Lin Mingxing
Personal Information:
  • Name (English):
    Lin Mingxing
  • Name (Pinyin):
    Lin Mingxing
  • Date of Employment:
  • School/Department:
  • Education Level:
    Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)
  • Business Address:
  • Gender:
  • Degree:
  • Status:
  • Alma Mater:
  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Mechanical Manufacture and Automation;
Mechatronic Engineering;

山东大学机械工程学院教授、博士生导师,主要从事机器人与数控技术、智能检测与控制、机器视觉与信息处理、智能制造技术等方面的教学和研究工作,主持国家自然科学基金、山东省自然科学基金、山东省重点研发计划等多项项目。在《Mechanism and Machine Theory》、《Signal Processing》、《Optics and Laser Technology》、《机械工程学报》、《仪器仪表学报》、《光学学报》、《机器人》等国内外知名期刊和国内外学 术会议上发表相关论文 100 多篇,其中 SCI、EI 收录50多篇。获得授权发明专利30件、授权实用新型专利40件。主编“十三五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目、现代机械工程系列精品教材、普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材《电气控制及可编程序控制器》(第3版)。



  • 1985-9 — 1989-6
  • 1989-9 — 1992-4
    Master's Degree in Engineering
  • 1996-3 — 1999-6
    Machine Design and Theory
    Doctoral Degree in Engineering

1. 管志光. 现代产业学院视域下智能制造专业硕士研究生培养改革探索 .中国教育技术装备.2023 (09):100-102

2. Dai, Chenggang. Adjustable enhancer for low-light image enhancement using multi-expressions fusion and convolutional kernel calibration .MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS.2023

3. 赵佳佳. 考虑热弹流润滑作用的滚珠丝杠副摩擦力矩建模与分析 .基于铣削力精确建模的工件表面.2023,59 (03):176-188

4. 尹相国. 基于多模感知的上肢康复训练轨迹跟踪研究 .《仪器仪表学报》.2023,44 (02):1-9

5. 刘玉博. 两肢通用型上肢康复机器人系统设计与研究 .机械设计与制造.2023 :1-5

6. 代成刚. Single low-light image enhancer using Taylor expansion and fully dynamic convolution .Signal Processing.2021,189

7. 查蔓莉. 基于LabVIEW的测试实验室开发 .《仪器仪表学报》.2006,27 (z1):453-454

8. 邵星翰. 基于多元经验模式分解的SSVEP目标识别研究 .计算机技术与发展(原:微机发展).2021,31 (02):133-137

9. 林明星. 信号时频分析实验设计 .实验技术与管.2005,22 (12):80-82

10. 邓权. 基于改进SSD的海洋生物检测算法 .计算机技术与发展(原:微机发展).2022,32 (4):51-56

11. 赵佳佳. A modeling method for predicting the precision loss of the preload double-nut ball screw induced by raceway wear based on fractal theory .wear.2021,486

12. 邵星翰. Filter bank temporally local canonical correlation analysis for short time window SSVEPs classification .COGNITIVE NEURODYNAMICS.2020,14 (5):689

13. 李大伟. Design and co-simulation of a nose wheel steering system for a civil aircraft .PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART G-JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING.2021

14. 王增才. Driver gaze region estimation based on computer vision .2020

15. 林明星. A modeling method for predicting the precision loss of the preload double-nut ball screw induced by raceway wear based on fractal theory. Wear .wear.2021 (486-487)

16. 林明星. A novel approach to predict the precision sustainability of the ball screw under multidirectional load states .PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE.2021 (7)

17. 范佳城. Research on vehicle attitude and heading reference system based on multi-sensor information fusion .PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING.2020,234 (13):3056

18. 赵佳佳. Analysis of the precision sustainability of the preload double-nut ball screw with consideration of the raceway wear .PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART J-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRIBOLOGY.2019

19. 代成刚. Single hazy image restoration using robust atmospheric scattering model .SIGNAL PROCESSING Journal.2020,166

20. 赵佳佳. Coupling analysis of the fatigue life and the TEHL contact behavior of ball screw under the multidirectional load .Industrial Lubrication and Tribology.2020,72 (10):1285

21. 赵佳佳. A novel approach to predict the precision sustainability of ball screw under multidirectional load states .JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE Journal.2021

22. 代成刚. Single underwater image restoration by decomposing curves of attenuating color .Optics and Laser Technology.2020,123

