, ISEE, 2008, p 4562866.

[46]. Jia Xiujie, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, Wei Baokun. Analysis of different biodegradable materials and its technique to produce dishware. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, 2008 16th IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, ISEE, 2008, p 4562909

[47]. Jia Xiujie, Jianfeng Li, Li Fangyi, et al.. RESEARCH PLANT FIBER MATERIAL PRODUCE DISHWARE AND ITS PROPERTY, Global Conference on Sustainable Product Development and Life Cycle Engineering, Bushan, Korea, 2008,9

[48]. Xiaowei Wang, Fangyi Li, Jianfeng Li, Ruijun Zhang, Anfu Guo, A LCA factors system of electromechanical products, Global Conference on Sustainable Product Development and Life Cycle Engineering, 29th Sep-1st Oct, 2008.

[49]. An-Fu Guo, Fang-Yi Li, Jian-Feng Li , Xiao-Wei Wang , Tong-Zhen Wang, Assessment on Green Degree of Biodegradable Packaging Material Based on Fuzzy AHP Methodology, Global Conference on Sustainable Product Development and Life Cycle Engineering Sustainability and Remanufacturing VI, September 29-October 1, 2008, Pusan National University, Korea

[50]. 姜峰, 李剑峰, 李方义, 王玉玲, 偏载系数法分析装载机动臂强度 (EI 20081011137405), 中国机械工程, 2008. 03, V19 (03)

[51]. 李方义, 李剑峰, 段广洪, 李建志. 面向绿色设计的产品AHP生命周期环境影响评价模型, 山东大学学报 (工学版), 2008, 38(5): 57-61

[52]. 李方义, 李剑峰, 李建志, 段广洪. 面向目标拆卸的产品复合有向图建模, 中国机械工程, 2009, 20 (5): 553-558

[53]. 郭安福, 李剑峰, 李方义, 魏宝坤, 植物纤维淀粉餐盒的降解性能研究(EI 20095312587829), 功能材料, 2009, v40 (11)

[54]. 王晓伟, 李剑峰, 李方义, 王黎明, 机电产品生命周期评价指标体系与量化方法研究, 山东大学学报 (工学版), 2009. 10, V39 (5)

[55]. Wang Xiaowei, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Wang Liming, Chen Xiaoxu, A method of multi-environmental spatial scales division in LCA based on Chinese region-specific (EI 20101612863373), Advance Materials Research, 2010, V97-101

[56]. Guo Anfu, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, Wei Baokun, Li Jianyong, Study on the performance and biodegradability of three kinds of biodegradable dishware (EI 20101612863371), Advanced Materials Research, 2010, V97-101

[57]. 陈建, 赵燕伟, 李方义, 李剑峰, 基于转换桥方法的产品绿色设计冲突消解 (EI 20102513031062), 机械工程学报, 2010. 9, V46 (9)

[58]. 郭安福, 李剑峰, 李方义, 魏宝坤, 基于模糊层次分析法的可降解包装材料绿色度评价(EI 20101912923563), 功能材料, 2010. 3, v41 (03)

[59]. Wang Xiaowei, Li Jianfeng, Li Jianzhi, Li Fangyi, The Analysis of Scenario Characteristics in Life Cycle Assessment (EI 20110113539365), Advanced Materials Research, 2011, V148-149

[60]. 郭安福, 鹿海洋, 李剑峰, 李方义, 魏宝坤, 李建勇, 王霞, 植物纤维淀粉餐盒力学性能仿真及试验验证 (EI 20103613222482), 农业工程学报, 2010.7, v26 (07)

[61]. Wang Liming, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Wang Xiaowei, Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of Life-cycle Assessment based on Multivariate Regression Analysis (EI 20104613377262), The 5th International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing 2010,Green Manufacturing, 11-13, Jan.2010, Ningbo, China

[62]. Wang Xiaowei, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Wang Liming, A life cycle impact assessment method based on multi-environmental dimension (EI 20104613377267)(ISTP: 11477087), The 5th International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing 2010, Green Manufacturing, 11-13, Jan. 2010, Ningbo, China

[63]. Qingzhong Xu, Fangyi Li, Tao Ding, Jinzhi Chen. Experimental Study on Application of Cold-welding Technology in Engine Remanufacturing Field [J]. Advanced Materials Research. 2012, (482-484): 2051-2054

[64]. Qingzhong Xu, Fangyi Li, Shilei Ma, Junzhuang Liu. Study on Milling Parameters Optimization in Remanufacturing Cold-welding Area [J]. Advanced Materials Research. 2012, (500): 123-127

[65]. 辛兰兰, 贾秀杰, 李方义, 王晓伟, 陈孝旭. 面向机电产品方案设计的绿色特征建模研究. 计算机集成制造系统, 2012.4 V184.

[66]. Yang He, Fangyi Li, Chunhu Wu, Shilei Ma. The study of shrink fit design empirical formula. Advanced Materials Research.2011:466-472

[67]. LI Fangyi, MA Shilei, HE Yang, XU Qingzhong. Mechanism Design of Palletizing Robot Based on Translating Cam Principle. Transactions of Tianjin University. 2012

[68]. Shilei Ma, Fangyi Li, Yang He, Qingzhong Xu. Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Driving Axle Housing based on Sparse Grids. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012: 82-86

[69]. Wang Xiaowei, Li Fangyi, etc. A life cycle impact assessment method based on the multi-environmental spatial dimension, International Journal of Computer Integrated ManufacturingDOI:10.1080/0951192X.2012.665181[J/OL])(SCI1.071

[70]. 郭安福, 李剑峰, 李方义, 李建勇, 吕禹, 生物质全降解制品四步式发泡成型机理研究 (EI 20124715692004), 功能材料2012.8, V43(I)

[71]. Xin Lanlan, Li Fangyi, Wang Xiaowei, Wang Liming, A life cycle design method based on green feature (EI 20130115867333), Electronics Goes Green 2012+, 2012. 10

[72]. Yang Xiaodong, Li Fangyi, Wang Xiaowei, Wang Liming, A Green-Feature Based LCA Backtracking Mechanism (EI 20130115867324), Electronics Goes Green 2012+, 2012. 10

[73]. Lv Keming, Huo Mengyou, Li Fangyi, The application of fuzzy control in the foam fire extinguishing system (EI 20130515974107), Applied Mechanics and Materials2013, V246

[74]. 徐庆钟, 李方义, 丁韬, 李峰, HT250冷焊表面残余应力试验 (EI), 焊接学报2012. 10, V33 (10)

[75]. 徐庆钟, 李方义, 秦顺顺, 马石磊, 冷焊工艺参数对HT250表面修复层性能的影响 (EI), 机械工程学报2013, V49 (7)

[76]. 马石磊, 李方义, 李剑峰, 何阳, 基于稀疏网格的近似模型及其在轻量化设计中的应用 (EI), 机械工程学报2013, V49 (7)

[77]. 郭琦,李方义,葛顺鑫,贾秀杰,聂延艳.KNO3-NaNO2二元熔盐体系的表面张力及粘度研究[J].功能材料,2014, 45(13):36-39,44.

