李沁怡,博士,教授,博士生导师,山东大学杰出中青年学者,国家海外高层次青年人才项目获得者。分别于中山大学、北京大学和香港理工大学获得学士、硕士和博士学位;于西班牙高等科研理事会(CSIC; 2018-2022)和香港理工大学(2022-2023)从事博士后研究。主要研究方向为大气化学、活性卤素化学、活性氮化学、空气质量数值模拟、气候与地球系统数值模拟等,长期开展大气化学输送模式(WRF-Chem)、气候化学耦合模式(CAM-Chem)和地球系统模式(CESM)等多尺度、多圈层模式的研发,用于揭示大气污染与气候变化的成因、预测不同排放与气候情景下大气成分的未来变化。发表SCI论文50余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者(含共同)发表15篇,包括NC 3篇、NSR 2篇、PNAS 1篇;以合作者在Nature,NSR,NC,NCC,NG,PNAS和SA发表15篇。论文总引用1500余次,H指数23(WoS)。担任中国环境科学学会臭氧污染控制专业委员会委员。研发模块已被WRF-Chem官方收录,多次受邀参与国际科研活动,如访问模型研发单位(NOAA和NCAR)、在国际会议作学术报告、参与国际观测计划数据分析等。
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5146-5831
ResearcherID: https://webofscience.clarivate.cn/wos/author/record/F-4348-2010
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=XOOG1koAAAAJ
First/corresponding author (including equal contribution) publications (seleted):
(6) Wang Y.#, Li Q.#, Wang Y., Ren C., Saiz-Lopez A., Xue L., Wang T.*. Increasing soil nitrous acid emissions driven by climate and fertilization change aggravate global ozone pollution, Nature Communications, 2025.
(5) Chang D.#, Li Q.#, Wang Z.*, Dai J., Fu X., Guo J., Zhu L., Pu D., Cuevas C.A., Fernandez R.P., Wang W., Ge G., Fung J.C.H., Lau A.K.H., Granier C., Brasseur G., Pozzer A., Saiz-Lopez A., Song Y., Wang T. Significant chlorine emissions from biomass burning affect the long-term atmospheric chemistry in Asia. National Science Review, 2024.
(4) Fu X.#,*, Sun X.#, Travnikov O.#, Li Q.#, Qin C., Cuevas C.A., Fernandez R.P., Mahajan A.S., Wang S., Wang T., and Saiz-Lopez A.*. Anthropogenic short-lived halogens increase human exposure to mercury contamination due to enhanced mercury oxidation over continents. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2024.
(3) Wang S.#, Li Q.#, Zhang R., Mahajan A.S., Inamdar S., Benavent N., Zhang S., Xue R., Zhu J., Jin C., Zhang Y., Fu X., Badia A., Fernandez R.P., Cuevas C.A., Wang T., Zhou B.*, and Saiz-Lopez A.*. Typhoon- and pollution-driven enhancement of reactive bromine in the mid-latitude marine boundary layer. National Science Review, 2024.
(2) Li Q.#, Meidan D.#, Hess P., Añel J.A., Cuevas C.A., Doney S., Fernandez R.P., van Herpen M., Höglund-Isaksson L., Johnson M.S., Kinnison D.E., Lamarque J.-F., Röckmann T., Mahowald N.M.*, and Saiz-Lopez A.*. Global environmental implications of atmospheric methane removal through chlorine-mediated chemistry-climate interactions. Nature Communications, 2023.
(1) Li Q.*, Fernandez R.P., Hossaini R., Iglesias-Suarez F., Cuevas C.A., Apel E.C., Kinnison D.E., Lamarque J.F., and Saiz-Lopez A*. Reactive halogens increase the global methane lifetime and radiative forcing in the 21st century. Nature Communications, 2022.
Co-author publications (selected):
(5) Tinel L.*, Abbatt J.*, Saltzman E.*, Engel A., Fernandez R., Li Q., et al. Impacts of ocean biogeochemistry on atmospheric chemistry. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 2023.
(4) Saiz-Lopez A.#,*, Fernandez R.P.#, Li Q., et al. Natural short-lived halogens exert an indirect cooling effect on climate. Nature, 2023.
(3) Wohl C.*, Li Q., et al. Marine biogenic emissions of benzene and toluene and their contribution to secondary organic aerosols over the polar oceans. Science Advances, 2023.
(2) Benavent N., Mahajan A.S.*, Li Q., et al. Substantial contribution of iodine to Arctic ozone destruction. Nature Geoscience, 2022.
(1) Tham Y.J., He X., Li Q., et al. Direct field evidence of autocatalytic halogen iodine release from atmospheric aerosol. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021.