23. Lin Mingxing , wuxiaojian  and 班传奇. Research on information acquisition and preprocessing of array force sensor .2018 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UBIQUITOUS ROBOTS (UR).2018 :83

24. 李大伟. Design of iron bird for a regional jet aircraft .PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART G-JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING.2020,234 (3):681

25. 代成刚. Dual-Purpose Method for Underwater and Low-Light Image Enhancement via Image Layer Separation .IEEE Access .2019,7 :178685

26. Lin Mingxing  and 赵佳佳. Investigation on the Precision Loss of Ball Screw Considering the Full Ball Load Distribution .2018

27. Lin Mingxing  and 赵佳佳. Investigation of load distribution and deformations for ball screws with the effects of turning torque and geometric errors .MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY.2019,141 :95

28. Lin Mingxing , wuxiaojian  and 刘方全. Remote Upper Limb Exoskeleton Rehabilitation Training System Based on Virtual Reality .2019

29. Lin Mingxing , wuxiaojian  and 韩旭. Design of An Articulated-tracked Mobile Robot with Two Swing Arms .2019

30. Lin Mingxing Design and dynamic modeling of flexible rehabilitation mechanical glove .2017

31. Lin Mingxing. Research on Unwrapping Algorithm of Concentric Annular Image .International Journal of Signal Processing,Image Processing and Pattern Recognition..2019,9 (11):117

32. Lin Mingxing  and 张冠澜. Design of a Soft Robot Using Pneumatic Muscles for Elbow Rehabilitation .2018

33. Lin Mingxing  and 赵佳佳. Research on the precision loss of ball screw with short-time overload impact .Advances in Mechanical Engineering.2018

34. Lin Mingxing  and 王庆东. Electromechanical coupling measurement of new giant magnetostrictive structure for double-nut ball screw pre-tightening .MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.2016,27 (12)

35. Lin Mingxing , wuxiaojian , 马高远 基于人体动作反馈的上肢康复机器人主动感知系统 .机器人.2018 (04)

36. Lin Mingxing  and 代成刚. 基于亮通道色彩补偿与融合的水下图像增强 .光学学报.2018 (11)

37. Lin Mingxing  and 王震. Research on Hydrodynamics Analysis and Double Loop Integral Sliding Mode Control of 4-Joint Underwater Manipulator .2017 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UBIQUITOUS ROBOTS AND AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE (URAI).2017 :728

38. Lin Mingxing  and 鞠晓君. Structure analysis and output force characteristic study of giant magnetostrictive actuator .Yi Qi Yi Biao Xue Bao.2017,38 (5):1198

39. Lin Mingxing , wuxiaojian  and 鞠晓君. Structure design and characteristics analysis of a cylindrical giant magnetostrictive actuator for ball screw preload .Journal of Central South University.2018,25 (7):1799

40. Lin Mingxing  and 王庆东. Design of new giant magnetostrictive structures for double-nut ball screw pre-tightening .Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering.2017, 39 (8):3181

41. Lin Mingxing  and 权稳稳. Design and Simulation of the Rudder Wing of Remote Operated Vehicle .2017 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UBIQUITOUS ROBOTS AND AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE (URAI).2017 :848

42. Lin Mingxing. Research on the Automatic Visual Inspection Model basedon Extenics .Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA).2010,0 (0):6037

43. Lin Mingxing. Design on Highway Accelerated Loading Testing Facility .Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics.2009,0 (0):253

44. Lin Mingxing. Research on the dynamic test system for the 2D gravity center .The 2nd IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications.2006

45. Lin Mingxing. The Extension Assessment Method of the Automatic Visual Inspection System .Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology.2013,48 (1):517

46. Lin Mingxing. Reconfigurable Design for Automatic Visual Inspection by Extension Theory .International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering.2010,0 (0):5435

47. Lin Mingxing. 基于NRF2401的无线扭矩监测系统设计 .《仪表技术与传感器》.2012 (12):57

48. Lin Mingxing. A Cutting Line Positioning and Defects Detection System for Polyurethane Plate Based on Computer Vision .Applied mechanics and materials.2012,562 :119

49. Lin Mingxing. A High-accuracy Algorithm for Surface Defect Detection of Steel Based on DAG-SVM .Sensors & Transducer.2013,157 (10):412

