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- [11] 李心怡. Theoretical Insights into the Cleavage of beta-Hydroxy Ketone Catalyzed by Artificial Retro-aldol.... CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES, 42, 2306, 2021.
- [12] 王一晶. Formation Mechanism of Cofactor Cys-Tyr in the Cysteine Dioxygenases (CDO and F-2-CDO) and Its In.... Inorganic chenistry, 60, 7844, 2021.
- [13] 闫丽娟. Inactivation Mechanism of Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase by (S)-2-Amino-5-(2-(methylthio)acetimid.... Inorganic chenistry, 60, 9345, 2021.
- [14] 魏静静. Mechanistic Insights into the P450 TIeB-Catalyzed Unusual Intramolecular C-N Bond Formation Invol.... Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 61, 3638, 2021.
- [15] 刘雅茹. Mechanistic Insights into the Oxidative Ring Expansion from Penicillin N to Deacetoxycephalospori.... Inorganic chenistry, 59, 12218, 2020.
- [16] 李心怡. Mechanistic Insights into the Oxidative Rearrangement Catalyzed by the Unprecedented Dioxygenase .... Inorganic chenistry, 59, 13988, 2020.
- [17] 李心怡. Theoretical Study of Iron Porphyrin Nitrene: Formation Mechanism, Electronic Nature, and Intermol.... Inorganic chenistry, 59, 1622, 2020.
- [18] 闫丽娟. The Retaining Mechanism of Xylose Transfer Catalyzed by Xyloside alpha-1,3-Xylosyltransferase (XX.... Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 60, 1585, 2020.
- [19] 李红. Mechanistic Investigation of Isonitrile Formation Catalyzed by the Nonheme Iron/alpha-KG-Dependen.... ACS catalysis, 10, 2942, 2020.
- [20] 张士清. Mechanical Insights into the Enzymatic Cleavage of Double C-C Bond in Poly(cis-1,4-isoprene) by t.... Inorganic chenistry, 59, 9627, 2020.