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- [81] 刘艺鸣. 甲状腺功能异常与帕金森病的相关性. 内科理论与实践, 5, 400, 2010.
- [82] 刘艺鸣. 帕金森病脑深部电刺激治疗的程控体会. 中国神经精神疾病杂志, 35, 216, 2009.
- [83] 刘艺鸣. 帕金森病患者PINK 1基因的突变研究. 中国神经精神疾病杂志, 36, 115, 2010.
- [84] 刘艺鸣. Study of an integrated non-motor symptoms questionnaire for Parkinson’s disease. CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL, 123, 1436, 2010.
- [85] 刘艺鸣 and 赵振相. Capsaicin Protects Against Oxidative Insults and Alleviates Behavioral Deficits in Rats with 6-OH.... NEUROCHEMICAL RESEARCH, 42, 3431, 2017.