50. Lin Mingxing , zhangchengrui 超磁致伸缩致动器功率驱动器设计 .《电机与控制学报》.2013,17 (7):22

51. zhangchengrui  and Lin Mingxing. High-performance Speed Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Using Extended Kalman Filter .Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering.2012,176 :317

52. Lin Mingxing  and wuxiaojian. 永磁体磁通量自动检测系统开发与设计 .测控技术.2016,35 (1):65

53. Lin Mingxing. Automatic magnetic flux measurement of micro plastic-magnetic rotors .Measurement Science&Technology.2015,26 (7)

54. Lin Mingxing. Design of full-scale highway accelerated loading testing .Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Electronic Measurement.2009

55. Lin Mingxing. 人工气候室控制系统设计 .《计算机测量与控制》.2014,22 (7):2109

56. Lin Mingxing  and zhangchengrui. Design of Hi-power continuously adjustable constant current source based on UC3846 .Advanced Materials research.2012 :1519

57. Lin Mingxing. 足尺沥青混凝土路面加速加载动力响应 .《交通运输工程学报》.2012,12 (2):24

58. Lin Mingxing. 基材信息在线检测及喷码系统设计 .《机械设计与制造》.2012 (9):32

59. Lin Mingxing. An online surface defects detection system for step-axis .Advanced Materials research.2012,472 :954

60. zhangchengrui , Tianliang Hu  and Lin Mingxing. 半桥斩波逆变器输出滤波器设计 .《电机与控制学报》.2012,16 (10):13

61. Lin Mingxing. Research on Binocular Calibration Based on Neural Network .the 6th International Symposium on Test and Measurement.2005

62. Lin Mingxing. Design on Control System of the Test for Gravity Center of Human Body .International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering(CISE2011).2009,0 (0)

63. Lin Mingxing. Research of circle and ellipse vision detection based on pair .the seventh International Conference on Electronic Measurement & Instruments, International Academic Publishers,World Publishing Corporation.2005

64. Lin Mingxing. The continued winding machine measure-control system for the reinforced UHMWPE composite pipe based on computer vision .the 6th International Symposium on Test and Measurement, International Academic Publishers,World Publishing Corporation.2005

65. Lin Mingxing. 基于PLC 的块煤防破碎装车系统设计 .《机械设计与制造》.2011,0 (9):23

66. Lin Mingxing. 足尺路面加速加载控制系统及试验研究 .山东大学学报(工学版).2011,41 (5):121

67. Lin Mingxing. 人体平衡能力的静态测试 .《西安体育学院学报》.2006,23 (5):72

68. Lin Mingxing. 立体车库监控系统 .《仪器仪表学报》.2006

69. Lin Mingxing. Binocular 3D reconstruction based on neural network .Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2005,3497 :765

70. Lin Mingxing  and 范文涛. 圆筒状超磁致伸缩致动器磁场研究与仿真 .《功能材料》.2017,48 (05):5054

71. Lin Mingxing  and 鞠晓君. 超磁致伸缩致动器结构分析及输出力特性研究 .《仪器仪表学报》.2017,38 (05):1198

72. Lin Mingxing , wuxiaojian  and 班传奇. Research on information acquisition and preprocessing of array force sensor .2018 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UBIQUITOUS ROBOTS (UR).2018 :83

73. Lin Mingxing , wuxiaojian  and xumeng. Design of Automatic Assembly System for Rectifier .CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS OF 2018 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS (ICCAR).2018 :126

74. Lin Mingxing  and Guan, Zhiguang. Mechanical Analysis of Remotely Operated Vehicle .CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS OF 2018 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS (ICCAR).2018 :446

75. Lin Mingxing. 机器视觉技术及其应用分析 .农业装备与车辆工程.2008,0 (10):24

76. Lin Mingxing. 基于ZigBee无线传感网络的扭矩监测系统的设计 .《机床与液压》.2014,42 (11):121

77. zhangchengrui  and Lin Mingxing. 超磁致伸缩致动器功率驱动装置的谐波分析及抑制 .《组合机床与自动化加工技术》.2012

78. Lin Mingxing  and zhangchengrui. High-performance Speed Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Using Extended Kalman Filter .Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering.2012,176 :317

79. Tianliang Hu , Lin Mingxing  and zhangchengrui. 半桥斩波逆变器输出滤波器设计 .《电机与控制学报》.2012,16 (10):13

80. Lin Mingxing  and zhangchengrui. 超磁致伸缩致动器功率驱动装置的谐波分析及抑制 .《组合机床与自动化加工技术》.2012

81. Tianliang Hu , Lin Mingxing  and zhangchengrui. 半桥斩波逆变器输出滤波器设计 .《电机与控制学报》.2012,16 (10):13

82. Lin Mingxing  and zhangchengrui. High-performance Speed Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Using Extended Kalman Filter .Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering.2012,176 :317

