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Paper Publications
Wenjian Liu
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Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Paper Publications
[121] W. Xu, J. Ma, D. Peng, W. Zou, W. Liu*, and V. Staemmler,
Excited states of ReO4-: A comprehensive time-dependent relativistic density functional theory st...,
Chem. Phys. 2009, 356, 219-228.
[122] W. Zou* and W. Liu*,
Comprehensive ab initio calculation and simulation on the low-lying excited states of TlX (X = F,...,
J. Comput. Chem. 2009, 30, 524-539.
[123] W. Kutzelnigg* and W. Liu*,
Matrix formulation of direct perturbation theory of relativistic effects in a kinetically balance...,
Chem. Phys. 2008, 349, 133-146.
[124] J. Deng, N. Song*, W. Liu, Q. Zhou, and Z. Wang,
Towards near-infrared chiroptically switching materials: Theoretical and experimental studies on ...,
ChemPhysChem. 2008, 9, 1265-1269.
[125] 刘文剑*,
Principles of relativistic quantum chemistry and time-dependent relativistic density functional t...,
《理论化学原理与应用》(帅志刚,邵久书等编著;科学出版社,北京) 2008, 68-109.
[126] D. Peng, W. Liu*, Y. Xiao, and L. Cheng,
Making four- and two-component relativistic density functional methods fully equivalent based on ...,
J. Chem. Phys. 2007, 127, 104106.
[127] 刘文剑*,
New Progress in Relativistic Quantum Chemistry,
化学进展 2007, 19, 833-851.
[128] S. Lü, W. Liu*, and X. Li,
Ab initio investigation on electron transfer in molecular electronic devices: A minimal model stu...,
Chem. Phys. Lett. 2007, 439, 85-90.
[129] W. Liu* and W. Kutzelnigg*,
Quasirelativistic theory. II. Theory at matrix level,
J. Chem. Phys. 2007, 126, 114107.
[130] Y. Xiao, W. Liu*, L. Cheng, and D. Peng,
Four-component relativistic theory for nuclear magnetic shielding constants: Critical assessments...,
J. Chem. Phys. 2007, 126, 214101.
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