[78]. 郭琦,李方义,李硕,聂延艳.高压水射流清洗对基体去污效果及损伤的研究[J].中国机械工程,2014,V25(6):817-820.

[79]. 郭琦,李方义,姚帅帅,聂延艳,贾秀杰,李剑峰.基于HT250的再制造毛坯除漆技术研究及工艺优化[J].中南大学学报.(已录用,EI收录)

[80]. 葛顺鑫,李方义,贾秀杰,郭琦.二元硝酸盐的热物性测试及比热分析[J].功能材料,2014,V45(15):9-11.

[81]. 李方义,管凯凯,郭安福等. 纤维/淀粉复合处理对生物质缓冲包装材料性能的影响 [J].功能材料,2014,V14(45)14072-14076

[82]. 刘鹏,李方义,李剑峰,管凯凯,王成钊. “单一/复合塑化剂制备复合材料中热塑性淀粉基质的研究”. 功能材料,14(45): 14140-14149(2014).

[83]. 周丽蓉,李方义,孟强,李静.机床能耗与能效问题研究[C].2014年全国博士生学术论坛-先进材料与可持续制造.2014:250-253.

[84]. 孟强,李方义,李静,周丽蓉,纪芹芹.基于绿色特征的方案设计快速生命周期评价方法[J].计算机集成制造系统,V21(3):626-633,2014.

[85]. 朱兆聚,李方义,贾秀杰,李国彦,王光存,“基于油液监测技术的推土机变速箱故障诊断”,润滑与密封,39:83-87,2014.

[86]. Peng Liu, Fangyi Li, Jianfeng Li, Kaikai Guan, Gang Li, Anfu Guo. Effect of starch plasticizing/ fiber processing on the mechanical properties of biomass cushion packaging composites.Journal of Biobased Materials and BioenergyVol.8 :214-220 (2014).

[87]. Fangyi Li, Kaikai Guan, Jianfeng Li. Ingredient of biomass packaging material and compare study on cushion properties. International Journal of Polymer Science, V2014(1):1-7,2014.

[88]. Li Fangyi,Guan kaikai, Liu Peng. Effect of fiber/starch treatment on structure and mechanical properties of cushion packaging. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 873: 669-675,2014.

[89]. Shuo Li,Fangyi Li,Baolong Gong and Qingdong Hao. Measurement and analysis of the polarization curves of Laser Cladding Layer or Cold Welding Layer on FV520B . Advanced Materials Research Vol.441(2014) pp409-412.

[90]. Cheng-zhao Wang, Fang-yi Li, Li-ming Wang et al. Research on   thermoplastic starch and different fiber reinforced biomass composites [J]. RSC advances, 2015, 5,:49824-49830.

[91]. Qiang Meng, Fang-yi Li, Li-rong Zhou. etc. A Rapid Life Cycle Assessment Method Based on Green Features in Supporting Conceptual Design[J]International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology,Vol2(2):189-196, 2015/02/01

[92]. Guoyan Li, Fangyi Li, Yifan Wang, and Dehao Dong. Fault Diagnosis for a Multistage Planetary Gear Set Using Model-based Simulation and Experimental Investigation[J]. Shock and Vibration.

[93]. Zhaoju Zhu, Fangyi Li , Guoyan Li , Dehao Dong , Yifan Wang.Fault Diagnosis of Gearbox Based on Laser Particle Size Analysis.ISRME 2015)

[94]. 李法双,李方义,贾秀杰,金湖,王一凡.FV520B激光熔覆FeCr合金的性能分析[J].工具技术,2015,49(10):55-57.

[95]. 金湖,李方义,李法双,王黎明. 离心式压缩机叶片热喷涂修复层结合强度研究[J].工具技术(已录用)

[96]. 刘鹏,李方义,李剑峰等. 植物纤维增强的生物质复合材料微观机理及力学性能研究[J].功能材料,20151146):11017-11026

[97]. 李国彦,李方义,朱兆聚等.复合行星齿轮系动态特性仿真研究[J],中南大学学报,2015.46(5):1635-1640

[98]. 董德浩,李方义,朱兆聚,李国彦,王一凡.油液监测在推土机变速箱故障诊断中的应用[J],工具技术,49(9):89-93,2015.

[99]. 王成钊,李方义, 李剑峰, 郭安福, 刘鹏, 管凯凯. 生物质复合材料浆料流变特性及管道输料条件研究. 生物质化学工程,49(2): 27-31,2015.

[100].        徐兴硕, 李方义, 周丽蓉,. 产品低碳设计研究现状与发展趋势[J]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2016, 22(7):1609-1618.

[101].        周丽蓉, 李方义, 李剑峰,. 基于设计特征的机械产品制造能耗关联建模[J]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2016, 22(4):1037-1045.

[102].        李静, 李方义, 周丽蓉,. 基于BP神经网络的产品生命周期评价敏感性分析[J]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2016, 22(3):666-671.

[103].        Li G, Li F, Wang Y, et al. Fault Diagnosis for a Multistage Planetary Gear Set Using Model-Based Simulation and Experimental Investigation[J]. Shock & Vibration, 2015, 2016:1-19.

[104].        Li G, Li F, Dong D, et al. Fault Status Assessment for Fault Diagnosis of a Multistage Planetary Gear Set Based on Dynamic Simulation and Experimental Analysis[J]. 2016.

[105].        董德浩, 李方义, 李国彦,. 推土机变速箱用润滑油黏温特性研究[J]. 润滑与密封, 2016(8):39-42.

[106].        Zhou L, Li J, Li F, et al. Energy consumption model and energy efficiency of machine tools: a comprehensive literature review[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 112:3721-3734.

[107].        Chuan-wei Zhang, Fang-yi Li, Jian-feng Li, et al. A new biodegradable composite with open cell by combining modified starch and plant fibers[J]. Materials & Design, 2017:222–229.