83. Lin Mingxing  and zhangchengrui. 超磁致伸缩致动器功率驱动装置的谐波分析及抑制 .《组合机床与自动化加工技术》.2012

84. Lin Mingxing  and Guan, Zhiguang. Mechanical Analysis of Remotely Operated Vehicle .CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS OF 2018 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS (ICCAR).2018 :446

85. Lin Mingxing , wuxiaojian  and 鞠晓君. Structure design and characteristics analysis of a cylindrical giant magnetostrictive actuator for ball screw preload .Journal of Central South University.2018,25 (7):1799

86. Lin Mingxing , wuxiaojian  and xumeng. Design of Automatic Assembly System for Rectifier .CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS OF 2018 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS (ICCAR).2018 :126

87. Lin Mingxing  and 范文涛. 圆筒状超磁致伸缩致动器磁场研究与仿真 .《功能材料》.2017,48 (05):5054

88. Lin Mingxing , wuxiaojian  and 班传奇. Research on information acquisition and preprocessing of array force sensor .2018 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UBIQUITOUS ROBOTS (UR).2018 :83

89. 马高远. 基于人体动作反馈的上肢康复机器人主动感知系统 .机器人.2018 (04)

90. Lin Mingxing  and 代成刚. 基于亮通道色彩补偿与融合的水下图像增强 .光学学报.2018 (11)

91. Lin Mingxing  and 鞠晓君. Structure analysis and output force characteristic study of giant magnetostrictive actuator .Yi Qi Yi Biao Xue Bao.2017,38 (5):1198

92. Lin Mingxing  and 权稳稳. Design and Simulation of the Rudder Wing of Remote Operated Vehicle .2017 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UBIQUITOUS ROBOTS AND AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE (URAI).2017 :848

93. Lin Mingxing  and 王庆东. Design of new giant magnetostrictive structures for double-nut ball screw pre-tightening .Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering.2017, 39 (8):3181

94. Lin Mingxing  and 鞠晓君. 超磁致伸缩致动器结构分析及输出力特性研究 .《仪器仪表学报》.2017,38 (05):1198

95. Lin Mingxing  and 王震. Research on Hydrodynamics Analysis and Double Loop Integral Sliding Mode Control of 4-Joint Underwater Manipulator .2017 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UBIQUITOUS ROBOTS AND AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE (URAI).2017 :728

96. Lin Mingxing. 足尺路面加速加载控制系统及试验研究 .山东大学学报(工学版).2011,41 (5):121

97. Lin Mingxing. 基于PLC 的块煤防破碎装车系统设计 .《机械设计与制造》.2011,0 (9):23

98. Lin Mingxing. Research on the Automatic Visual Inspection Model basedon Extenics .Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA).2010,0 (0):6037

99. Lin Mingxing. Reconfigurable Design for Automatic Visual Inspection by Extension Theory .International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering.2010,0 (0):5435

100. Lin Mingxing. Design on Control System of the Test for Gravity Center of Human Body .International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering(CISE2011).2009,0 (0)

101. Lin Mingxing. Design on Highway Accelerated Loading Testing Facility .Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics.2009,0 (0):253

102. Lin Mingxing. 机器视觉技术及其应用分析 .农业装备与车辆工程.2008,0 (10):24

103. Lin Mingxing. Research on the dynamic test system for the 2D gravity center .The 2nd IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications.2006

104. Lin Mingxing. 人体平衡能力的静态测试 .《西安体育学院学报》.2006,23 (5):72

105. Lin Mingxing. 立体车库监控系统 .《仪器仪表学报》.2006

106. Lin Mingxing. Research of circle and ellipse vision detection based on pair .the seventh International Conference on Electronic Measurement & Instruments, International Academic Publishers,World Publishing Corporation.2005

107. Lin Mingxing. The continued winding machine measure-control system for the reinforced UHMWPE composite pipe based on computer vision .the 6th International Symposium on Test and Measurement, International Academic Publishers,World Publishing Corporation.2005

108. Lin Mingxing. Research on Binocular Calibration Based on Neural Network .the 6th International Symposium on Test and Measurement.2005

