所属院部: 软件学院
  • 教师英文名称:
    Liu Shijun
  • 教师拼音名称:
    Liu Shi Jun
  • 出生日期:
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  • 所在单位:
  • 职务:
    Deputy Dean
  • 学历:
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  • 联系方式:
    lsj AT sdu.edu.cn
  • 学位:
  • 在职信息:
  • 毕业院校:
  • 博士生导师
  • 硕士生导师

2021-12-21    山东省科技进步二等奖 工业大数据融合与智能分析平台关键技术及应用;
2019-12-01    吴文俊人工智能科技进步二等奖 多粒度健康风险评估与临床辅助诊断关键技术;
2019-11-29    山东省科技进步二等奖 基于企业关系网络的供应链协作云服务平台及应用;
2010    山东省科技进步二等奖 山东省制造信息化服务平台;
2007    山东省科技进步一等奖 山东省制造业信息化关键技术攻关及应用工程;
2002    国家科技进步二等奖 集成化计算机辅助图案设计与制版系统;


现任山东大学软件学院副院长,山东省CIMS工程技术研究中心主任。兼任中国计算机学会协同计算专委、服务计算专委委员、大数据专委通讯委员,中国通信学会云计算专家委员会委员, 全国自动化系统与集成标准化技术委员会委员,国际信息处理联合会企业互操作专委会委员,IEEE高级会员。山东计算机学会理事,山东计算机学会工业大数据与智能制造专委副主任。



  • 1989-9 — 1993-7
  • 2002-9 — 2006-6
  • 1999-9 — 2002-7
  • 2002-07-至今
    山东大学 软件学院



1.  刘明宇. Collaborative Storage for Tiered Cloud and Edge: A Perspective of Optimizing Cost and Latency.  IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,  2024. 

2.  杨昊. Faster or Cheaper: A Q-learning based cost-effective mixed cluster scaling method for achieving low tail latencies.  FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING THEORY METHODS AND APPLICATIONS,  264, 2024. 

3.  傅显坤. To store or not: Online cost optimization for running big data jobs on the cloud.  FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING THEORY METHODS AND APPLICATIONS,  42, 2024. 

4.  许志伟. An online algorithm based on replication for using spot instances in IaaS clouds.  JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,  39,  103, 2024. 

5.  祁玉潇. An online bi-objective scheduling algorithm for service provisioning in cloud computing.  Journal of Network and Computer Applications,  2024. 

6.  史浩然. A Meta-Model Architecture and Elimination Method for Uncertainty Modeling.  IET Software,  2024. 

7.  宋世豪. A Q-learning based auto-scaling approach for provisioning big data analysis services in cloud environments.  FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING THEORY METHODS AND APPLICATIONS,  2024. 

8.  梅广旭. Heterogeneous graphlets-guided network embedding via eulerian-trail-based representation.  Information Sciences,  622,  1050, 2023. 

9.  林立多. Methods for improving the availability of spot instances: A survey.  COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY,  141,  2022. 

10.  金岩. Deep Temporal State Perception Towards Artificial Cyber-Physical Systems.  IEEE Internet of Things Journal,  1, 2023. 

11.  崔志红. Event-based incremental recommendation via factors mixed Hawkes process.  Information Sciences,  2023. 

12.  陈冠恒. 一种针对关系不确定性的贝叶斯异质图神经网络.  《计算机学报》,  2023. 

13.  李兴嘉. An online service provisioning strategy for container-based cloud brokers.  Journal of Network and Computer Applications,  2023. 

14.  刘明宇. Cost Optimization for Cloud Storage from User Perspectives: Recent Advances, Taxonomy, and Survey.  ACM Computing Surveys,  2023. 

15.  刘炳辰. Enhancing Temporal Knowledge GraphAlignmentin News Domain with Box Embedding.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL SOCIAL SYSTEMS,  2023. 

16.  宋旭瑞. An online algorithm for optimally releasing multiple on-demand instances in IaaS clouds.  FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING THEORY METHODS AND APPLICATIONS,  2022. 

17.  金子哲. Randomized online edge service renting: Extending cloud-based CDN to edge environments.  Knowledge-Based Systems,  2022. 

18.  李兴嘉. A DRL-based online VM scheduler for cost optimization in cloud brokers.  WORLD WIDE WEB-INTERNET AND WEB INFORMATION SYSTEMS,  2023. 

19.  崔志红. Dynamic Recommendation Based on Graph Diffusion and Ebbinghaus Curv.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL SOCIAL SYSTEMS,  2023. 

20.  梅广旭. Heterogeneous graphlets-guided network embedding via eulerian-trail-based representation.  Information Sciences,  2023. 

21.  刘明宇. RLTiering: A Cost-Driven Auto-Tiering System for Two-Tier Cloud Storage Using Deep Reinforcement Learning.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS,  2023. 

22.  林立多. Learning to make auto-scaling decisions with heterogeneous spot and on-demand instances via reinforcement learning.  Information Sciences,  2022. 

23.  叶思远. How the four-nodes motifs work in heterogeneous node representation?.  WORLD WIDE WEB-INTERNET AND WEB INFORMATION SYSTEMS,  2022. 

24.  潘丽. Methods for improving the availability of spot instances: A survey.  COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY,  2022. 

25.  潘丽. Market-oriented online bi-objective service scheduling for pleasingly parallel jobs with variable resources in cloud environments.  Journal of Systems and Software,  2021. 

26.  郑冰冰. Market-oriented online bi-objective service scheduling for pleasingly parallel jobs with variable resources in cloud environments.  Journal of Systems and Software,  176,  2021. 

27.  潘丽. Keep Hot or Go Cold: A Randomized Online Migration Algorithm for Cost Optimization in STaaS Clouds.  IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management,  2021. 

28.  金子哲. Online Cost-effective Edge Service Renting for Content Providers in Cloud and Edge Environments.  2021. 

29.  梅广旭. Heterogeneous graph embedding by aggregating meta-path and meta-structure through attention mechanism.  Neurocomputing,  2022. 

30.  刘明宇. Effeclouds: A cost-effective cloud-of-clouds framework for two-tier storage.  FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING AND ESCIENCE,  2022. 

31.  刘浩. Paper recommendation based on author-paper interest and graph structure.  2021. 

32.  谢永杰. A Random Online Algorithm for Reselling Reserved IaaS Instances in Amazon's Cloud Marketplace.  IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering,  2022. 

33.  林立多. A Cost-effective Framework for Running Industrial Big Data Analysis Applications in Public Clouds.  IEEE Internet of Things Journal,  2022. 

34.  张凯程. A rating prediction model with cross projection and evolving GCN for bitcoin trading network.  Personal and Ubiquitous Computing,  2021. 

35.  佀文. A cost-driven online auto-scaling algorithm for web applications in cloud environments.  Knowledge-Based Systems,  2022. 

36.  康有友. An online algorithm for scheduling big data analysis jobs in cloud environments.  Knowledge-Based Systems,  2022. 

37.  李兴嘉. A survey of resource provisioning problem in cloud brokers.  Journal of Network and Computer Applications,  2022. 

38.  祁玉潇. A Lyapunov optimization-based online scheduling algorithm for service provisioning in cloud computing.  FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING AND ESCIENCE,  40, 2022. 

