- [81] 李可军. VSC-MTDC System Integrating Offshore Wind Farms Based Optimal Distribution Method for Financial Improvement on Wind Producers. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 55, 2232, 2019.
- [82] 李可军. 变压器油色谱在线监测周期动态调整策略研究. 《中国电机工程学报》, 34, 1446, 2014.
- [83] 李可军. Analysis of commutation failure in HVDC caused by AC side fault. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 32, 7061, 2014.
- [84] 李可军. Advanced control strategy of SVC based on artificial immune. 《Journal of Computational Information Systems》, 11, 1965, 2015.
- [85] 李可军. 基于直流电压—有功功率特性的VSC-MTDC协调控制策略. 《电力系统自动化》, 39, 8, 2015.
- [86] 李可军. VSC-MTDC 输电系统的直流侧运行特性分析与稳态工作点计算. 《中国电机工程学报》, 35, 786, 2015.
- [87] 李可军. A Hybrid MMC Topology with dc Fault Ride-Through Capability for MTDC Transmission System. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 2015.
- [88] 李可军. MMC桥臂不对称运行特性分析及子模块故障下的控制策略. 《高电压技术》, 42, 3059, 2016.
- [89] 李可军. 基于人工免疫算法的新型混合SVC模型及其控制策略. 《电力自动化设备》, 36, 93, 2016.
- [90] 李可军. 基于附加有功信号的 VSC-MTDC 系统平衡控制策略. 《电力自动化设备》, 36, 32, 2016.
- [91] 李可军. A Bi-level Program for the Planning of an Islanded Microgrid Including CAES. IEEE transactions on industry applications, 52, 2768, 2016.
- [92] 李可军. A Steady-State Analysis Method for MMCs Connected to PMS Generator-Based Wind Energy Conversion Systems. Energies, 11, 2018.
- [93] 李可军. Operation Modes and Combination Control for Urban Multivoltage-Level DC Grid. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2018.
- [94] 李可军 and 郭靖. 含能源路由器的交直流网络潮流计算模型及可行解求取. 电力系统自动化, 2018.
- [95] 李可军. A Multi-step Dynamic Equivalent Method for Urban Power Grid Based on District Dividing. IEEE transactions on industry applications, 53, 908, 2017.
- [96] 李可军. 混合型 MMC拓扑及应用于 MTDC直流故障穿越能力分析. 《电力系统自动化》, 39, 72, 2015.
- [97] 李可军. 兼具开路故障诊断能力的MMC电容电压测量方法. 《电力系统自动化》, 41, 114, 2017.
- [98] 李可军. VSC-MTDC System Integrating Offshore Wind Farms Based Optimal Distribution Method for Financial Improvement on Wind Producers. IEEE transactions on industry applications, 55, 2232, 2019.
- [99] 李可军. 基于柔性直流互联的抽水蓄能与可再生能源协同运行策略. 《电力系统自动化》, 43, 41, 2019.
- [100] 李可军. An optimal combined operation scheme for pumped storage and hybrid wind-photovoltaic complementary power generation system. Applied energy, 242, 1155, 2019.