[1].   戴向国, 于复生, 李方义编. SolidWorks 2003基础教程. 北京:清华大学出版社, 2004. 01

[2].   戴向国, 李方义等编. Pro/ENGINEER 2000i轻松学习与实例精解. 北京:清华大学出版社, 2000. 11

[3].   《产品绿色化工程概论》, 北京:中国人民大学出版社, 2010.3(参编)

[4].   王晓伟,李方义.《机电产品绿色设计与生命周期评价》,机械工业出版社,139,2015.11.1.


[1].   超声盐浴复合清洗机(发明专利ZL201310028367.X)中华人民共和国国家版权局, 第一位

[2].   一种整体镶嵌式透汽钢模具(实用新型ZL201620422110.1)中华人民共和国国家版权局, 第一位

[3].   机械产品可持续性评价系统(软件著作权V1.0,2015SR076255.,中华人民共和国国家版权局, 2015.9, 第一位

[4].   面向工程机械和机床的绿色制造基础数据库查询系统V1.0(软件著作权2016SR019308,中华人民共和国国家版权局, 2016.1, 第一位

[5].   产品绿色工艺评价系统(软件著作权V1.0, 2016SR020168,中华人民共和国国家版权局, 2016.1, 第一位

[6].   一种球形阴极数控电解加工机床(实用新型ZL201520193406.6)中华人民共和国国家版权局, 第一位

[7].   一种实验用机械零件超声盐浴复合清洗机(实用新型ZL201520150180.1)中华人民共和国国家版权局, 第三位

[8].   一种浮动振子超声盐浴复合清洗机(实用新型ZL201520402037.7)中华人民共和国国家版权局, 第三位

[9].   一种基于多信息融合的变速箱实验台架(实用新型ZL201520161445.8)中华人民共和国国家版权局, 第一位

[10]. 工业机械零部件专用高压水射流清洗机 (发明专利ZL201410062233.4), 中华人民共和国国家版权局, 第一位

[11]. 超声盐浴复合清洗机(实用新型专利ZL201320026415.7), 中华人民共和国国家版权局, 第一位

[12]. 新型超声盐浴复合清洗机(实用新型专利ZL201320591874.X), 中华人民共和国国家版权局, 第一位

[13]. 一种组合叠片镶嵌式模具(发明专利ZL201310165001.7), 中华人民共和国国家版权局, 第一位

[14]. 手机缓冲包装件装置(实用新型专利ZL201220750589.3), 中华人民共和国国家版权局, 第一位

[15]. 一种用于回收水面垃圾的小型全自动清洁船 (实用新型专利ZL201220750962.5), 中华人民共和国国家版权局, 第一位

[16]. 产品绿色工艺评价系统V1.0(软件著作权),中华人民共和国国家版权局, 2016.1, 第一位

[17]. 一种缓冲包装件(实用新型专利ZL 201120395939.4), 中华人民共和国国家版权局, 第二位

[18]. 机电产品生命周期评价系统V1.0 (软件著作权2009SR034344), 中华人民共和国国家版权局, 2009.8, 第一位

[19]. 生物质全降解方便面碗模具 (实用新型专利ZL 200920019134.2), 中华人民共和国国家版权局, 2009.12, 第二位

[20]. 多功能脚控式鼠标(实用新型专利ZL200620083483.7), 中华人民共和国国家版权局, 2007.6, 第二位

[21]. 太阳位置自动跟踪装置(实用新型专利ZL200420038936.5), 中华人民共和国国家版权局, 2005.7, 第二位



[1] 生物质全降解制品关键技术及生产装备研究;山东省科技厅;山东省科技进步奖;二等奖;2010.11;第二位

[2] 基于可持续发展的产品生命周期评价方法研究;山东省科技厅;山东省软科学优秀成果奖;二等奖;2012.10;第四位

[3] 我国橡胶工业的现状分析与展望;山东省科技厅;山东软科学优秀成果三等奖;RK06-03-03-25-04. 2006.9;第三位

[4] 中国内燃机再制造产业战略实施方案; 中国机械工业联合会、中国机械工程学会;三等奖;第三位



Fangyi  Li

PhD,  Professor

Research Director, Center of Sustainable Manufacturing, Shandong University

ASME member; CSME member;

IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing, reviewer


Research Areas: Green Design and Manufacturing; Life Cycle Engineering; Design for Environment; Remanufacturing and Recycle;


Address: School of Mechanical Engineering,

Shandong University,

73 Jingshi Road,

Ji Nan, 250061,

P.R. China


Phone: 86-531-88392813 (Office)

Mail: lifangyi@sdu.edu.cn 

Web: www.rcsm.sdu.edu.cn








Candidate for Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation.

Get PhD degree in December 2002.




(Now: SHANDONG UNIVERSITY)                                 JINAN, CHINA

Assistant Professor






M.S. degree in Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation, July 1994.





B.S. degree in Mechanical Design and Manufacturing, July 1991.





Professor,  Vice Dean


SHANDONG UNIVERSITY, Deputy Director,                  JINAN,  CHINA




Visiting professor,                                     Edinburg, TX, USA





Deputy Director, Associated Professor                                   JINAN,  CHINA




TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY                                                                BEIJING, CHINA

Ph.D. Candidate, Directed by Professor Guanghong Duan, Green Product Design and Manufacturing. ( As a leader of more than 10 students research group)

l Designed and implemented the Products Green Design Decision Supported System (Key project of the Natural Science Foundation of China NSFC): System Model and Decision Algorithm with Microsoft Visual C++ and SQL-Sever.

l Designed and implemented the Products Life-Cycle Assessment and Design for Disassembly and Recycle system: General System Model and Assessment Metric System, with Delphi5 and SQL-Sever.




(now: SHANDONG UNIVERSITY),                                     JINAN, CHINA



Chief Developer:

l Designed a set of robot manipulator: Mechanical structure and Control System.




(Now: SHANDONG UNIVERSITY)                                   JINAN, CHINA

Assistant Professor,

Courses including: System Design, CAD, Robotics, and Major English.





Summer Intern, CAD Center

Function development of a CAD software.