39.  康有友. Job scheduling for big data analytical applications in clouds: A taxonomy study.  FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING AND ESCIENCE,  2022. 

40.  崔志红. Reinforced KGs reasoning for explainable sequential recommendation.  WORLD WIDE WEB-INTERNET AND WEB INFORMATION SYSTEMS,  2021. 

41.  武蕾. Dynamic-Priority based Profit-Driven Scheduling in Mobile Cloud Computing.  2017. 

42.  武蕾. Data Organization Patterns for Cloud Enterprise Application.  2014. 

43.  潘丽. Keep Hot or Go Cold: A Randomized Online Migration Algorithm for Cost Optimization in STaaS Clouds.  IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management,  2021. 

44.  刘浩. Ontology Guided Sparse Tensor Factorization for joint recommendation with hierarchical relationships.  Personal and Ubiquitous Computing,  2021. 

45.  郑冰冰. Market-oriented online bi-objective service scheduling for pleasingly parallel jobs with variable resources in cloud environments.  Journal of Systems and Software,  176,  2021. 

46.  盖伟. Employing Shadows for Multi-Person Tracking Based on a Single RGB-D Camera.  SENSORS,  20,  2020. 

47.  杨承磊. Employing Shadows for Multi-Person Tracking Based on a Single RGB-D Camera.  Sensors,  2020. 

48.  杨承磊. Catch the Shadow: Person Tracking Under Occlusion with a Single RGB-D Camera.  2019. 

49.  王立强. Social Media vs. News Media: Analyzing Real-world Events from Different Perspective.  2018. 

50.  王立强. Link prediction by exploiting network formation games in exchangeable graphs.  2017. 

51.  刘士军. Bidding Strategy Based on Adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm for Dynamic Pricing IaaS Instances.  2020. 

52.  刘士军. Ontology Guided Sparse Tensor Factorization for joint recommendation with hierarchical relationships.  Personal and Ubiquitous Computing,  2021. 

53.  林立多. Backup or Not: An Online Cost Optimal Algorithm for Data Analysis Jobs Using Spot Instances.  IEEE Access ,  8,  144945, 2020. 

54.  郭子瑜. SGDAN-A Spatio-Temporal Graph Dual-Attention Neural Network for Quantified Flight Delay Prediction.  Sensors,  20,  2020. 

55.  王立强. TOPK: A New Bipartite Ranking Algorithm for Enterprise Social Network.  JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY,  2016. 

56.  王立强. Building and Analyzing of Enterprise Network: A Case Study on China Automobile Supply Network.  International Journal of Web Services Research,  2017. 

57.  刘士军. An Ego Network Embedding Model via Neighbors Sampling and Self-attention Mechanism.  2020. 

58.  刘士军. A recommendation algorithm for sparse data via implicit relationship.  2020. 

59.  盖伟. Catch the Shadow: Person Tracking Under Occlusion with a Single RGB-D Camera.  2019. 

60.  刘士军  and 潘丽. 融合选择性提取与子类聚类的快速时间序列Shapelet发现算法.  《软件学报》,  2020. 

61.  刘士军  and 孟祥旭. 基于模型驱动的分层多租户架构设计.  《小型微型计算机系统》,  34,  2724, 2013. 

62.  刘士军  and 武蕾. ESB支持的SaaS应用动态互操作方法.  合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版),  36,  425, 2013. 

63.  刘士军  and 潘丽. Amazon Spot Instance Price Prediction With GRU Network.  2020. 

64.  刘士军. 基于资源感知的SaaS服务QoS保障机制研究.  《小型微型计算机系统》,  34,  68, 2013. 

65.  刘士军 , 潘丽  and 王璐. An Online Mechanism for Purchasing IaaS Instances and Scheduling Pleasingly Parallel Jobs in Cloud Computing Environments.  2019. 

66.  刘士军 , 潘丽 , 杨承磊  and 孟祥旭. A just-in-time shapelet selection service for online time series classification, Computer Networks.  Computer Networks,  157,  89, 2019. 

67.  刘士军  and 潘丽. Hybrid BiLSTM-Siamese Network for Relation Extraction.  2019. 

68.  刘士军  and 潘丽. An Online Algorithm for Selling Your Reserved IaaS Instances in Amazon EC2 Marketplace.  2019. 

69.  刘士军 , 潘丽  and 崔立真. Infer Latent Privacy for Attribute Network in Knowledge Graph.  2019. 

70.  刘士军  and 潘丽. To Transfer or Not: An Online Cost Optimization Algorithm for Using Two-Tier Storage-as-a-Service Clouds.  IEEE Access ,  7,  94263, 2019. 

71.  刘士军  and 潘丽. A Graph Neural Network Based Federated Learning Approach by Hiding Structure.  2019. 

72.  刘士军  and 潘丽. ADARC: An anomaly detection algorithm based on relative outlier distance and biseries correlation.  SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE,  2019. 

73.  刘士军  and 潘丽. Higher-Order Network Structure Embedding in Supply Chain Partner Link Prediction.  2019. 

74.  孟祥旭 , 刘士军 , 杨承磊  and 王瑞. Digital media service oriented digital museum Grid.  2009. 

75.  刘士军 , 潘丽 , 杨承磊  and 赵超. Selecting superior candidates from a suitable set: A selective extraction algorithm for accelerating shapelet discovery in time series data.  2019. 

76.  孟祥旭  and 刘士军. Grid-enabled workflow management system based on BPEL.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COM,  22,  238, 2008. 

77.  卞玉龙 , 杨承磊 , 刘士军 Optimal Device Choice and Media Display: A Novel Multimedia Exhibition System Based on Multi-terminal Display Platform.  2017. 

78.  武蕾 , 潘丽  and 刘士军. Network-Constrained Tensor Factorization for Personal Recommendation in an Enterprise Network.  2018. 

79.  武蕾  and 刘士军. An Approach to Web Service Organization Based on Hypergraph Clustering.  2018. 

80.  潘丽 , 刘士军  and 杨承磊. A Market-oriented Heuristic Algorithm for Scheduling Parallel Applications in Big Data Service Platform.  2018. 

81.  潘丽  and 刘士军. Performance Analysis of Service Clouds Serving Composite Service Application Jobs.  2018. 

82.  潘丽  and 刘士军. Mechanisms for Optimally Scheduling and Pricing Pleasingly Parallel Jobs in Service Clouds.  IEEE Access,  2018. 

83.  潘丽  and 刘士军. A Reinforcement Learning Based Workflow Application Scheduling Approach in Dynamic Cloud Environment.  2017. 

84.  潘丽  and 刘士军. Subscription or Pay-As-You-Go: Optimally Purchasing IaaS Instances in Public Clouds.  2018. 

85.  潘丽 , 刘士军  and 孟祥旭. QoS Optimization of Service Clouds Serving Pleasingly Parallel Jobs.  2018. 

86.  潘丽  and 刘士军. To Sell or Not To Sell: Trading Your Reserved Instances in Amazon EC2 Marketplace.  2018. 

87.  潘丽  and 刘士军. A Reinforcement Learning Based Auto-Scaling Approach for SaaS Providers in Dynamic Cloud Environment.  Mathematical Problems in Engineering,  2019. 

