Date of Birth:1971-07-17
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Undergraduate Study
Alma Mater:济南陆军学院
Current position:
Teaching Experience
/ Result
- haiyangLi
- Date of Birth:1971-07-17
- Gender:Male
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Undergraduate Study
- Alma Mater:济南陆军学院
- Degree:Bachelor's Degree in Military Science
- Status:Employed
- School/Department:山东大学(青岛)资产与实验室管理处
- Date of Employment:2003-08-01
- Administrative Position:主任
- Business Address:山东大学青岛校区
- E-Mail:lihaiyang@sdu.edu.cn
- Honors and Titles:
- 1994 elected: 荣获三等功军功奖章
- 1996-10-01 elected: 全军无线电通信值勤管理先进个人
- 1996-12-01 elected: 荣获三等功军功奖章
- 2017 elected: 中国教育工会山东大学委员会评为“2016年度工会工作先进个人“