Selected Honors

l Special Scholarship of Tsinghua-Shenlong Fukang Automobile, 2001.

l First Class Scholarship of Tsinghua University, 2000.

l 1st "Challenge Cup" National Contest of College Students' Scientific and Technological Works, Second place.

l Excellent Dissertation of B.S. Degree, 1994.

l Outstanding Undergraduate Student in Foreign Language Learning Fellowship, 1990.

l Excellent Leader Fellowship, 1991.

l Excellent Graduate Student Fellowship, 1991



Selected Current Publications

l Li Fangyi, Wang Jinsong, Duan Guanghong, Hong-Chao Zhang. Study on Fuzzy AHP Method in Green Modularity Design . China Mechanical Engineering. 2000, 11 (9): 997~1000 (EI)

l Li Fangyi, Duan Guanghong, Wang Jinsong, Lisa. Research on Green Design Assessing Model of Products. Journal of Tsinghua University. 2002, 42 (6): 783~786 (EI)

l Li Fangyi, Duan Guanghong, Wang Jinsong et al. Green Design Assessing Model of Products. In: Proceedings of IEEE 2002 International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment. San Francisco, USA, 2002, 5. 123~127

l Fangyi Li, Guanghong Duan, Jinsong Wang, Hong C. Zhang. A Decision Making Model for Material Management of End-of-Life Electronic Products. In: 1th Proceedings of International Symposium on Sustainable Manufacturing. Shanghai, China, 1999, 11. 119~126

l Fangyi Li, Guanghong Duan, Jinsong Wang, Hong C. Zhang. Modularity Analysis in Support of Green Design Electromechanical Products. In Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Manufacturing Automation (AMSMA’ 2000) . Guangzhou, 2000, 6. 669~674

l Wang Jinsong, Duan Guanghong, Li Fangyi, Hong C. Zhang. Current Situation and Future Developing Trends of Green Manufacturing Technology Based on Products Life Cycle. Computer Integrated Manufacturing System. 1999, Vol. 5(4):1~8

l Li Fangyi, Duan Guanghong, Wang Jinsong, Hong C. Zhang. Electromechanical Products Green Design Oriented Modularity Methodology Research. Automation of Manufacturing. 1999, V21 (suppl) : 259~266

l Liu Gang, Li Fangyi, Wang Jinsong, Duan Guanghong. Research on the Life Cycle Assessment System of Products Based on the Local Environment. China Mechanical Engineering. 2000, 11(9): 991-993 (EI)

l Li Sa, Li Fangyi, Duan Guanghong, Wang Jinsong, Hong C. Zhang. A Retirement Management Model of End-of-Life Electromechanical Products. In:Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering ICME2000. China Machine Press. Shanghai, 2000, 11.

l Liu Gang, Duan Guanghong, Wang Jinsong, Li Fangyi. Research on Product Life-cycle Oriented Green Design Assessment System. In:Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering ICME2000. China Machine Press. Shanghai, 2000, 11.

l Liu Xueping, Liu Guangfu, Duan Guanghong, Wang Jinsong, Li Fangyi. The Quantification of the Relating Degree of Parts Based on The Fuzzy Synthesizing Evaluation Method. In: Proceedings of 2002 IEEE International Symposium On Electronics and the Environment. San Francisco, USA, 2002, 5. 74~78 (EI)

l Meng Peng, Duan Guanghong, Wang Jinsong, Li Fangyi. A Modeling and Analysis System for Product Disassembly and Recycle Based on Graph Theory. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing. Dalian, China.Vol.2: 387~392

l Mao Wei, Duan Guanghong, Xue Junfang, Xiang Dong, Li Fangyi, Meng Peng. Research and Development of Parameterized CAD Systems Based on Technologies of ActiveX Automation and Database. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Progress of Machining Technology, Xi’an, China, 2002, 9. 932-937

l Meng Peng, Duan Guanghong, Xiang Dong, Liu Xueping, Wu Ying, Li Fangyi, Li Yi. An Information System Management of Assessment of Disassembly and Recycle. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment. Boston MA, United States, May 19-22 2003. 286-290 (EI)

l Meng Peng, Duan Guanghong, Wang Jingsong, Li Fangyi. Modeling and Analysis System for Product Disassembly and Recycle Based on Graph Theory. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2002, V38 (suppl). 85-89 (EI)

l Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi et al. Current situation and future developing trends of products design method oriented sustainable maufacturing.Chinese mechanical engineering conference.2003, 12.

l Li Jianfeng, Chen Jian, Li Fangyi, Wang Yuling. Disassembly-recycling Model and Generation of Disassembly Sequences of Electromechanical Products. Journal of Shandong University (Engineering Science) , 2004, 34 (5): 9-13

l Wang Yuling, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, Chen Jian. Electromechanical Product Disassembly and Recycle System Based on Hybrid Graph. Modern Manufacturing Engineering2005, 1: 13-16

l Sun Jie, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, Jia Xiaodong. Research on Key Manufacturing Process by Finite Element Method. Journal of Shandong University (Engineering Science) , 2005, 35(1): 17-21

l Lu Dong, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, Zhou Rui. Research Actuality and Development of Green Cutting Technology. Tool Engineering. 2005, 39(3): 3-6

l  Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Duan Guanghong et al. Research in Green Modularity Design Methodology. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) , 2005, 12, Vol. E-10(4): 402-406

l Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Research Actuality and Prospects of Green Product Design: General Theory and Methodology. Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology, 2004, 10: 73-78

l Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, Research Actuality and Prospects of Green Product Design: DFX Methodology. Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology, 2004, 11: 61-65

l Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Yan Lijun, Duan Guanghong, Wei Baokun, Research Actuality and Prospects of Green Product Design Life Cycle Assessment. Modern Manufacturing Technology and Equipment. 2006, 01: 8-13

l Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Duan Guanghong, Li Jianzhi. Green Design-oriented Product AHP Life Cycle Environmental Impact Assessment Model. IET Conference Publications, International Technology and Innovation Conference 2006, ITIC 2006, No.524: 1020-1025 (No.01194) (EI)

l Chen Jian, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Wang Yuling, Jiang Feng, Wang Wenyuan. Undirected Graph Model of Product Family Architecture for Mass Customization [C]. Internationall Technology and Innovation Conference. 2006, 6-7 November 2006, Hangzhou, China. (No.01083) (EI)

l Jiang Feng, Li Jianfeng,Li Fangyi,Chenjian,Wang Yuling. Innovative CAD Method on the Intensity Analysis of Lift-arms under Offset Loading Condition. International Technology and Innovation Conference, 2006, 6-7 November 2006, Hang Zhou, China (No.01095) (EI)

l Jiang Feng, Li Qinghai, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, Wei Baokun. The Assessment of the Packaging Materials’ Environmental Friendly Character Based on the LCA Methodology. Journal of Shandong University (Engineering Science) , 2006.12.