88.  潘丽 , 刘士军  and 杨承磊. A fast shapelet selection algorithm for time series classification.  Computer Networks,  2018. 

89.  潘丽  and 刘士军. An Experimental Study of the Impact of vCPU Provisioning on the Performance of a 2-Tier Application Running in Cloud.  2017 IEEE 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLOUD COMPUTING (CLOUD),  367, 2017. 

90.  潘丽 , 武蕾 , 刘士军 , 孟祥旭  and 张朔. Dynamic-Priority based Profit-Driven Scheduling in Mobile Cloud Computing.  2017 IEEE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN (CSCWD), 

91.  刘士军 , 潘丽 , 郭山清  and 郭子瑜. Psychological Gender Express via Mobile Social Network Activities: An Experimental Study on a Gay Network Data.  IEEE Access ,  7,  12696, 2019. 

92.  潘丽 , 刘士军 , 杨承磊 , 武蕾  and 嵇存. A Fast Shapelet Discovery Algorithm Based on Important Data Points.  International Journal of Web Services Research,  14,  67, 2017. 

93.  刘士军  and 孟祥旭. Grid-enabled workflow management system based on BPEL.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COM,  22,  238, 2008. 

94.  潘丽 , 刘士军 , 史玉良 , 崔立真  and 李秀林. Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Centers Serving Parallelizable Rendering Jobs Using M/M/c/r Queuing Systems.  2017 IEEE 37TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING SYSTEMS (ICDCS 2017),  1378, 2017. 

95.  刘磊 , 史玉良 , 刘士军 , 崔立真  and 赵旭东. Real-Time Soft Resource Allocation in Multi-Tier Web Service Systems.  2017 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB SERVICES (ICWS 2017),  492, 2017. 

96.  武蕾 , 刘士军  and 蒋倩玉. Integrating Supply and Demand Chains in Personalized Recommendation via Chain-coupled Tensor Factorization.  2017 IEEE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN (CSCWD),  420, 2017. 

97.  潘丽 , 刘士军  and 崔立真. Nash Equilibrium and Decentralized Pricing for QoS Aware Service Composition in Cloud Computing Environments.  2017 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB SERVICES (ICWS 2017),  154, 2017. 

98.  刘士军 , 潘丽 , 武蕾  and 孟祥旭. Building and Analyzing of Enterprise Network: A Case Study on China Automobile Supply Network.  International Journal of Web Services Research,  13,  64, 2016. 

99.  刘士军 , 史玉良 , 武蕾  and 潘丽. Probabilistic-based workload forecasting and service redeployment for multi-tenant services.  Int. J. High Performance Computing and Networking,  9,  134, 2016. 

100.  刘士军 , 崔立真 , 武蕾  and 潘丽. A Bayesian approach to performance modelling for multi-tenant applications using Gaussian models.  Int. J. High Performance Computing and Networking,  9,  150, 2016. 

101.  刘士军 , 潘丽 , 武蕾  and 杨承磊. Device Data Ingestion for Industrial Big Data Platform with Case Study.  Sensors,  16,  2016. 

102.  刘士军 , 潘丽  and 孟祥旭. TOPK : A New Bipartite Ranking Algorithm for Enterprise Social Network.  JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY,  2016. 

103.  崔立真 , 史玉良  and 刘士军. Real Time Prediction on Revisitation Behaviors of ShortTerm Type Commodities.  WISE 2016,  2016. 

104.  史玉良 , 崔立真 , 郭山清  and 刘士军. SRConfig: An Empirical Method of Interdependent Soft Configurations for Improving Performance in n-Tier Application.  IEEE SCC 2016(CCF C类会议),  2016. 

105.  武蕾 , 刘士军  and 孟祥旭. A Hypergraph Partition Based Approach to Dynamic Deployment for Service-oriented Multi-tenant SaaS Applications.  Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing,  122,  185, 2012. 

106.  刘士军 , 孟祥旭  and 武蕾. Dynamic interoperability between multi-tenant SaaS applications.  Enterprise Interoperability V: Shaping Enterprise Interoperability in the Future Internet, Proceedings of the I-ESA Conferences 5,  2012. 

107.  刘士军 , 武蕾  and 孟祥旭. 自组织云制造资源聚集框架与多维属性区间搜索方法研究.  计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》,  24,  299, 2012. 

108.  武蕾  and 刘士军. A Novel QoS-aware Service Composition Approach based on Path Decomposition.  2012 7th IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, APSCC 2012,  76, 2012. 

109.  武蕾 , 刘士军  and 孟祥旭. Applying Service-oriented Composition Process in TPMS.  Advanced Materials research,  680,  526, 2013. 

110.  刘士军. A BPEL4WS-based Composite Service Modeling Solution in Manufacturing Grid.  IEEE APSCC2006,  1,  405, 2006. 

111.  刘士军. The application of cloud computing in textile-order service.  International Journal of Digital Content Technology and Its Applications,  5,  222, 2011. 

112.  刘士军. Research on the UI Integration Architecture of Service System.  IEEE ICC2008,  1,  5526, 2008. 

113.  刘士军. Research on the constructing methodology of service ecosystem.  Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series),  15,  37, 2008. 

114.  刘士军. Double Redundant Fault-Tolerance Service Routing Model in ESB.  Chinagrid2009,  1,  22, 2009. 

115.  刘士军. Web 服务在线迁移系统研究与实现.  《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》,  39,  6, 2011. 

116.  刘士军 , 武蕾  and 孟祥旭. Hypergraph-based Service Dependency Resolving and its Applications.  2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2012,  1,  106, 2012. 

117.  刘士军. A Cooperative Construction Approach for SaaS Applications.  2012 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2012,  1,  398, 2012. 

118.  刘士军 , 武蕾 , 杨承磊  and 潘丽. ADARC: An Anomaly Detection Algorithm based on Time-series Relative Outlier Distance and Bi-series Correlation.  The 6th Chinese Conference on Cloud Computing,CCCC2015,  1,  2015. 

119.  刘士军  and 武蕾. Dynamic user behavior-based piracy propagation monitoring in wireless peer-to-peer networks.  Lecture Notes in Computer Science,  8178,  44, 2013. 

120.  刘士军. 企业关系网络中基于相似度的弱关系分析.  广西大学学报,  39,  2014. 

121.  武蕾  and 刘士军. Construct SaaS Applications from Multi-abstract-level: Method and System.  7th ChinaGrid Annual Conference, ChinaGrid 2012,  107, 2012. 

122.  刘士军 , 杨承磊 , 崔立真 , 潘丽  and 武蕾. A Self-Evolving Method of Data Model for Cloud-based Machine Data Ingestion.  IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2016),  2016. 

123.  刘士军 , 崔立真 , 潘丽 , 武蕾  and 魏艺. Big datasets for research: A survey on flagship conferences.  IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress 2016),  2016. 

124.  刘士军 , 杨承磊 , 武蕾  and 潘丽. IBDP: An Industrial Big Data Ingestion and Analysis Platform and Case Studies.  2015 International Conference on Identification, Information, and Knowledge in the Internet of Things,  1,  223, 2015. 

125.  刘士军. An Interoperability Service Utility Platform for Automobile Supply Chain Management.  IWEI2008,  1,  230, 2008. 

126.  刘士军. 面向分布式控制系统的实时SOA研究与应用.  《计算机科学》,  39,  57, 2012. 