109. Lin Mingxing. Binocular 3D reconstruction based on neural network .Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2005,3497 :765

110. wuxiaojian  and Lin Mingxing. 永磁体磁通量自动检测系统开发与设计 .测控技术.2016,35 (1):65

111. Lin Mingxing. Automatic magnetic flux measurement of micro plastic-magnetic rotors .Measurement Science&Technology.2015,26 (7)

112. Lin Mingxing. 基于ZigBee无线传感网络的扭矩监测系统的设计 .《机床与液压》.2014,42 (11):121

113. Lin Mingxing. Design of full-scale highway accelerated loading testing .Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Electronic Measurement.2009

114. Lin Mingxing. 基于NRF2401的无线扭矩监测系统设计 .《仪表技术与传感器》.2012 (12):57

115. Lin Mingxing. 人工气候室控制系统设计 .《计算机测量与控制》.2014,22 (7):2109

116. Lin Mingxing. A High-accuracy Algorithm for Surface Defect Detection of Steel Based on DAG-SVM .Sensors & Transducer.2013,157 (10):412

117. Lin Mingxing. 超磁致伸缩致动器功率驱动器设计 .《电机与控制学报》.2013,17 (7):22

118. Lin Mingxing. The Extension Assessment Method of the Automatic Visual Inspection System .Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology.2013,48 (1):517

119. Lin Mingxing. 足尺沥青混凝土路面加速加载动力响应 .《交通运输工程学报》.2012,12 (2):24

120. Lin Mingxing. 基材信息在线检测及喷码系统设计 .《机械设计与制造》.2012 (9):32

121. Lin Mingxing. A Cutting Line Positioning and Defects Detection System for Polyurethane Plate Based on Computer Vision .Applied mechanics and materials.2012,562 :119

122. zhangchengrui  and Lin Mingxing. Design of Hi-power continuously adjustable constant current source based on UC3846 .Advanced Materials research.2012 :1519