l Chen Jian, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Wang Yuling, Jiang Feng. Research on Green Adaptable Design.  Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique, 2006, (11): 13-15

l Wang Yuling, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Chenjian, Jiang Feng, Wang Wenyuan. Hybrid Graph Disassembly Model and Sequence Planning for Product Maintenance[C]. International technology and innovateion conference 2006, 6-7 November 2006, Hangzhou, China. (No.01100).

l Wang Yuling, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Chen Jian, Jiang Feng. Hybrid Method of Reliability Distribution for the Life Cycle of Product. Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique, 2006, (12)

l Jia Xiujie, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi. System Analysis and Simulation Study for Production Process. The1st National Intelligent Manufacturing Meeting. China Hangzhou, Zhejiang University of Technology. 2006.12.8

l Jia Xiujie, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, The Plan and Optimize of Equipment Layout in Large Parts Weld Shop. The1st National Intelligent Manufacturing Meeting. China Hangzhou, Zhejiang University of Technology. 2006.12.8

l Chen Jian, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, Wang Yuling, Jiang Feng, Ma Kaicen. Cross-domain Identification of Common Platform Oriented to Product Family Design. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems. 2006, 12(12): 1928-1933, 1956. (EI)

l Chen Jian, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi. Undirected Graph Model for Product Family Architecture. Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering, 2007, 26(8): 1030-1034.

l Wang Yuling, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi et al. Research on Green Design and Manufacturing Technology of Construction Machinery. Construction Machinery and Equipment. 2007, 38(1): 40-44.

l Jiang Feng, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng et al. Abrasion Course Analysis on Pins of Loader Working Equipment and Improvement. Lubrication Engineering, 2007, 32 (7): 132-135 (EI)

l Jiang Feng, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng. Automated Assembly Parameters Optimization of Circular Parts Based on Design for Assembly. 9th Conference on Machining & Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2007.8. (EI)

l Jiang Feng, Li Jianfeng, Sun Jie, Zhang Song, Li Fangyi. Innovative Method on Milling Force Model of  High-speed Machining of Titanium Alloy. 2007 Doctoral Academic BBS, 2007.8. (EI)

l Jiang Feng, Li Jianfeng, Sun Jie, Li Fangyi, Lu Dong. Research Actualities of Ductile Machining for Hard and Brittle Materials. Tool Engineering. 2007, 41 (8): 3-7.

l Jianzhi Li, Zhenhua Wu, Fangyi Li. Study of the Effect of CNTs on the Electrical Conductivity of Electronically Conductive Adhesives. Sustainable Manufacturing V, 2007, 9, 21. Rochester, USA.

l Jiang Feng, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, Wang Yuling. Offset Loading Coefficient Method on the Intensity Analysis of Lift-arms. China Mechanical Engineering, 2008, 19 (3): 272-276. (EI)

l Fangyi Li, Jianzhi Li, Jianfeng Li. A LCIA Weighting System Based on China Environmental Policy and Local Manufacturing Industry Situation. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, 2008 16th IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, ISEE, 2008, 5. p4562864.

l Anfu Guo, Jianfeng Li, Fangyi Li, Yong Yang. Design of the Full Biodegradable and Single-use Dishware Mold Based on Automatic Ejection Technology. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, 2008 16th IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, ISEE, 2008, p4562866.

l Jia Xiujie, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, Wei Baokun. Analysis of Different Biodegradable Materials and Its Technique to Produce Dishware. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment. 2008 16th IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, ISEE, 2008, p4562909

l Jia Xiujie, Jianfeng Li, Li Fangyi, et al. Research Plant Fiber Material Produce Dishware And Its Property. Global Conference on Sustainable Product Development and Life Cycle Engineering, Bushan, Korea, 2008,9

l Xiaowei Wang, Fangyi Li, Jianfeng Li, Ruijun Zhang, Anfu Guo. A LCA Factors System of Electromechanical products. Global Conference on Sustainable Product Development and Life Cycle Engineering, 29th Sep-1st Oct, 2008.

l An-Fu Guo, Fang-Yi Li, Jian-Feng Li , Xiao-Wei Wang , Tong-Zhen Wang. Assessment on Green Degree of Biodegradable Packaging Material Based on Fuzzy AHP Methodology. Global Conference on Sustainable Product Development and Life Cycle Engineering Sustainability and Remanufacturing VI, September 29-October 1, 2008, Pusan National University, Korea

l Jiang Feng, Li Jianfeng, Li fangyi, Wang Yuling. Offset Loading Coefficient Method on the Intensity Analysis of Lift-arms. China Mechanical Engineering, 2008.03, V19 (03) (EI)

l Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Duan Guanghong, Li Jianzhi. A Product Life Cycle Assessment Model Based on AHP Methodology in Support of Green Design. Journal of Shandong University (Engineering Science), 2008, 38(5): 57-61

l Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Li Jianzhi, Duan Guanghong. A Product Selective Disassembly Model Based on Hybrid Directed Graph. China Mechanical Engineering, 2009, 20 (5): 553-558

l Guo Anfu, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, Wei Baokun. Study on the Biodegradability of Plant Fiber and Starch Dishware. Journal of Functional Materials, 2009, V40 (11) (EI)  

l Wang Xiaowei, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, Wang Liming. A Life Cycle Assessment Indicators System and Quantification Methods of Electromechanical Products. Journal of Shandong University (Engineering Science) , 2009.10, V39 (5)

l Wang Xiaowei, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Wang Liming, Chen Xiaoxu, A Method of Multi-environmental Spatial Scales Division in LCA Based on Chinese Region-specific. Advance Materials Research, 2010, V97-101 (EI)

l Guo Anfu, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, Wei Baokun, Li Jianyong. Study on the Performance and Biodegradability of Three Kinds of Biodegradable Dishware. Advanced Materials Research, 2010, V97-101 (EI)

l Chen jian, Zhao Yanwei, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Transforming Bridge-based Conflict Resolution for Product Green Design. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2010.9, V46 (9) (EI)

l Guo Anfu, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, Wei Baokun. Assessment on Green Degree of Biodegradable Packaging Materials Based on FAHP Methodology. Journal of Functional Materials, 2010.3, v41 (03) (EI)

l Wang Xiaowei, Li Jianfeng, Li Jianzhi, Li Fangyi. The Analysis of Scenario Characteristics in Life Cycle Assessment. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, V148-149 (EI)

l Guo Anfu, Lu Haiyang, Li Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, Wei Baokun, Li Jianyong, Wang Xia. Mechanical Property Simulation and Verification of Plant Fiber and Starch Dishware. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering. 2010.7, V26 (07) (EI)