127.  武蕾 , 孟祥旭  and 刘士军. 制造网格中资源服务化封装方法研究.  《计算机集成制造系统》,  14,  1837, 2008. 

128.  潘丽  and 刘士军. An Optimal and Iterative Pricing Model for Multiclass IaaS Cloud Services.  Proceedings of 2016 International Conf. on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2016),  2016. 

129.  刘士军 , 杨承磊 , 武蕾  and 潘丽. A Piecewise Linear Representation Method Based on Importance Data Points for Time Series Data.  The 20th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2016),  1,  2016. 

130.  杨承磊  and 刘士军. An Interactive Graphical Interface for Retrieving Multi-Attribute Data:A Case Study on Historical Relics Retrieval in 3D Digital Museum.  IIKI 2016,  2016. 

131.  郭山清 , 许信顺 , 刘士军  and 崔立真. SpatialGraphx: A Distributed Graph Computing Framework for Spatial and Temporal Data at Scale.  40th IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Computers, Software & Applications(COMPSAC),  2016. 

132.  潘丽 , 刘士军  and 武蕾. Profit Based Two-Step Job Scheduling in Clouds.  17th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management,  2016. 

133.  史玉良 , 崔立真  and 刘士军. A Sub Chunk-Confusion Based Privacy Protection Mechanism for Association Rules in Cloud Services.  International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(CCF C类期刊),  26,  2016. 

134.  史玉良 , 刘士军 , 刘磊  and 崔立真. Integrating Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Measurement for Soft Resource Allocation in Multi-Tier Web Systems.  IEEE ICWS 2016(CCF B类会议),  2016. 

135.  孟祥旭 , 刘士军  and 武蕾. 基于服务提供者获益的服务响应选择方法.  西安交通大学学报自然版,  46,  112, 2012. 

136.  潘丽 , 刘士军  and 武蕾. 基于区分服务的云提供商效用最大化方法.  《系统工程理论与实践》,  2014. 

137.  潘丽  and 刘士军. A Win-Win Multi-issue Service Negotiation Model Based on Bayesian Learning .  2013 International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data (CloudCom-Asia),  2013. 

138.  刘士军. S-BM: A benchmark suite for multi-tenant supplier relationship management service.  2013 10th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, ICSSSM 2013,  1,  692, 2013. 

139.  武蕾 , 刘士军  and 孟祥旭. Applying service-oriented composition process in TPMS.  Advanced Materials research,  680,  526, 2013. 

140.  武蕾 , 刘士军  and 孟祥旭. An interoperability points based interop.  the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) series,  144,  22, 2013. 

141.  武蕾  and 刘士军. 一种多策略QoS感知的服务选择与排序模型.  《通信学报》,  33,  141, 2012. 

142.  武蕾  and 刘士军. A Hybrid Approach to Placement of Tenants for Service-based Multi-tenant SaaS Application,.  2011 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, APSCC 2011,  1,  124, 2011. 

143.  刘士军 , 潘丽 , 武蕾  and 孟祥旭. Enterprise Relationship Network: Build Foundation for Social Business.  2014 IEEE International Congress on Big Data,  1,  347, 2014. 

144.  刘士军  and 潘丽. 基于同步提议的服务交易协商方法.  华中科技大学学报 (自然科学版),  40,  373, 2012. 

145.  刘士军. ASaaSI: an approved Architecture for SaaS Service Composition.  International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology,  38,  163, 2010. 

146.  刘士军. Duplicate Removal Algorithms of Indel Gap in Protein Sequence Alignment.  BIC-TA2010,  1,  1208, 2010. 

147.  刘士军. 基于SaaS 服务的中小企业业务协同系统.  东南大学学报:自然科学版,  41,  458, 2011. 

148.  刘士军. 基于BPEL的网格工作流系统.  《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》,  35,  119, 2008. 

149.  刘士军. A Grid-enabled and SOA-based SaaS Application Platform.  IEEE SCC2009,  1,  521, 2009. 

150.  孟祥旭  and 刘士军. 云制造模式与支撑技术.  山东大学学报(工学版),  41,  13, 2011. 

151.  刘士军. Service-oriented Enterprise Interoperability in Automobile Supply Chain Management.  Computer Science and Information Systems,  7,  31, 2010. 

152.  刘士军  and 孟祥旭. An Integrated Multi-channel Messaging Model Supporting for Business Collaboration.  CSCWD2011,  1,  532, 2011. 

153.  刘士军. The research and implementation of turning conference management system into a service.  IEEE APSCC2007,  1,  521, 2007. 

154.  刘士军. Dynamic Reliable Service Routing in Enterprise Service Bus.  IEEE AAPSCC2008,  1,  349, 2008. 

155.  刘士军. Towards High Level SaaS Maturity Model: Methods and Case Study.  IEEE APSCC2009,  1,  273, 2009. 

156.  刘士军. A Web-based Problem Solving Environments for Weave Pattern Design.  I-ESA 2009,  1,  157, 2009. 

157.  刘士军. LBVS:A Load Balancing Strategy for Virtual Storage.  ICSS2010,  1,  257, 2010. 

158.  崔立真  and 刘士军. 云制造PaaS平台中协同过程构建与定制方法.  《计算机集成制造系统》,  第18卷,  2331, 2012. 

159.  刘士军. 基于ECGP的企业数据集成研究.  《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》,  39,  19, 2011. 

160.  刘士军. Supply Business Services over Short Message Service (SBSoSMS).  ICPCA 2008,  1,  588, 2008. 

161.  刘士军. A Dependency-aware Hierarchical Service Model for SaaS and Cloud Services.  IEEE SCC2011,  1,  480, 2011. 

162.  刘士军. Towards High Maturity in SaaS Applications Based on Virtualization Methods and Case Study.  International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector,  3,  39, 2011. 

163.  刘士军. A Process Interoperability Method for SMEs.  Lecture Notes in Business Information Process,  76,  50, 2011. 

164.  崔立真 , 刘士军 , 李晖 , 刘磊 , 郑永清  and 徐祥朕. Predicting Hospital Readmission From Longitudinal Healthcare Data Using Graph Pattern Mining Based Temporal phenotypes.  2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS AND BIOMEDICINE (BIBM),  824, 2017. 

165.  刘磊 , 刘士军 , 崔立真  and 赵旭东. Automated Performance Evaluation for Multi-Tier Cloud Service Systems Subject to Mixed Workloads.  2017 IEEE 37TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING SYSTEMS (ICDCS 2017),  2630, 2017. 

166.  潘丽 , 刘士军 , 武蕾 , 孟祥旭  and 魏艺. DRL-Scheduling: An Intelligent QoS-Aware Job Scheduling Framework for Applications in Clouds.  IEEE Access,  6,  55112, 2018. 

167.  刘士军 , 武蕾 , 潘丽  and 孟祥旭. Build Enterprise Relationship Network to Support Collaborative Business.  Enterprise Interoperability: I-ESA'14,  1,  318, 2015. 

168.  刘士军 , 杨承磊  and 潘丽. A Market-oriented Heuristic Algorithm for Scheduling Parallel Applications in Big Data Service Platform.  2018. 

169.  刘士军  and 潘丽. Performance Analysis of Service Clouds Serving Composite Service Application Jobs.  2018. 

