所属院部: 生命科学学院
  • 教师英文名称:
    Lele Liu
  • 教师拼音名称:
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  • 入职时间:
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    Research Associate
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地址:山东大学(青岛)生命科学学院 山东省青岛市即墨区滨海路72号

E-mail: liulele@sdu.edu.cn

个人主页(ResearchGate): https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lele_Liu2




2023/01-今 山东大学 副研究员

2020/06-2022/12 山东大学 生态学博士后(合作导师:郭卫华)

2021/11-2022/08 丹麦奥尔胡斯大学 CSC项目访问学者(合作导师:Hans Brix)


2015/09-2020/06 山东大学生态学博士(导师:郭卫华)

2016/10-2017/07 俄罗斯人民友谊大学 CSC项目联合培养

2013/03-2013/06 中山大学本科交换生

2011/09-2015/06 山东大学生物技术专业学士


  1. 芦苇生态学(参见“分子溯其行,生理定其品 ——从生态学视角浅析芦苇的漂流之旅”);

  2. 盐碱地微生态及合成菌群研究。


  • 本科生课程《群体生态学》

  • 研究生课程《统计与数据分析》


  1. 2023/04-今 Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering、iMeta青年编委;

  2. 2023/09-今 《生态学杂志》青年编委

  3. 2019/10-今 Wiley旗下“Wiley生态环境”微信公众号首批编辑,“SDU Ecology”编辑;

  4. 2020/07-2023/05 Journal of Biogeography编委(Social Media Editor);

  5. Freshwater Biology、Biological Invasions、Environmental Research、Journal of Plant Ecology、Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science、Wetlands、Ecology and Evolution、Waste Management、BioInvasions Records、Forests、Horticulturae、Diversity、《生态学杂志》等学术期刊审稿人。


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32470388,芦苇硅利用策略的种内变异:驱动机制及其碳汇效应,2025/01-2028/12

  2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,32100304,芦苇生态策略的地理变异及适应性进化机制研究,2022/01-2024/12

  3. 山东省自然科学基金青年项目,ZR2024QC197,中国北方芦苇硅利用策略的适应性进化机制及其碳汇效应,2025/01-2027/12

  4. 湖北工业大学河湖健康智慧感知与生态修复教育部重点实验室开放研究基金,HGKFYBP17,护岸植物芦苇的环境胁迫耐受性及其适应性进化机制,2023/10-2025/09

  5. 山东省博士后创新项目,芦苇遗传多样性与湿地生态系统多功能性及稳定性的耦合关系研究,2022/01-2024/12

  6. 自然资源部渤海生态预警与保护修复重点实验室开放基金,2022101,基于物种和遗传多样性的渤海典型河口生态系统的演替规律及健康评价研究,2022/07-2024/05 【结题】

  7. 山东省林草种质资源中心,山东省林草种质资源中心林草种质资源采集,横向(O76/2023横),2023/08-2023/12 【结题】

  8. 青岛市博士后研究人员应用研究项目,人工湿地芦苇遗传多样性配置与多重净化功能提升的技术研究,2021/01-2022/12 【结题】


  1. 国家自然科学基金委员会基金区域创新发展联合项目,U22A20558,黄河三角洲滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程及调控机制,2023/01-2026/12

  2. 山东省技术创新引导计划(中央引导地方科技发展资金),YDZX2023024,矿区固废资源化与生态修复一体化关键技术及应用示范,2023/06-2025/06

  3. 山东省重大科技创新工程,2021CXGC010803,中低产田改良与产能提升关键技术研究与应用(子任务:轻度盐碱地板结多营养级生物改良技术与工程化应用)2021/05-2024/12

  4. 鲁中南植被原生功能群种调查, 横向(500/2024横) ,2024/03-2024/07 【结题】

  5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31970347,基于生境多样性与多维度生物多样性级联调控的黄河三角洲生态系统多功能性驱动机制研究,2020/01 -2023/12 【结题】


  1. Lele Liu#, Yaolin Guo#, Yiming Wu, Meiqi Yin., Xiao Guo, Franziska Eller, Christina L. Richards, Hans Brix, Ruiting Ju, Weihua Guo. Revealing biogeographic patterns in genetic diversity of native and invasive plants and their association with soil community diversity in the Chinese coast. Oikos, 2024, 2024(1): e10116. (中文简介)