l Wang Liming, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Wang Xiaowei. Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of Life-cycle Assessment Based on Multivariate Regression Analysis. The 5th International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing 2010,Green Manufacturing, 11-13, Jan. 2010, Ningbo, China (EI)

l Wang Xiaowei, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Wang Liming. A Life Cycle Impact Assessment Method Based on Multi-environmental Dimension (ISTP: 11477087) , The 5th International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing 2010, Green Manufacturing, 11-13, Jan. 2010, Ningbo, China (EI)

l Qingzhong Xu, Fangyi Li, Tao Ding, Jinzhi Chen. Experimental Study on Application of Cold-welding Technology in Engine Remanufacturing Field [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, (482-484) : 2051-2054

l Qingzhong Xu, Fangyi Li, Shilei Ma, Junzhuang Liu. Study on Milling Parameters Optimization in Remanufacturing Cold-welding Area [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, (500) : 123-127

l Xin Lanlan, Jia Xiujei, Li Fangyi, Wang Xiaowei, Chen Xiaoxu. Green Feature Modeling for Mechanical and Electrical Product Conceptual Design. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2012.4 V18(4)

l Yang He, Fangyi Li, Chunhu Wu, Shilei Ma. The Study of Shrink Fit Design Empirical Formula. Advanced Materials Research. 2011: 466-472

l Li Fangyi, Ma Shilei, He Yang, Xu Qingzhong. Mechanism Design of Palletizing Robot Based on Translating Cam Principle. Transactions of Tianjin University. 2012

l Shilei Ma, Fangyi Li, Yang He, Qingzhong Xu. Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Driving Axle Housing Based on Sparse Grids. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012: 82-86

l Wang Xiaowei, Li Fangyi, etc. A Life Cycle Impact Assessment Method Based on the Multi-environmental Spatial Dimension, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (DOI:10.1080/0951192X.2012.665181[J/OL]) (SCI, 1.071)

l Guo Anfu, LI Jianfeng, Li Fangyi, Li Jianyong, lv YU. Research on the Four-step Foam Forming Mechanism of Biomass Materials. Journal of Functional Materials, 2012.8, V43(I) (EI)

l Xin Lanlan, Li Fangyi, Wang Xiaowei, Wang Liming. A life cycle design method based on green feature. Electronics Goes Green 2012+, 2012.10 (EI)

l Yang Xiaodong, Li Fangyi, Wang Xiaowei, Wang Liming. A Green-Feature Based LCA Backtracking Mechanism. Electronics Goes Green 2012+, 2012.10 (EI)

l Lv Keming, Huo Mengyou, Li Fangyi, The Application of Fuzzy Control in the Foam Fire Extinguishing System. Applied Mechanics and Materials2013, V246 (EI)

l Xu Qingzhong, Li Fangyi, Ding Tao, Li Feng. Experimental Analysis on Cold-welding Surface Residual Stress of HT250. Transactions of the China Welding, 2012.10, V33 (10)

l Xu Qingzhong, Li Fangyi, Qin Shunshun, Ma Shilei, Effect of Cold-welding Parameters on Properties of HT250 Surface Repaired Layer. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2013. V49 (7) (EI)

l Ma Shilei, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, He Yang. Approximate Model Using Sparse Grid Approach and Its Application in Lightweight Design. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2013, V49 (7) (EI)

l  Guo Qi, Li Fangyi, Ge Shunxin, Jia Xiujie, Nie Yanyan.The study of surface tension and viscosity on mixed molten salt of KNO3-NaNO2 [J]. Journal of Functional Materials,2014,45(13):36-39,44.

l  Guo Qi, Li Fangyi, Li Shuo, Nie Yanyan. Research on Decontamination Effect and Damage of High-pressure Water Jet Cleaning to Matrix [J]. China Mechanical Engineering, 2014,V25(6):817-820.

l  Guo Qi, Li Fangyi, Yao Shuaishuai, Nie Yanyan, Jia Xiujie, Li Jianfeng. Decoating technology and process optimization of blank HT250 based on remanufacturing [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2016(1):77-81.

l  Ge Shunxin, Li Fangyi, Jia Xiujie, Guo Qi. Analysis on thermal physics and test of specific heat capacity of binary nitrate salt [J]. Journal of Functional Materials, 2014,V45(15):9-11.

l  Li Fangyi, Guan Kaikai, Guo Anfu. Effect of fiber/starch compound treatment on mechanical properties of biomass cushion packaging material [J]. Journal of Functional Materials,2014,V14(45)14072-14076.

l  Liu Peng, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Guan Kaikai, Wang Chengzhao. Thermoplastic starch matrix plasticized by single/compound plasticizer in starch-based composites [J], Journal of Functional Materials, 14(45): 14140-14149(2014).

l  Zhou Lirong, Li Fangyi, Meng Qiang, Li Jing. The study of energy consumption and energy efficiency of machine tools [C]. National Doctoral Forum 2014 - Advanced materials and sustainable manufacturing. 2014:250-253.

l  Meng Qiang, Li Fangyi, Li Jing, Zhou Lirong, Ji Qinqin. Green features-based rapid life cycle assessment method for conceptual design [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, V21(3):626-633,2014.

l  Zhu Zhaoju, Li Fangyi, Jia Xiujie, Li Guoyan, Wang Guangcun. Fault Diagnosis of Bulldozer Gearbox Based on Oil Monitoring Technology [J], Lubrication Engineering, 39:83-87,2014.

l  Peng Liu, Fangyi Li, Jianfeng Li, Kaikai Guan, Gang Li, Anfu Guo. Effect of starch plasticizing/ fiber processing on the mechanical properties of biomass cushion packaging composites.Journal of Biobased Materials and BioenergyVol.8 :214-220 (2014).

l  Fangyi Li, Kaikai Guan, Jianfeng Li. Ingredient of biomass packaging material and compare study on cushion properties. International Journal of Polymer Science, V2014(1):1-7,2014.

l  Li Fangyi,Guan kaikai, Liu Peng. Effect of fiber/starch treatment on structure and mechanical properties of cushion packaging. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 873: 669-675,2014.

l  Shuo Li,Fangyi Li,Baolong Gong and Qingdong Hao. Measurement and analysis of the polarization curves of Laser Cladding Layer or Cold Welding Layer on FV520B . Advanced Materials Research Vol.441(2014) pp409-412.

l  Cheng-zhao Wang, Fang-yi Li, Li-ming Wang et al. Research on   thermoplastic starch and different fiber reinforced biomass composites [J]. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015, 5,:49824-49830.