170.  刘士军  and 潘丽. A Reinforcement Learning Based Workflow Application Scheduling Approach in Dynamic Cloud Environment.  2017. 

171.  刘士军  and 潘丽. A Reinforcement Learning Based Auto-Scaling Approach for SaaS Providers in Dynamic Cloud Environment.  Mathematical Problems in Engineering,  2019. 

172.  刘士军 , 杨承磊  and 潘丽. A fast shapelet selection algorithm for time series classification.  Computer Networks,  2018. 

173.  刘士军  and 孟祥旭. Grid-enabled workflow management system based on BPEL.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COM,  22,  238, 2008. 

174.  史玉良 , 刘士军  and 崔立真. Real Time Prediction on Revisitation Behaviors of ShortTerm Type Commodities.  WISE 2016,  2016. 

175.  郭山清 , 刘士军 , 崔立真  and 史玉良. SRConfig: An Empirical Method of Interdependent Soft Configurations for Improving Performance in n-Tier Application.  IEEE SCC 2016(CCF C类会议),  2016. 

176.  刘士军 , 孟祥旭  and 武蕾. A Hypergraph Partition Based Approach to Dynamic Deployment for Service-oriented Multi-tenant SaaS Applications.  Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing,  122,  185, 2012. 

177.  刘士军  and 武蕾. A Novel QoS-aware Service Composition Approach based on Path Decomposition.  2012 7th IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, APSCC 2012,  76, 2012. 

178.  刘士军 , 孟祥旭  and 武蕾. Applying Service-oriented Composition Process in TPMS.  Advanced Materials research,  680,  526, 2013. 

179.  刘士军  and 武蕾. Construct SaaS Applications from Multi-abstract-level: Method and System.  7th ChinaGrid Annual Conference, ChinaGrid 2012,  107, 2012. 

180.  孟祥旭 , 刘士军  and 武蕾. 制造网格中资源服务化封装方法研究.  《计算机集成制造系统》,  14,  1837, 2008. 

181.  刘士军  and 潘丽. An Optimal and Iterative Pricing Model for Multiclass IaaS Cloud Services.  Proceedings of 2016 International Conf. on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2016),  2016. 

182.  刘士军  and 杨承磊. An Interactive Graphical Interface for Retrieving Multi-Attribute Data:A Case Study on Historical Relics Retrieval in 3D Digital Museum.  IIKI 2016,  2016. 

183.  许信顺 , 刘士军 , 崔立真  and 郭山清. SpatialGraphx: A Distributed Graph Computing Framework for Spatial and Temporal Data at Scale.  40th IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Computers, Software & Applications(COMPSAC),  2016. 

184.  刘士军 , 武蕾  and 潘丽. Profit Based Two-Step Job Scheduling in Clouds.  17th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management,  2016. 

185.  崔立真 , 刘士军  and 史玉良. A Sub Chunk-Confusion Based Privacy Protection Mechanism for Association Rules in Cloud Services.  International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(CCF C类期刊),  26,  2016. 

186.  刘磊 , 崔立真 , 刘士军  and 史玉良. Integrating Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Measurement for Soft Resource Allocation in Multi-Tier Web Systems.  IEEE ICWS 2016(CCF B类会议),  2016. 

187.  刘士军 , 武蕾  and 孟祥旭. 基于服务提供者获益的服务响应选择方法.  西安交通大学学报自然版,  46,  112, 2012. 

188.  刘士军 , 武蕾  and 潘丽. 基于区分服务的云提供商效用最大化方法.  《系统工程理论与实践》,  2014. 

189.  刘士军  and 潘丽. A Win-Win Multi-issue Service Negotiation Model Based on Bayesian Learning .  2013 International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data (CloudCom-Asia),  2013. 

190.  刘士军 , 孟祥旭  and 武蕾. Applying service-oriented composition process in TPMS.  Advanced Materials research,  680,  526, 2013. 

191.  刘士军 , 孟祥旭  and 武蕾. An interoperability points based interop.  the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) series,  144,  22, 2013. 

192.  刘士军  and 武蕾. 一种多策略QoS感知的服务选择与排序模型.  《通信学报》,  33,  141, 2012. 

193.  刘士军  and 武蕾. A Hybrid Approach to Placement of Tenants for Service-based Multi-tenant SaaS Application,.  2011 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, APSCC 2011,  1,  124, 2011. 

194.  刘士军  and 孟祥旭. 云制造模式与支撑技术.  山东大学学报(工学版),  41,  13, 2011. 

195.  刘士军  and 崔立真. 云制造PaaS平台中协同过程构建与定制方法.  《计算机集成制造系统》,  第18卷,  2331, 2012. 

196.  刘士军 , 潘丽 , 郭山清  and 郭子瑜. Psychological Gender Express via Mobile Social Network Activities: An Experimental Study on a Gay Network Data.  IEEE Access ,  7,  12696, 2019. 

197.  杨承磊 , 刘士军  and 卞玉龙. Optimal Device Choice and Media Display: A Novel Multimedia Exhibition System Based on Multi-terminal Display Platform.  2017. 

198.  刘磊 , 崔立真 , 刘士军  and 史玉良. Integrating Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Measurement for Soft Resource Allocation in Multi-Tier Web Systems.  IEEE ICWS 2016(CCF B类会议),  2016. 

199.  武蕾 , 刘士军  and 蒋倩玉. Integrating Supply and Demand Chains in Personalized Recommendation via Chain-coupled Tensor Factorization.  2017 IEEE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN (CSCWD),  420, 2017. 

200.  史玉良 , 刘士军  and 崔立真. Real Time Prediction on Revisitation Behaviors of ShortTerm Type Commodities.  WISE 2016,  2016. 

201.  刘士军  and 武蕾. A Hybrid Approach to Placement of Tenants for Service-based Multi-tenant SaaS Application,.  2011 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, APSCC 2011,  1,  124, 2011. 

202.  潘丽 , 刘士军  and 武蕾. Network-Constrained Tensor Factorization for Personal Recommendation in an Enterprise Network.  2018. 

203.  刘磊 , 史玉良 , 刘士军 , 崔立真  and 赵旭东. Real-Time Soft Resource Allocation in Multi-Tier Web Service Systems.  2017 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB SERVICES (ICWS 2017),  492, 2017. 

204.  郭山清 , 刘士军 , 崔立真  and 史玉良. SRConfig: An Empirical Method of Interdependent Soft Configurations for Improving Performance in n-Tier Application.  IEEE SCC 2016(CCF C类会议),  2016. 

205.  崔立真 , 刘士军  and 史玉良. A Sub Chunk-Confusion Based Privacy Protection Mechanism for Association Rules in Cloud Services.  International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(CCF C类期刊),  26,  2016. 

206.  刘士军  and 潘丽. An Experimental Study of the Impact of vCPU Provisioning on the Performance of a 2-Tier Application Running in Cloud.  2017 IEEE 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLOUD COMPUTING (CLOUD),  367, 2017. 

207.  刘士军  and 潘丽. A Reinforcement Learning Based Auto-Scaling Approach for SaaS Providers in Dynamic Cloud Environment.  Mathematical Problems in Engineering,  2019. 