  2. Wenyi Sheng, Lele Liu*, Yiming Wu, Meiqi Yin, Qing Yu, Xiao Guo, Huijia Song, Weihua Guo*.  Exploring salt tolerance and indicator traits across four temperate lineages of the common wetland plant, Phragmites australis. Science of the Total Environment. 2024, 912: 169100. (中文简介

  3. Lele Liu, Yiming Wu, Meiqi Yin, Xiangyan Ma, Xiaona Yu, Xiao Guo, Ning Du, Franziska Eller, Weihua Guo. Soil salinity, not plant genotype or geographical distance, shapes soil microbial community of a reed wetland at a fine scale in the Yellow River Delta. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 856: 159136. (中文简介)

  4. Lele Liu, Meiqi Yin, Xiao Guo, Jingwen Wang, Yunfei Cai, Cui Wang, Xiaona Yu, Ning Du, Hans Brix, Franziska Eller, Carla Lambertini, Weihua Guo. Cryptic lineages and potential introgression in a mixed‐ploidy species (Phragmites australis) across temperate China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2022, 60: 398-410. (中文简介)

  5. Yiming Wu, Lele Liu*, Meiqi Yin, and Weihua Guo*. Phylogenetic relationship and soil salinity shape intraspecific trait variability of Phragmites australis in the Yellow River Delta. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2022, 9: 980695. (中文简介

  6. Meiqi Yin, Lele Liu*, Yiming Wu, Wenyi Sheng, Xiangyan Ma, Ning Du, Pengcheng Zhu, Cui Wang, Zhaojie Cui,  Hans Brix, Franziska Eller, Weihua Guo*. Effects of litter species and genetic diversity on plant litter decomposition in coastal wetland. Ecological Indicators. 2022,  144: 109439.

  7. Lele Liu, Meiqi Yin, Xiao Guo, Xiaona Yu, Huijia Song, Franziska Eller, Xiangyan Ma, Xiao Liu, Ning Du, Renqing Wang, Weihua Guo. The river shapes the genetic diversity of common reed in the Yellow River Delta via hydrochory dispersal and habitat selection. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 764: 144382.

  8. Lele Liu#, Jingwen Wang#, Xiangyan Ma, Mingyan Li, Xiao Guo, Meiqi Yin, Yunfei Cai, Xiaona Yu, Ning Du, Renqing Wang, Weihua Guo. Impacts of the Yellow River and Qingtongxia Dams on genetic diversity of Phragmites australis in Ningxia Plain, China. Aquatic Botany, 2021, 169: 103341.

  9. Lele Liu, Cuiping Pei, Shuna Liu, Xiao Guo, Ning Du, Weihua Guo. Genetic and epigenetic changes during the invasion of a cosmopolitan species (Phragmites australis). Ecology and Evolution. 2018, 8(13): 6615-6624.


  1. Meiqi Yin,  Wenyi Sheng,  Xiya Zhang,  Yiming Wu,  Xiangyan Ma,  Zhaojie Cui,  Huaizhi Bo,  Guodong Zheng,  Lele Liu*,  Weihua Guo*.  Effects of long-term coal gangue dumping on soil chemical environment and microbial community in an abandoned mine. Land Degradation & Development, 2024: online. 

  2. Lele Liu, Ning Du, Franziska Eller, Siyuan Ye, Xiaowen Li, Jifang Wei, Yaolin Guo, Hans Brix and Weihua Guo. Ecological mechanisms of carbon sequestration in vegetated coastal wetland ecosystem: Exploring the roles of biodiversity and environmental changes. Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering. 2024: online Doi:10.32908/JMEE.v11.2023102201 (综述,中文简介

  3. Lele Liu, Jingwen Wang, Meiqi Yin, Xiao Guo, Yunfei Cai, Ning Du, Xiaona Yu, Weihua Guo. Development and characterization of EST-SSR markers for Vitex negundo var. heterophylla (Lamiaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences, 2019, 7(1): 1209-1214.

  4. Lele Liu, Ning Du, Cuiping Pei, Xiao Guo, Weihua Guo. Genetic and epigenetic variations associated with adaptation to heterogeneous habitat conditions in a deciduous shrub. Ecology and Evolution. 2018, 8(5):2594-606.