l  Qiang Meng, Fang-yi Li, Li-rong Zhou. etc. A Rapid Life Cycle Assessment Method Based on Green Features in Supporting Conceptual Design[J]International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology,Vol2(2):189-196, 2015/02/01

l  Guoyan Li, Fangyi Li, Yifan Wang, and Dehao Dong. Fault Diagnosis for a Multistage Planetary Gear Set Using Model-based Simulation and Experimental Investigation[J]. Shock and Vibration.

l  Zhaoju Zhu, Fangyi Li , Guoyan Li , Dehao Dong , Yifan Wang.Fault Diagnosis of Gearbox Based on Laser Particle Size Analysis.ISRME 2015)

l  Li Fashuang, Li Fangyi, Jia Xiujie, Jin Hu, Wang Yifan. Performance Analysis of FeCr Repaired Coating on FV520B Steel by Laser Cladding [J], Tool Engineering,2015,49(10):55-57.

l  Jin Hu, Li Fangyi, Li Fashuang, Wang Liming. Study on bond strength of thermal spray repair layer in centrifugal compressor blades[J]. Tool Engineering, 2015, (11):10-13.

l  Liu Peng, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Guo Anfu, Zhangchuanwei, Wang Chengzhao. The micro-mechanism and mechanical properties of the biomass composites reinforced with plant fiber[J]. Journal of Functional Materials, 2015, 11(46): 11017-11026.

l  Li Guoyan, Li Fangyi, Zhu Zhaoju .Simulation of dynamic characteristics of compound planetary gear trains[J]. Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology), 2015, 46(5):1635-1640.

l  Dong Dehao, Li Fangyi, Zhu Zhaojun, Li Guoyan, Wang Yifan. Application of oil monitoring in fault diagnosis of bulldozer gearbox[J]. Tool Engineering, 2015, 49(9):89-93.

l  Wang Chengzhao, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Guo anfu, Liu Peng, Guan Kaikai. Rheological properties of Slurry of Biomass Material and Transportion  conditions in Pipeline[J]. Biomass Chemical Engineering, 2015, 49(2): 27-31.

l  Xu Xingshuo, Li Fangyi, Zhou Lirong, Li Jing, Meng Qiang. .Status and future trends research on low carbon design[J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 2016, 22(7):1609-1618.

l  Zhou Lirong, Li Fangyi, Li Jianfeng, Xu Xingshuo, Li Jing. Product manufacturing energy consumption correlation model based on design features[J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2016, 22(7):1609-1618.

l  Li Jing, Li Fangyi, Zhou Lirong, Xu Xingshuo, Meng Qiang.Sensitivity analysis for life cycle assessment of product based on back propagation neural network[J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2016, 22(3):666-671.

l  Li G, Li F, Wang Y, et al. Fault Diagnosis for a Multistage Planetary Gear Set Using Model-Based Simulation and Experimental Investigation[J]. Shock & Vibration, 2015, 2016:1-19.

l  Li G, Li F, Dong D, et al. Fault Status Assessment for Fault Diagnosis of a Multistage Planetary Gear Set Based on Dynamic Simulation and Experimental Analysis[J]. 2016.

l  Dong Dehao, Li Fangyi, Li Guoyan. Research on Viscosity-Temperature Characteristics of bulldozer gearbox lubricating oil [J]. Lubrication Engineering, 2016, (8):39-42.

l  Zhou L, Li J, Li F, et al. Energy consumption model and energy efficiency of machine tools: a comprehensive literature review[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 112:3721-3734.

l  Chuan-wei Zhang, Fang-yi Li, Jian-feng Li, et al. A new biodegradable composite with open cell by combining modified starch and plant fibers[J]. Materials & Design, 2017:222–229.

Selected Writings

l  Xiangguo Dai, Fengsheng Yu, Fangyi Li.SolidWorks2003 Basic Course. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press,2004,1;

l  Xiangguo Dai, Fangyi Li ea al. Pro/ENGINEER 2000i Easy Learning and Instances of Pure Solution. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press,2000,11;

l  Product introduction to greening engineering, Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2010.3;

l  Xiaowei Wang, Fangyi Li. green design and life cycle assessment of Mechanical products;

Selected Patents

l  Ultrasonic salt bath composite cleaning machinePatent of Invention ZL201310028367.X National Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of Chinathe first

l  A Integral mosaic type steam permeable steel mouldUtility Model ZL201620422110.1National Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of Chinathe first

l  A Spherical cathode numerical control electrochemical machining machine toolUtility Model ZL201520193406.6National Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of Chinafirst place

l  A ultrasonic salt bath composite cleaning machine of mechanical parts for experimentUtility Model ZL201520150180.1National Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of ChinaThe third

l  A floating oscillator ultrasonic salt bath composite cleaning machineUtility Model ZL201520402037.7National Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of ChinaThe third

l  Sustainability evaluation system for mechanical productsSoftware copyright V1.02015SR076255.National Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of China2015.9,the first

l  Basic database query system of green manufacturing for construction machinery and machine toolsV1.0Software copyright 2016SR019308, National Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of China2016.1,the first

l  Product evaluation system of green technologySoftware copyright V1.0, 2016SR020168, National Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of China2016.1, the first

l  A Kind of Cushion Packaging (Utility Model Patent ZL 2011 2 0395939.4). The National Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of China. The 2th

l  Life Cycle Assessment System of Mechanical and Electronic Products V1.0 (2009SR034344) . The National Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of China, Software Copyright, 2009.8. The 1th

l  The Mold of All Biomass Degradation Instant Noodles’ Cup (200920019134.2) . The National Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of China, Utility Model Patent, 2009. 12. The 2th

l  Multi-function Foot-operated Mouse (Utility Model Patent ZL200620083483.7) . 2007.6.6. The 2th

l  The Position of the Sun Automatic Tracking Device (Utility Model Patent ZL200420038936.5) . 2005.7.27. The 2th

Selected awards

l China internal combustion engine remanufacturing industry strategy and implementation planThe China machinery industry federationChinese Mechanical Engineering Societythe 3th Prize

l The Method Research of Product Life Cycle Assessment Based on the Sustainable Development, Shandong Province Science and Technology Department, Shandong Province Soft Science Award for Outstanding Achievement, the 2th Prize

l Key Techniques and Production Equipment Research of Biomass Degradation Products, Shandong Province Science and Technology Department, Shandong Province Award for Science and Technology Progress, The 2th Prize, 2010.11

l The Analysis and Prospect of the Present Situation of Rubber Industry, Shandong Province Soft Science Award for Outstanding Achievement, the 3th Prize, 2006.9



Selected Current Research Projects

l National Natural Science Foundation Project of China---The product conceptual design oriented relational modeling combining macro-micro characteristics with carbon emission and product carbon efficiency evaluation(No.51675314), Jan. 1st,2017-Dec. 31th,2020.

l National Natural Science Foundation Project of China---The composite cleaning mechanism and its application for remanufacturing work-blank based on ultrasonic salt bath method. (No. 51375278), Aug.15th,2013- Dec. 31th,2017.

l Project of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China--- Platform construction and integrated demonstration of green design for metal cutting machine tools, Jan. 1st,2017-Dec. 31th,2018.

