Paper Publications
- [41] Chen Alian , zhangchenghui , like and 陈杰. A Model Predictive Control based Fault-Tolerant Control Strategy for T-Type Three-Level Inverters. 2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2839, 2017.
- [42] like , zhangchenghui and 魏兴国. Operation Strategy and Economic Analysis of Biogas CCHP System including Compressed Air Energy Storage. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 36TH CHINESE CONTROL CONFERENCE (CCC 2017), 9107, 2017.
- [43] Qi Zhang , cuinaxin , like , zhangchenghui and 张奇. Co-simulation of hnergy Management Strategy for Hybrid hlectric Vehicle in AVL InMotion. 2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), 4932, 2017.
- [44] zhangchenghui , like and wanghaiyang. Study of Cooling, Heating and Power Characteristics of the Improved. Multi-stage AA-CAIHS System. 2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), 6184, 2017.
- [45] Chen Alian , like , duchunshui , zhangchenghui and 张子成. Modeling and Suppression of Circulating Currents for Multi-Paralleled Three-Level T-Type Inverters. 2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 708, 2017.
- [46] like , zhangchenghui and 孙芸馨. Combination Load Forecasting Method for CCHP System Based on IOWA Operator. 2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), 4193, 2017.
- [47] like , zhangchenghui and 李珂. Robust Current Control of PMSM Based on PCH and Disturbance Observer. Chinese Control Conference, CCC2014, 2014.
- [48] zhangchenghui , like and 严毅. 含压缩空气的微网复合储能系统主动控制策略. 电工技术学报, 32, 231, 2017.
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