208.  刘士军 , 杨承磊  and 潘丽. A fast shapelet selection algorithm for time series classification.  Computer Networks,  2018. 

209.  刘磊 , 刘士军 , 崔立真  and 赵旭东. Automated Performance Evaluation for Multi-Tier Cloud Service Systems Subject to Mixed Workloads.  2017 IEEE 37TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING SYSTEMS (ICDCS 2017),  2630, 2017. 

210.  刘士军  and 潘丽. Subscription or Pay-As-You-Go: Optimally Purchasing IaaS Instances in Public Clouds.  2018. 

211.  潘丽 , 刘士军 , 杨承磊 , 武蕾  and 嵇存. A Fast Shapelet Discovery Algorithm Based on Important Data Points.  International Journal of Web Services Research,  14,  67, 2017. 

212.  潘丽 , 武蕾 , 刘士军 , 孟祥旭  and 张朔. Dynamic-Priority based Profit-Driven Scheduling in Mobile Cloud Computing.  2017 IEEE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN (CSCWD), 

213.  潘丽 , 刘士军 , 史玉良 , 崔立真  and 李秀林. Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Centers Serving Parallelizable Rendering Jobs Using M/M/c/r Queuing Systems.  2017 IEEE 37TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING SYSTEMS (ICDCS 2017),  1378, 2017. 

214.  刘士军  and 潘丽. A Reinforcement Learning Based Workflow Application Scheduling Approach in Dynamic Cloud Environment.  2017. 

215.  刘士军  and 潘丽. To Sell or Not To Sell: Trading Your Reserved Instances in Amazon EC2 Marketplace.  2018. 

216.  孟祥旭 , 刘士军  and 武蕾. 制造网格中资源服务化封装方法研究.  《计算机集成制造系统》,  14,  1837, 2008. 

217.  许信顺 , 刘士军 , 崔立真  and 郭山清. SpatialGraphx: A Distributed Graph Computing Framework for Spatial and Temporal Data at Scale.  40th IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Computers, Software & Applications(COMPSAC),  2016. 

218.  刘士军 , 孟祥旭  and 武蕾. Applying service-oriented composition process in TPMS.  Advanced Materials research,  680,  526, 2013. 

219.  刘士军 , 孟祥旭  and 武蕾. An interoperability points based interop.  the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) series,  144,  22, 2013. 

220.  刘士军 , 武蕾  and 孟祥旭. 基于服务提供者获益的服务响应选择方法.  西安交通大学学报自然版,  46,  112, 2012. 

221.  刘士军  and 武蕾. A Novel QoS-aware Service Composition Approach based on Path Decomposition.  2012 7th IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, APSCC 2012,  76, 2012. 

222.  刘士军  and 武蕾. 一种多策略QoS感知的服务选择与排序模型.  《通信学报》,  33,  141, 2012. 

223.  刘士军 , 孟祥旭  and 武蕾. A Hypergraph Partition Based Approach to Dynamic Deployment for Service-oriented Multi-tenant SaaS Applications.  Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing,  122,  185, 2012. 

224.  刘士军  and 武蕾. Construct SaaS Applications from Multi-abstract-level: Method and System.  7th ChinaGrid Annual Conference, ChinaGrid 2012,  107, 2012. 

225.  刘士军 , 孟祥旭  and 武蕾. Applying Service-oriented Composition Process in TPMS.  Advanced Materials research,  680,  526, 2013. 

226.  刘士军 , 崔立真  and 潘丽. Nash Equilibrium and Decentralized Pricing for QoS Aware Service Composition in Cloud Computing Environments.  2017 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB SERVICES (ICWS 2017),  154, 2017. 

227.  崔立真 , 刘士军 , 李晖 , 刘磊 , 郑永清  and 徐祥朕. Predicting Hospital Readmission From Longitudinal Healthcare Data Using Graph Pattern Mining Based Temporal phenotypes.  2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS AND BIOMEDICINE (BIBM),  824, 2017. 

228.  刘士军  and 潘丽. Mechanisms for Optimally Scheduling and Pricing Pleasingly Parallel Jobs in Service Clouds.  IEEE Access,  2018. 

229.  刘士军  and 潘丽. Performance Analysis of Service Clouds Serving Composite Service Application Jobs.  2018. 

230.  潘丽 , 刘士军 , 武蕾 , 孟祥旭  and 魏艺. DRL-Scheduling: An Intelligent QoS-Aware Job Scheduling Framework for Applications in Clouds.  IEEE Access,  6,  55112, 2018. 

231.  刘士军 , 孟祥旭  and 潘丽. QoS Optimization of Service Clouds Serving Pleasingly Parallel Jobs.  2018. 

232.  刘士军 , 杨承磊  and 潘丽. A Market-oriented Heuristic Algorithm for Scheduling Parallel Applications in Big Data Service Platform.  2018. 

233.  刘士军  and 武蕾. An Approach to Web Service Organization Based on Hypergraph Clustering.  2018. 

234.  刘士军  and 孟祥旭. Grid-enabled workflow management system based on BPEL.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COM,  22,  238, 2008. 

235.  刘士军  and 潘丽. An Optimal and Iterative Pricing Model for Multiclass IaaS Cloud Services.  Proceedings of 2016 International Conf. on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2016),  2016. 

236.  刘士军  and 杨承磊. An Interactive Graphical Interface for Retrieving Multi-Attribute Data:A Case Study on Historical Relics Retrieval in 3D Digital Museum.  IIKI 2016,  2016. 

237.  刘士军 , 崔立真 , 潘丽 , 武蕾  and 魏艺. Big datasets for research: A survey on flagship conferences.  IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress 2016),  2016. 

238.  刘士军 , 武蕾  and 潘丽. Profit Based Two-Step Job Scheduling in Clouds.  17th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management,  2016. 

239.  刘士军 , 武蕾  and 潘丽. 基于区分服务的云提供商效用最大化方法.  《系统工程理论与实践》,  2014. 

240.  刘士军  and 潘丽. A Win-Win Multi-issue Service Negotiation Model Based on Bayesian Learning .  2013 International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data (CloudCom-Asia),  2013. 

241.  刘士军  and 崔立真. 云制造PaaS平台中协同过程构建与定制方法.  《计算机集成制造系统》,  第18卷,  2331, 2012. 

242.  刘士军  and 孟祥旭. 云制造模式与支撑技术.  山东大学学报(工学版),  41,  13, 2011. 

243.  刘士军. A Dependency-aware Hierarchical Service Model for SaaS and Cloud Services.  IEEE SCC2011,  1,  480, 2011. 

244.  刘士军. A Process Interoperability Method for SMEs.  Lecture Notes in Business Information Process,  76,  50, 2011. 

245.  刘士军. An Interoperability Service Utility Platform for Automobile Supply Chain Management.  IWEI2008,  1,  230, 2008. 

246.  刘士军. Supply Business Services over Short Message Service (SBSoSMS).  ICPCA 2008,  1,  588, 2008. 

247.  潘丽 , 武蕾 , 孟祥旭  and 刘士军. Building and Analyzing of Enterprise Network: A Case Study on China Automobile Supply Network.  International Journal of Web Services Research,  13,  64, 2016. 

248.  杨承磊 , 崔立真 , 潘丽 , 武蕾  and 刘士军. A Self-Evolving Method of Data Model for Cloud-based Machine Data Ingestion.  IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2016),  2016. 

