Paper Publications
[21] 杨磊. Cracking and Creep Behavior of Rocks Considering Propagation and Interaction of Adjacent Cracks U.... Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 54, 4099, 2021.
[22] 杨磊. Effects of Temperature and Confining Stress on the Hydraulic Fracturing Behavior of Granite: An E.... Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2021.
[23] 魏超. Fracture Propagation of Rock like Material with a Fluid-Infiltrated Pre-existing Flaw Under Uniax.... Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020.
[24] 李景龙. 大理岩峰前卸荷损伤表征及再承载破坏耗能特征. 岩石力学与工程学报, 39, 2429, 2020.
[25] 李景龙. Effect of Lower Surface Roughness on Nonlinear Hydraulic Properties of Fractures. GEOFLUIDS, 2021, 2021.
[26] 孙乐乐. Experimental investigation on axial compression behavior of steel reinforced concrete columns wit.... Engineering Structure, 208, 2020.
[27] 李利平. 基于岩溶突涌水风险评价的隧道施工许可机制及其应用研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 30, 1345, 2011.
[28] lijinglong , lishucai , yangweimin , zhangxiao , wangzhechao 单轴压缩条件下砂岩破坏全过程电阻率与声发射响应特征及损伤演化. 岩石力学与工程学报, 33, 15, 2014.
[29] lijinglong and lishuchen. Application of multi-factor fuzzy comprehensive evaluatioon in stability of surrounding rock of u.... Sensors Transducers, 16, 269, 2012.
[30] lijinglong , lishuchen and liliping. Study on Safety of Anchored Discontinuous Jointed Rock-Study on Safety of Anchored Discontinuous .... Energy Procedia, 2054, 2011.
[31] lijinglong and suibin. 监控量测技术及其在茧厂沟隧道中的应用. 《土工基础》, 29, 173, 2015.
[32] lijinglong. Application of multi-factor fuzzy comprehensive evaluation in stability of surrounding rock of un.... Sensors Transducers, 2012.
[33] lijinglong and suibin. Discussion on determination method of characteristic stress of jinping marble under confining pre.... Computer Modelling and New Technologies, 18, 284, 2014.
[34] zhangbo , lishucai , zhangdunfu , yangweimin , lijinglong and 张波. 含交叉裂隙节理岩体单轴压缩破坏机制研究. 《岩土力学》, 35, 1862, 2014.
[35] lijinglong and suibin. 多因素综合模糊评判法地下建筑的围岩稳定性评价中的应用. 《建筑科学》, 30, 98, 2014.
[36] liliping , lishucai and lijinglong. 地下工程流-固耦合模型试验新型相似材料的研制及应用. 岩石力学与工程学报, 31, 1128, 2012.
[37] lijinglong and suibin. Discussion on determination method of characteristic stress of jinping marble under confining pre.... Computer modeling and New technology, 18, 284, 2014.
[38] lijinglong , lishucai and lishuchen. Study on Risk Analysis Methods for Underground projects. International Symposium on Risk Control and Management of Design, Construction and Operation in Underground Engineering(IRCM2009), 159, 2009.
[39] lijinglong , lishucai and lishuchen. The Applications Of Concrete Cut-Off Wall In The Reinforcement Of The Earth Dam. Advances Mateials Research, 150, 749, 2011.
[40] lijinglong and suibin. 多因素综合模糊评判法在地下建筑围岩稳定性评价中的应用. 《建筑科学》, 30, 98, 2014.