123. Lin Mingxing. An online surface defects detection system for step-axis .Advanced Materials research.2012,472 :954


1. 一种玻璃用密封条安装装置及工作方法

2. 一种基于颜色曲线分解的水下图像清晰化方法及系统

3. 一种极暗图像视觉质量提升方法、系统、设备及介质

4. 一种硫酸铝生产出料装置及系统

5. 一种基于大螺距螺旋线转子的切削除雪装置

6. 一种磁悬浮滚珠丝杠副

7. 一种用于盾构的渣土处理系统及方法

8. 一种用于盾构施工的渣土循环处理系统及方法

9. 基于多传感器信息融合的远程康复训练系统及方法

10. 一种磁悬浮滚珠丝杠副

11. 一种用于盾构机的可移动式皮带刮泥装置及方法

12. 一种基于改进SSD算法的海洋生物识别方法及系统

13. 一种用于盾构机刀盘的监测装置及方法

14. 一种基于多表达式融合的低照度图像增强方法及系统

15. 一种滚珠丝杠副摩擦力矩测量装置、方法及应用

16. 一种散热器螺纹孔安装尺寸视觉检测装置及方法

17. 一种自适应手部康复训练装置

18. 一种滚珠丝杠副加载试验装置及试验方法

19. 一种飞机前轮转弯系统及民用支线飞机

20. 一种上肢康复训练装置

21. 一种可自主移动的下肢康复训练机器人

22. 一种玻璃用密封条安装装置

23. 一种基于柔性阵列式压力传感器的上肢主动康复训练系统

24. 一种肘关节康复训练装置

25. 一种可携带式软体康复手指装置及其控制方法

26. 一种双螺母滚珠丝杠副自动预紧装置

27. 一种预紧力可控的双螺母滚珠丝杠副

28. 一种预紧力可控的双螺母滚珠丝杠副

29. 一种双螺母滚珠丝杠副自动预紧装置

30. 一种微小型铁磁零件自动整列充磁装置

31. 一种圆柱型注塑磁块磁通量在线检测装置

32. 一种微小型铁磁零件自动整列充磁装置及方法

33. 一种圆柱型注塑磁块磁通量在线检测装置及检测方法

34. 一种微注塑磁件包装装置

35. 一种微注塑磁件磁性检测装置

36. 一种用于微注塑磁件的自动包装系统

37. 一种微注塑磁件磁性自动检测装置

38. 一种煤炭浮沉试验全过程自动化装置

39. 一种煤炭浮沉试验全过程自动化装置

40. 一种微注塑成型自动嵌取件装置

41. 一种微注塑成型自动嵌取件装置

42. 一种板材自动上料装置

43. 一种叠放板材的单张自动输送装置

44. 水泥夹心轻质隔墙板连续生产设备

45. 水泥夹心轻质隔墙板机械化生产线

46. 用于活塞装配的自动视觉检测装置

47. 一种发动机活塞装配自动视觉检测装置

48. 板材在线厚度和重量一体化检测设备

49. 板材厚度和重量在线监测一体机

50. 泡块切片码垛设备

51. 泡块自动切割设备

52. 泡块切片自动码垛机

53. 数控泡块切割一体机

54. 一种玻璃隔板包边压紧装置

55. 一种玻璃隔板包边压紧装置及工作方法

56. 柔性可伸缩式块煤防破碎装置

57. 煤仓清理装置

58. 一种微小型铁磁块自动整列焊接装置

59. 一种微小型磁块自动充磁装置及充磁方法

60. 一种绳索驱动的并联式柔性上肢康复机器人

61. 一种基于亮通道的水下图像色彩恢复算法

62. 一种基于视觉人体位姿检测的上肢康复机器人系统

63. 基于视觉人体位姿检测的上肢康复机器人系统及使用方法

64. 一种汽车发电机整流桥自动装配装置

65. 穿戴式康复手套

66. 穿戴式康复手套及方法

67. 一种自动润滑的高速滚珠丝杠副

68. 一种自动润滑的高速滚珠丝杠副及方法

69. 一种汽车阀套内孔缺陷检测的送检机构及系统

70. 一种汽车阀套内孔缺陷检测的送检机构、系统及方法

71. 一种组合式预紧力可调的双螺母滚珠丝杠副

72. 一种组合式预紧力可调的双螺母滚珠丝杠副及安装方法

73. 一种具有自感知功能的滚珠丝杠副预紧力测控系统

74. 一种具有自感知功能的滚珠丝杠副预紧力测控系统及方法

75. 一种用于外骨骼康复机器臂的旋转装置

76. 一种外骨骼康复机器臂旋转关节

77. 一种外骨骼欠驱动全指训练康复装置

78. 一种柔性穿戴式外骨骼欠驱动全指训练康复机械手

79. 一种工件内孔图像采集装置

80. 一种工件内孔图像采集装置

81. 板材在线厚度和重量一体化检测设备

82. 板材厚度和重量在线监测一体机

83. 泡块切片码垛设备

84. 泡块自动切割设备

85. 泡块切片自动码垛机

86. 数控泡块切割一体机

87. 一种微小型铁磁块自动整列焊接装置

88. 一种微小型磁块自动充磁装置

89. 一种绳索驱动的并联式柔性上肢康复机器人

90. 一种基于亮通道的水下图像色彩恢复算法

91. 一种基于视觉人体位姿检测的上肢康复机器人系统

92. 基于视觉人体位姿检测的上肢康复机器人系统及使用方法

93. 一种汽车发电机整流桥自动装配装置及方法

94. 一种汽车阀套内孔缺陷检测的送检机构及系统

95. 一种汽车阀套内孔缺陷检测的送检机构、系统及方法

96. 一种整流器铜片折弯机构

97. 一种整流器铜片折弯机构及方法

98. 一种组合式预紧力可调的双螺母滚珠丝杠副

99. 一种组合式预紧力可调的双螺母滚珠丝杠副及安装方法

100. 穿戴式康复手套

101. 穿戴式康复手套及方法

102. 一种自动润滑的高速滚珠丝杠副

103. 一种自动润滑的高速滚珠丝杠副及方法

104. 一种工件内孔图像采集装置

