Affiliation of Author(s): : 国家糖工程技术研究中心
Title of Paper: : Synthesis of O-Sulfated Human Syndecan-1-like Glyco-polypeptides by Incorporating Peptide Ligation and O-Sulfated Glycopeptide Cassette Strategies
Journal: : Organic Letters
Place of Publication: : American Chemical Society
Abstract: : A successful synthesis of O-sulfated syndecan-1-like (Q23−
E120) glyco-polypeptide was accomplished. The synthesis features the integration of an O-sulfated carbohydrate-bearing glycopeptide cassette with efficient protein ligation strategies, overcoming the acid lability of carbohydrate sulfates as a major hurdle in solid-phase peptide synthesis. Crucial to the synthesis is the microwave-assisted Ag(I) ligation, which afforded the ligation product in improved overall yield. This O-sulfated syndecan-1 (Q23−E120) is the longest O-sulfated glyco-polypeptide prepared to date.
Indexed by: : Unit Twenty Basic Research
Translation or Not: : no
Date of Publication: : 2020-08-01
Included Journals: : SCI
Research Associate
Gender : Female
Alma Mater : 香港大学
Education Level : Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Degree : Doctor
Status : Employed
School/Department : 国家糖工程技术研究中心
Date of Employment : 2019-01-21
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