  5. 刘乐乐, 杜宁, 裴翠萍, 郭卫华. 植物群体表观遗传学研究进展. 生态学杂志. 2017, 36(9): 2615-22.


  1. Cui Wang, Lele Liu, Meiqi Yin, Bingbing Liu, Yiming Wu, Franziska Eller, Yingqi Gao, Hans Brix, Tong Wang, Weihua Guo, Jarkko Salojärvi. Chromosome-level genome assemblies reveal genome evolution of an invasive plant Phragmites australis. Communications Biology. 2024, 7:1007 (2024). (芦苇参考基因组,原文链接中文简介

  2. Cui Wang, Lele Liu, Meiqi Yin, Franziska Eller, Hans Brix, Tong Wang, Jarkko Salojärvi, Weihua Guo . Genome-wide analysis tracks the emergence of intraspecific polyploids in Phragmites australis. npj biodivers. 2024, 3:29 (2024). (原文链接中文简介

  3. Cui Wang, Tong Wang, Meiqi Yin, Franziska Eller, Lele Liu, Hans Brix, Weihua Guo. Transcriptome analysis of tetraploid and octoploid common reed (Phragmites australis). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12:653183.

  4. Pengcheng Zhu, Yichen Li, Yufei Gao, Meiqi Yin, Yuxin Wu, Lele Liu, Ning Du, Jian Liu, Xiaona Yu, Lushan Wang, and Weihua Guo. Insight into the effect of nitrogen-rich substrates on the community structure and the co-occurrence network of thermophiles during lignocellulose-based composting. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 319: 124111.

  5. Huijia Song, Xiao Guo, Xiaona Yu, Lele Liu, Ning Wang, Franziska Eller, Weihua Guo. Is there evidence of local adaptation of Phragmites australis to water level gradients and fluctuation frequencies? Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 756: 144065.

  6. Dayou Zhou, Yuehan Ni, Xiaona Yu, Kuixuan Lin, Ning Du, Lele Liu, Xiao Guo, Weihua Guo. Trait-based adaptability of Phragmites australis to the effects of soil water and salinity in the Yellow River Delta. Ecology and Evolution, 2021, 11: 11352-11361.

  7. Yufei Gao, Lele Liu, Pengcheng Zhu, Shuren Yang, Weihua Guo, Xiaona Yu. Patterns and dynamics of the soil microbial community with gradual vegetation succession in the Yellow River Delta, China. Wetlands, 2021, 41: 9.

  8. 马香艳, 刘乐乐, 尹美淇, 宋慧佳, 朱鹏程, 于晓娜, 杜宁, 王仁卿, 郭卫华. 基于野外调查和同质种植园实验的芦苇植物功能性状变异研究. 生态学报, 2021 ,41: 3755-3764.



  1. 郭卫华; 盛文怡; 刘乐乐; 崔兆杰, 一种利用植物功能性状快速评估芦苇耐盐性的方法, 2023-5-6, 中国, 2023105001599

  2. 郭卫华; 刘乐乐; 蒋东子; 崔兆杰, 一种基于植物功能性状的芦苇镉转运能力的评估方法, 2023-4-27, 中国, 202310472997X

  3. 郭卫华; 尹美淇; 刘乐乐; 崔兆杰, 一种筛选能够同时降解纤维素和无机磷的芽孢杆菌的方法 2022-10-9, 中国, 202211279192.3


  • 2024年,基于中宇宙实验的多种环境胁迫对沉水植物穗状狐尾藻生长的影响,第九届全国⼤学⽣⽣命科学竞赛(科学探究类),全国三等奖(CULSC2024KS0978),省赛二等奖,省赛科技节二等奖,指导教师:吴盼、刘乐乐,学生:张秀坤、李昊龙、郭子浩、李浩梅 

  • 2024年,盐分和微塑料对芦苇功能性状的影响及硅元素的胁迫缓解作用,第九届全国⼤学⽣⽣命科学竞赛(科学探究类),省赛三等奖,指导教师:刘乐乐,学生:邹毅,李扬,李艺舟,李心悦

  • 2015-9 — 2020-6
  • 2011-9 — 2015-6
  • 2021-11 — 2022-08


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