105. 一种工件内孔图像采集装置

106. 板材在线厚度和重量一体化检测设备

107. 泡块切片码垛设备

108. 泡块自动切割设备

109. 泡块切片自动码垛机

110. 数控泡块切割一体机

111. 一种双螺母滚珠丝杠副自动预紧装置

112. 一种预紧力可控的双螺母滚珠丝杠副

113. 一种微小型铁磁零件自动整列充磁装置

114. 一种圆柱型注塑磁块磁通量在线检测装置

115. 一种微小型铁磁零件自动整列充磁装置及方法

116. 一种圆柱型注塑磁块磁通量在线检测装置及检测方法

117. 柔性可伸缩式块煤防破碎装置

118. 煤仓清理装置

119. 一种微注塑磁件包装装置

120. 一种微注塑磁件磁性检测装置

121. 一种用于微注塑磁件的自动包装系统

122. 一种煤炭浮沉试验全过程自动化装置

123. 一种微注塑成型自动嵌取件装置

124. 一种微注塑成型自动嵌取件装置

125. 一种板材自动上料装置

126. 一种叠放板材的单张自动输送装置

Research project

1. 国内首台6300吨伺服直驱数控螺旋压力机关键技术研发及产业化项目-1, 2024/09/01-2026/08/31

2. 国内首台6300吨伺服直驱数控螺旋压力机关键技术研发及产业化项目-2, 2024/10/18-2026/08/31

3. 汽车车身部件机器人冲压生产线设计及应用, 2024/09/01-2026/08/31

4. 低温热源石膏粉流化床煅烧机的研发及应用, 2023/07/01-2025/07/31

5. 飞机飞控舵面多通道加载系统的研发及应用, 2023/07/01-2025/07/31

6. 数据存储介质溯源与智能销毁系统的研发及产业化, 2023/07/01-2025/06/30

7. 数据存储介质溯源与智能销毁系统的研发及产业化, 2023/07/01-2025/07/31

8. 基于海上风电用超大型法兰加工的柔性化高 效数控钻铣床的研究与产业化, 2022/08/01-2024/07/31

9. 基于流体运动的能量回收及储能单元的研制及应用, 2022/11/01-2024/11/30

10. 基于流体运动的能量回收及储能单元的研制及应用, 2022/11/01-2024/11/30

11. 消防机器人作业环境智能感知技术研究, 2022/06/13-2023/05/20

12. 履带反击式移动破碎站, 2021/12/01-2023/12/31

13. 机器人柔性夹持器研发及产业化, 2019/01/01-2020/12/31

14. 数控端面外圆磨床视觉检测技术开发, 2020/12/01-2021/12/31

15. 融合声呐与光视觉信号的水下机器人自主避障关键技术研究, 2020/12/12-2023/12/31

16. 高速全自动生化免疫流水线的研制及产业化——课题三, 2019/12/01-2021/12/01

17. 高速全自动生化免疫流水线的研制及产业化——第一课题, 2019/12/31-2021/12/31

18. 水下自主清洁爬壁机器人关键技术研究, 2019/12/30-2021/12/31

19. ISO23218国际标准推进及数控系统安全国际标准培育研究, 2019/11/21-2020/12/31

20. 铸铝自动化生产线智能控制系统, 2019/01/01-2020/12/30

21. 装配式建筑智能化生产线, 2019/06/01-2020/05/31

22. 基于深度学习和多模态特征融合的驾驶员疲劳状态识别研究, 2018/04/01-2021/07/01

23. 基于刀-工适配动态系统物理原理的刀具基础大数据研究, 2015/08/17-2019/12/31

24. 发动机可重构机器视觉检测系统研究, 2007/12/19-2007/12/31

25. MES系统数据采集系统, 2006/04/26-2007/04/26

26. 多媒体光盘制作, 2005/07/31-2005/07/31

27. 基于机器视觉的绕线机匝数自动检测系统, 2018/03/26-2020/03/26

28. 基于柔性面触觉的康复机器人共融控制策略研究, 2017/10/01-2019/09/30

29. 采油滚珠丝杠副的研发, 2017/04/26-2018/04/30

30. 海洋目标识别和预警技术研究, 2017/01/01-2018/12/31

31. 汽车转向器阀套内孔缺陷视觉检测技术研究, 2014/01/01-2016/12/31

32. 基于超磁致伸缩的高精度滚珠丝杠副传动智能预紧系统原理及应用研究, 2014/08/15-2018/12/31

33. 自动视觉检测中的可拓知识表示与推理技术研究, 2012/12/11-2015/12/31

34. 智能传动轴研究, 2010/12/07-2010/12/31

35. STEP-NC智能化控制, 2005/01/30-2007/12/30

36. 基于可拓学的自动视觉检测模型研究, 2010/11/01-2013/11/01

37. 操作兼容式数控系统研究与开发, 2011/04/08-2011/12/31

38. 基材信息检测及自动喷码系统研制, 2011/02/22-2012/02/22

39. 城乡一体化地籍信息系统开发与数据库建设, 2010/03/25-2010/12/31

Research Group
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