249.  潘丽 , 孟祥旭  and 刘士军. TOPK : A New Bipartite Ranking Algorithm for Enterprise Social Network.  JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY,  2016. 

250.  杨承磊 , 武蕾 , 潘丽  and 刘士军. A Piecewise Linear Representation Method Based on Importance Data Points for Time Series Data.  The 20th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2016),  1,  2016. 

251.  潘丽 , 武蕾 , 杨承磊  and 刘士军. Device Data Ingestion for Industrial Big Data Platform with Case Study.  Sensors,  16,  2016. 

252.  武蕾 , 潘丽 , 史玉良  and 刘士军. Probabilistic-based workload forecasting and service redeployment for multi-tenant services.  Int. J. High Performance Computing and Networking,  9,  134, 2016. 

253.  崔立真 , 武蕾 , 潘丽  and 刘士军. A Bayesian approach to performance modelling for multi-tenant applications using Gaussian models.  Int. J. High Performance Computing and Networking,  9,  150, 2016. 

254.  武蕾 , 杨承磊 , 潘丽  and 刘士军. ADARC: An Anomaly Detection Algorithm based on Time-series Relative Outlier Distance and Bi-series Correlation.  The 6th Chinese Conference on Cloud Computing,CCCC2015,  1,  2015. 

255.  杨承磊 , 武蕾 , 潘丽  and 刘士军. IBDP: An Industrial Big Data Ingestion and Analysis Platform and Case Studies.  2015 International Conference on Identification, Information, and Knowledge in the Internet of Things,  1,  223, 2015. 

256.  武蕾 , 潘丽 , 孟祥旭  and 刘士军. Build Enterprise Relationship Network to Support Collaborative Business.  Enterprise Interoperability: I-ESA'14,  1,  318, 2015. 

257.  刘士军. 企业关系网络中基于相似度的弱关系分析.  广西大学学报,  39,  2014. 

258.  潘丽 , 武蕾 , 孟祥旭  and 刘士军. Enterprise Relationship Network: Build Foundation for Social Business.  2014 IEEE International Congress on Big Data,  1,  347, 2014. 

259.  武蕾  and 刘士军. Dynamic user behavior-based piracy propagation monitoring in wireless peer-to-peer networks.  Lecture Notes in Computer Science,  8178,  44, 2013. 

260.  刘士军. S-BM: A benchmark suite for multi-tenant supplier relationship management service.  2013 10th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, ICSSSM 2013,  1,  692, 2013. 

261.  潘丽  and 刘士军. 基于同步提议的服务交易协商方法.  华中科技大学学报 (自然科学版),  40,  373, 2012. 

262.  刘士军. 面向分布式控制系统的实时SOA研究与应用.  《计算机科学》,  39,  57, 2012. 

263.  武蕾 , 孟祥旭  and 刘士军. Hypergraph-based Service Dependency Resolving and its Applications.  2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2012,  1,  106, 2012. 

264.  刘士军. A Cooperative Construction Approach for SaaS Applications.  2012 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2012,  1,  398, 2012. 

265.  孟祥旭 , 武蕾  and 刘士军. Dynamic interoperability between multi-tenant SaaS applications.  Enterprise Interoperability V: Shaping Enterprise Interoperability in the Future Internet, Proceedings of the I-ESA Conferences 5,  2012. 

266.  武蕾 , 孟祥旭  and 刘士军. 自组织云制造资源聚集框架与多维属性区间搜索方法研究.  计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》,  24,  299, 2012. 

267.  刘士军. A BPEL4WS-based Composite Service Modeling Solution in Manufacturing Grid.  IEEE APSCC2006,  1,  405, 2006. 

268.  刘士军. The research and implementation of turning conference management system into a service.  IEEE APSCC2007,  1,  521, 2007. 

269.  刘士军. Dynamic Reliable Service Routing in Enterprise Service Bus.  IEEE AAPSCC2008,  1,  349, 2008. 

270.  刘士军. Towards High Level SaaS Maturity Model: Methods and Case Study.  IEEE APSCC2009,  1,  273, 2009. 

271.  刘士军. A Web-based Problem Solving Environments for Weave Pattern Design.  I-ESA 2009,  1,  157, 2009. 

272.  刘士军. LBVS:A Load Balancing Strategy for Virtual Storage.  ICSS2010,  1,  257, 2010. 

273.  刘士军. The application of cloud computing in textile-order service.  International Journal of Digital Content Technology and Its Applications,  5,  222, 2011. 

274.  刘士军. 基于BPEL的网格工作流系统.  《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》,  35,  119, 2008. 

275.  刘士军. A Grid-enabled and SOA-based SaaS Application Platform.  IEEE SCC2009,  1,  521, 2009. 

276.  刘士军. Research on the UI Integration Architecture of Service System.  IEEE ICC2008,  1,  5526, 2008. 

277.  刘士军. Research on the constructing methodology of service ecosystem.  Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series),  15,  37, 2008. 

278.  刘士军. Service-oriented Enterprise Interoperability in Automobile Supply Chain Management.  Computer Science and Information Systems,  7,  31, 2010. 

279.  刘士军. Double Redundant Fault-Tolerance Service Routing Model in ESB.  Chinagrid2009,  1,  22, 2009. 

280.  孟祥旭  and 刘士军. An Integrated Multi-channel Messaging Model Supporting for Business Collaboration.  CSCWD2011,  1,  532, 2011. 

281.  刘士军. ASaaSI: an approved Architecture for SaaS Service Composition.  International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology,  38,  163, 2010. 

282.  刘士军. Duplicate Removal Algorithms of Indel Gap in Protein Sequence Alignment.  BIC-TA2010,  1,  1208, 2010. 

283.  刘士军. 基于SaaS 服务的中小企业业务协同系统.  东南大学学报:自然科学版,  41,  458, 2011. 

284.  刘士军. 基于ECGP的企业数据集成研究.  《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》,  39,  19, 2011. 

285.  刘士军. Web 服务在线迁移系统研究与实现.  《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》,  39,  6, 2011. 

286.  刘士军. Towards High Maturity in SaaS Applications Based on Virtualization Methods and Case Study.  International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector,  3,  39, 2011. 