Selected Completed Research Projects

l National "973" Key Basic Research and Development ProgramFundamental Scientific Issues of  Mechanical Equipment Remanufacturing (2011CB013400) , 2011.11-2016.8

   Project 1: Basic scientific problems of machine & equipment of remanufacturing Cross-Scale Failure Behavior and Mechanism of Remanufacturing Objects Under Multiple Strong Fields, and the Remanufacturing Critical Threshold (2011CB013401) , Participant

   Project 3: Bond/chimeric Mechanism and Implementation of Remanufacturing Rough (2011CB013403) , Presided Topic Subtasks

l Project of the Natural Science Foundation of China NSFC: Research on Products Design Model Based on Green Feature (51175312) , 2012.01-2015.12, Moderator

l the National HighTechnology Research and Development ProgramTechnology Integration and Application Research on Reverse Logistics of Engineering Machinery Recycling products(2013AA040204), 2012.12-2015.12, Moderator;

l the National HighTechnology Research and Development ProgramGreen Technology Assessment and Related Basic Database Development for Machine Tools and Engineering machinery product (2014AA041503), 2014/1/1-2016/12/31, Moderator;

l Project of the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong province: Based on Green Feature Products Design (ZR2010EM007) , 2011.01-2013.12, Moderator

l Major Special Projects in Jinan City: Remanufacturing Key Technology and Equipment of Auto Parts, 2011.01- 2013.12, School Moderator

l Project of the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong province: Research on Products Green Design Decision-making Method Based on Green Feature , 2010-2013, Moderator

l Project of the Natural Science Innovation Foundation of Shandong UniversityThe Mechanism and Application of Engine Remanufacturing High-energy Pulsed Laser-like Precision Cold Repair Technology, 2011.1-2014.01, Moderator

l Enterprise Project: Automatic Fire Foam Proportional Controller and the System Optimization Design and Development, 2010.09-2012.09, Moderator

l China Productivity Center for Machinery :Life Cycle Assessment Standard Test Validation Studies (11381151) , 2011.11.08-2013.03.31, Moderator

l Project of the Natural Science Foundation of China NSFC: Material Directional Processing Mechanism and Forming Controllability in Producing Biomass Cushion Packaging (51275278) , 2013.1-2016.12, The 2th Place

l Self-dependent Innovation Fund for Natural Sciences of Shandong University (interdisciplinary project) : Molding Mechanism of Biomass Cushion Packaging Products (2012JC004) , 2012.1-2014.12, The 2th Place.

l The Second Batch of Scientific and Technological Program of Shandong Province---Study& application on key technology of remanufacturing hot-forging die for vehicles, (No.2011GGH20316), Jan. 1st,2011-Dec. 31th,2012.

l Self-independent innovation plan of colleges and Universities of Jinan, the research on life cycle assessment of electromechanical products and its development of database framework, (No. 201004063), Jun. 1st,2010-Dec. 31th,2012.

l National science and technology research projects of China and the national high-tech. R&D program of China---Technical framework and development strategy of green manufacturing.

l Enterprise project---The development strategy and planning of green manufacturing of the internal-combustion engine, (No. 11381320), May.31th,2013- May.31th,2014.

l Enterprise project---The key technology of remanufacturing for engine connecting rod, (No. 11381006), Feb.,2010-Aug.,2012.

l National Science and Technology supporting PlanKey project: Life Cycle Assessment Methodology and Development and Application of Software Tool (2006BAF02A01-03) , 2007-2009, Moderator

l National Science and Technology supporting Plan—Key project: Biomass Fully-degradable Product and Its Manufacturing Outfits 2006BAF02A08, The 2th Place, 2007-2009

l Key project of the Natural Science Foundation of China NSFC: Electromechanical products green design theory and methodology (59935120) , Main Member

l Project of the Natural Science Foundation of China NSFC:Research on the Methodology of Electromechanical Products Green Modular Design (50375086) , The 2th place

l Project of Key Scientific and Technological of China: 863 Program “Development Strategy and Technical Framework of Green Manufacturing” sub-topic

l Excellent Young Scientist Award of Shandong Province: Electromechanical products green adaptive design methodology, 2006BS05010, 2006-2008, Moderator

l Project of Key Scientific and Technological of Shandong Province: Key Technology and Equipment of Biomass Cushion Packaging Materials. 2010-2011, Main Undertaker

l Major Projects for Science and Technology Development of Shan Dong Province: Biodegradable Materials Products and Complete Equipment (2005GG11040022006GG1104042) , Main Member

l Enterprise Project: Mechanism Analysis of Engine Remanufacturing Cold-welding, 2010-2012Moderator

l Enterprise Project: Driving Axle Housing Lightweight Design of Light Truck, 2010-2012, Moderator

l Enterprise Project: Development of Automatic Testing Equipment for Aluminum Bottle Cap, 2008-2009, Main Member

l Enterprise Project: The Optimum Design of Loader Steel Wheel Structure, 2007, Moderator

l Post-doctoral scientific research workstation: Several Key Technologies Research on Life-Cycle Design of Construction Machinery (LGP200401) , Moderator

l School of Mechanical Engineering of Tsinghua University Key Construction Program of the National “985” Project: Base Construction of Green Manufacturing, Main Member

l Basic Scientific Research Fund Project of Tsinghua University: Whole life cycle Analysis and Evaluation System Based on Product System (JC2000013) , Main Member

l Special Fund Project of Tsinghua Zhizhuo Green Manufacturing Research and Development Center: Modeling Analysis of Electromechanical product disassembly and recycle

l Special Fund Project of Tsinghua Zhizhuo Green Manufacturing Research and Development Center: System Development of Product Life Cycle Assessment

l Special Fund Project of Tsinghua Zhizhuo Green Manufacturing Research and Development Center: Green Design Database Development Research.


  • Gender:Male
  • Date of Birth:1969-12-11
  • Alma Mater:清华大学
  • Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
  • Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • Status:Employed
  • Date of Employment:1994-07-16
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