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Strong Second-Harmonic Generation Induced by a Triphenylamine Based Bismuth?Organic Framework for Photocatalytic Activity Enhancement
Affiliation of Author(s):化学与化工学院
Journal:ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
First Author:雷龙飞
Document Code:F4393F334FFD41AF83972B1536AC4910
Number of Words:6
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2024-04-11
Pre One:Facilely Incorporating Photoresponsive Triphenylamine into a Robust Nanoporous Organic Polymer by Click Reaction for Photocatalytic Oxidation Reactions
Next One:"All in One" Strategy for Achieving Superprotonic Conductivity by Incorporating Strong Acids into a Robust Imidazole-Linked Covalent Organic Framework