1. 一种云计算服务调度方法、系统、介质及电子设备

2. 基于指令集的需求到软件领域模型的自动生成方法及系统

3. 一种成本驱动的冷热分层云存储冗余存储方法与系统

4. 一种云原生环境下的分布式微服务数据库更新方法及系统

5. 基于随机在线算法的制造服务资源动态调度方法及系统

6. 一种竞价型云计算资源租赁策略动态调整方法及系统

7. 基于时序性知识图谱的可解释商品推荐方法及系统

8. 针对关系不确定性的引文网络节点分类方法及系统

9. Multi-human Tracking System and Method with Single Kinect for Supporting Mobile Virtual Reality Application

10. 一种机器学习模型辅助构建方法、系统、设备及介质

11. 一种云边协同的资源调度方法及系统

12. 基于价格预测的云计算服务资源动态调度方法及系统

13. 基于Arduino的多设备互动展示控制系统及方法

14. 在可交换图中基于博弈的链接预测方法及系统

15. 支持移动虚拟现实应用的单Kinect多人跟踪系统及方法

16. 曲面屏幕上移动视点的沉浸式立体渲染投影系统及其方法

17. 一种融合供需链的个性化汽车推荐方法及系统

18. 基于矩阵和张量联合分解的汽车推荐方法及系统

19. 一种用于大数据测试的加权Voronoi图生成方法

20. 基于IaaS的不确定性需求服务预购实例分时共享方法与系统

21. 一种成本驱动的云计算冷热数据存储优化方法

22. 一种时序数据异常检测方法及其系统

23. 基于产品物料清单的企业网络架构及其构造方法

24. 融合业务预测与实时负载的两阶段服务系统负载预测与均衡方法

25. 一种模态自适应的云制造服务交易过程控制系统与方法

26. 一种适应多业务抽象层次的服务化软件构造方法和系统

27. 在门户系统中保证应用自治性的网络应用软件集成方法

28. 一种融合供需链的个性化汽车推荐方法及系统

29. 一种机器数据模型演化的自动感知方法与系统

30. 在可交换图中基于博弈的链接预测方法及系统

31. 一种时序数据异常检测方法及其系统

32. 融合业务预测与实时负载的两阶段服务系统负载预测与均衡方法

33. 一种基于spark平台的内存迭代的重叠社区并行发现方法

34. 一种基于企业网络的企业业务相似度计算方法与系统

35. 一种融合制造商相似度的产品推荐方法及装置

36. 基于Arduino的多设备互动展示控制系统及方法

37. 基于制造过程文本数据挖掘的质量分析方法与系统

38. 一种适应多业务抽象层次的服务化软件构造方法和系统

39. 基于位置映射的增强现实建模体验系统及方法

40. 提高移动端体验性能的虚拟场景设计系统及其交互方法

41. 基于矩阵和张量联合分解的汽车推荐方法及系统

42. 一种基于流程图的自动检测电子商务网站逻辑漏洞的方法

43. 一种机器数据模型演化的自动感知方法与系统

44. 一种适应多业务抽象层次的服务化软件构造方法和系统


1. 非完备信息下XX目标行为与意图研判KM20240066, 2024/07/30-2025/08/31

2. 数据驱动智能创新团队, 2023/01/01-2025/12/31

3. 洪水预测模型及算法研究, 2022/12/30-2023/12/31

4. 校鹰校园安康智慧平台, 2022/11/01-2024/11/01

5. 软件定义智能制造体系架构与领域建模研究(2021年奖励), 2021/09/26-2024/06/30

6. 软件定义智能制造体系架构与领域建模研究(2021年补助), 2021/09/26-2024/06/30

7. ECU数据安全认证平台开发-1, 2021/11/10-2023/04/30

8. 山东大学-山信软件智能制造实验室, 2021/05/01-2024/04/30

9. 2020年工业互联网创新发展工程 ——解决方案应用推广公共服务平台项目, 2020/06/01-2022/06/30

10. 创新方法在国家自主创新示范区的推广应用示范, 2020/10/01-2023/10/31

11. 软件定义智能制造体系架构与领域建模研究(补助), 2020/12/11-2023/04/30

12. 软件定义智能制造体系架构与领域建模研究(奖励), 2020/12/11-2022/12/11

13. 面向大规模集群的大数据容器化管理及资源调度技术, 2020/12/16-2023/12/31

14. 制造业信息化技术应用服务体系的建设, 2002/10/01-2003/12/01

15. 虚拟制造关键技术与应用系统的研究与开发, 2003/10/30-2005/12/30

16. 软件定义智能制造体系架构与领域建模研究(奖励), 2019/11/18-2021/11/17

17. 软件定义智能制造体系架构与领域建模研究(补助), 2019/11/18-2023/04/30

18. 易学古籍数据库建设, 2019/12/04-2024/12/31

19. 面向大规模定制生产的网络化协同制造平台研发、搭建及应用示范, 2019/06/04-2022/04/30

20. SemanticWeb环境下产品的虚拟制造技术, 2002/10/01-2003/12/01

21. 高性能计算在制造业信息化中的应用研究, 2003/10/30-2004/12/30

22. 虚拟样机若干关键技术与典型应用, 2002/09/09-2004/08/30

23. CNGI大学课程在线, 2006/04/01-2007/04/01

24. 大学课程在线, 2005/10/01-2007/12/30

25. 浪潮ERP支持国产数据库关键技术攻关, 2004/04/01-2005/06/30

26. 山东大学考古数字博物馆, 2001/08/01-2002/12/31

27. 无界互联电子商务关键技术研发与应用示范, 2015/08/01-2017/12/31

28. 公共安全数据分析平台关键技术研究及应用, 2014/01/01-2016/12/31

29. 多租户SaaS服务交易模型与算法研究, 2014/12/01-2017/12/31

30. 制造网格与制造资源协同管理技术, 2003/10/01-2005/10/30

31. 制造业信息化关键技术攻关及应用工程, 2002/12/01-2004/12/01

32. 国产基础软件集成关键技术研究, 2009/01/01-2010/12/31

33. 云计算服务协商定价模型研究, 2014/08/15-2017/12/31

34. 支持业务协同的云制造服务平台研发及产业化, 2013/07/01-2015/12/31

35. 山东省信息技术改造传统产业技术支撑平台, 2007/03/30-2008/03/30

36. 山东省网络化制造研究, 2005/01/01-2006/12/30

37. 面向汽车行业的企业间协同服务网络技术研究, 2007/12/30-2010/12/30

38. 产权交易电子商务平台的研究, 2004/10/10-2006/12/30

39. 网络化制造关键技术研究与应用, 2004/12/10-2006/12/30

40. 中间件关键技术, 2001/01/01-2003/12/31

41. 数字博物馆应用网格建设, 2005/09/01-2006/10/30

42. 云制造环境中资源虚拟化关键技术研究, 2011/07/01-2014/07/01

43. 基于高阶连接模式的企业网络域识别与链接预测研究, 2018/08/16-2022/12/31

44. 软件定义智能制造体系架构与领域建模研究, 2018/05/01-2023/04/30

45. 制造大数据融合与智能分析关键技术与系统, 2017/01/01-2019/12/31

46. 数字化技术在文物建筑保护与开发中的应用研究, 2016/01/01-2018/12/01

47. 云生活电子商务综合服务平台, 2016/01/01-2017/12/31

48. 融合业务预测与实时负载的两阶段服务系统负载预测与均衡方法(专利许可), 2015/12/30-2015/12/30

49. 多租户SaaS服务在线生成与优化部署平台研发, 2014/01/01-2016/12/31

50. 支持装备制造产业集群业务协同的服务支撑平台, 2009/01/01-2011/11/30

51. 云制造与SaaS服务关键技术研究, 2012/01/01-2015/06/30

52. 纺织行业服务创新, 2010/01/12-2010/12/31

53. 基于asp平台的制造业供应链管理系统, 2009/07/07-2009/12/31

54. 计算机管理系统的维护, 2003/01/01-2003/12/30

55. 中小企业云制造服务平台交易服务技术, 2011/04/01-2012/12/31

56. 基于虚拟化技术的高成熟度SaaS模型研究, 2010/01/01-2012/12/31

57. 应用虚拟化若干关键问题研究, 2008/01/01-2010/12/31









































































































































































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