Paper Publications
- [201] lishuchen and 晏勤. 锚杆加固作用下圆形隧道复合岩体围岩特征曲线解析方法研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 36, 3021, 2017.
- [202] lishuchen and 董旭. 轨道交通U形梁日照温度梯度效应分析. 《哈尔滨工程大学学报》, 38, 1121, 2017.
- [203] lishucai , liliping and lishuchen. 新型固流耦合相似材料的研制及其应用. 岩石力学与工程学报, 29, 281, 2010.
- [204] lishucai , liliping and lishuchen. 矿井顶板突水模型试验多场信息的归一化处理方法. 《煤炭学报》, 36, 447, 2011.
- [205] lishucai , liliping and lishuchen. 矿井突水模型试验顶板离层破断数值模拟研究. 湖南科技大学学报(自然科学版), 26, 47, 2011.
- [206] lishuchen. Enriched meshless manifold method for two-dimensional crack modeling. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 44, 234,
- [207] lishuchen. 贯通节理砂岩峰后变形试验研究及其在隧道支护中的应用. 《煤炭学报》, 2014.
- [208] lishuchen. A highly accurate regular domain collocation method for solving potential problems in the irregular doubly connected domains. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014.
- [209] lishucai and lishuchen. Particle Discrete Method Based on Manifold Cover for Crack Propagation of Jointed Rock Mass. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014.
- [210] lishucai and lishuchen. 隧道格栅拱架喷射混凝土支护力学特性. 《煤炭学报》, 2014.