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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
- [21] 赵佳佳. A novel approach to predict the precision sustainability of ball screw under multidirectional load states. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE Journal, 2021.
- [22] 代成刚. Single underwater image restoration by decomposing curves of attenuating color. Optics and Laser Technology, 123, 2020.
- [23] 林明星 , 吴筱坚 and 班传奇. Research on information acquisition and preprocessing of array force sensor. 2018 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UBIQUITOUS ROBOTS (UR), 83, 2018.
- [24] 李大伟. Design of iron bird for a regional jet aircraft. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART G-JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, 234, 681, 2020.
- [25] 代成刚. Dual-Purpose Method for Underwater and Low-Light Image Enhancement via Image Layer Separation. IEEE Access , 7, 178685, 2019.
- [26] 林明星 and 赵佳佳. Investigation on the Precision Loss of Ball Screw Considering the Full Ball Load Distribution. 2018.
- [27] 林明星 and 赵佳佳. Investigation of load distribution and deformations for ball screws with the effects of turning torque and geometric errors. MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY, 141, 95, 2019.
- [28] 林明星 , 吴筱坚 and 刘方全. Remote Upper Limb Exoskeleton Rehabilitation Training System Based on Virtual Reality. 2019.
- [29] 林明星 , 吴筱坚 and 韩旭. Design of An Articulated-tracked Mobile Robot with Two Swing Arms. 2019.
- [30] 林明星 Design and dynamic modeling of flexible rehabilitation mechanical glove. 2017.
- [31] 林明星. Research on Unwrapping Algorithm of Concentric Annular Image. International Journal of Signal Processing,Image Processing and Pattern Recognition., 9, 117, 2019.
- [32] 林明星 and 张冠澜. Design of a Soft Robot Using Pneumatic Muscles for Elbow Rehabilitation. 2018.
- [33] 林明星 and 赵佳佳. Research on the precision loss of ball screw with short-time overload impact. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2018.
- [34] 林明星 and 王庆东. Electromechanical coupling measurement of new giant magnetostrictive structure for double-nut ball screw pre-tightening. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 27, 2016.
- [35] 林明星 , 吴筱坚 , 马高远 基于人体动作反馈的上肢康复机器人主动感知系统. 机器人, 2018.
- [36] 林明星 and 代成刚. 基于亮通道色彩补偿与融合的水下图像增强. 光学学报, 2018.
- [37] 林明星 and 王震. Research on Hydrodynamics Analysis and Double Loop Integral Sliding Mode Control of 4-Joint Underwater Manipulator. 2017 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UBIQUITOUS ROBOTS AND AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE (URAI), 728, 2017.
- [38] 林明星 and 鞠晓君. Structure analysis and output force characteristic study of giant magnetostrictive actuator. Yi Qi Yi Biao Xue Bao, 38, 1198, 2017.
- [39] 林明星 , 吴筱坚 and 鞠晓君. Structure design and characteristics analysis of a cylindrical giant magnetostrictive actuator for ball screw preload. Journal of Central South University, 25, 1799, 2018.
- [40] 林明星 and 王庆东. Design of new giant magnetostrictive structures for double-nut ball screw pre-tightening. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 39, 3181, 2017.