  • 2014-9 — 2018-6
  • 2011-9 — 2014-6
  • 2007-9 — 2011-6
  • 世界青年地球科学家联盟(YESChina)中国委员会 委员
  • 中国地球物理学会智慧管网专业委员会 委员

(1) 蒋鹏.Gradient optimization method for tunnel resistivity and chargeability joint inversion based on deep learning.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology.2023,144 (144)

(2) 刘斌.An improved Time-Lapse resistivity tomography to monitor and estimate the impact on the groundwater system induced by tunnel excavation.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology.2017 (66):107

(3) 李彪.Theoretical Analysis of the Mechanical Effects of Water Jet.Geotechnical and Geological Engineering.GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING .2021 (39):237

(4) 周维.Study of Tunnel-Face to Borehole ERI (TBERI) Measurement Configurations and Its Optimization.GEOFLUIDS.2021,2021

(5) 聂利超.Comprehensive Ahead Prospecting of Tunnels in Severely Weathered Rock Mass Environments with High Water Inrush Risk: A Case Study in Shaanxi Province.ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING.2020,2020

(6) 庞永昊.Multiscale Constrained Inversion Method for Direct Current Resistivity Tomography Based on Haar Wavelet Transform.IEEE Access .2020,8 :170195

(7) 聂利超.Cross-hole ERT Configuration Assessment for Boulder Detection: A Full-scale Physical Model Test.Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.2020,25 (4):569

(8) 刘征宇.Time Series Data Inversion and Monitoring Method for Cross-Hole ERT Based on an Improved Extended Kalman Filter.Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.2021,26 (3):209

(9) 范克睿.Magnetic resonance approach to identify the types of inrush hazards in constructing tunnel: I. Characterizing and modelling.Journal of Applied Geophysics.2019,167 :160

(10) 刘斌.A rapid four-dimensional resistivity data inversion method using temporal segmentation.GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL.2020,221 (1):586

(11) 刘斌.Cascade surface and borehole geophysical investigation for water leakage: A case study of the Dehou reservoir, China.ENGINEERING GEOLOGY.2021,294

(12) 李宁博.Synthetic Study of Boulder Detection Using Multi-Configuration Combination of Cross-Hole ERT and Its Field Application in Xiamen Metro, China.Applied Sciences-Basel.2021,11 (24)

(13) 庞永昊.3D multi-scale resistivity inversion method applied in the tunnel face to borehole observations for tunnel-ahead prospecting.Journal of Applied Geophysics.2022,196

(14) 聂利超.TBM-Mounted Seismic Ahead-Prospecting for Fast Detecting Anomalous Geology Ahead of Tunnel Face.IEEE Access .2020,9 :359

(15) 李宁博.隧道三维跨孔电阻率超前探测方法及其现场应用研究.《应用基础与工程科学学报》.2021 (网络首发)

(16) 刘征宇.A parameter calibration method for PFC simulation: Development and a case study of limestone.Geomechanics and Engineering.2020 (22(1))

(17) 刘征宇.Multi-scale resistivity inversion based on convolutional wavelet transform[J]. Geophysical Journal International.GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL.2020 (223(1))

(18) 庞永昊.Multiscale resistivity inversion based on convolutional wavelet transform.GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL.2020,223 (1):132

(19) Bin Liu.A Rapid Four-Dimensional Resistivity Data Inversion Method using Temporal Segmentation.Geophys. J. Int.2020,221 :586-602

(20) 刘征宇.基于不完整边界先验信息的跨孔电阻率CT反演方法研究.《岩土工程学报》.2019,41 (6):1124

(21) 刘斌.An improved Time-Lapse resistivity tomography to monitor and estimate the impact on the groundwater system induced by tunnel excavation.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology.2017, 66 :107

(22) 刘斌.Comprehensive surface geophysical investigation of karst caves ahead of the tunnel face: A case study in the Xiaoheyan section of the water supply project from Songhua River, Jilin, China.Journal of Applied Geophysics.2017, 144 :37

(23) 刘斌.基于不等式约束的三维电阻率探测混合反演方法.地球物理学报.2017,60 (02):820

(24) 刘征宇.基于距离加权约束算法的围岩三维电阻率CT反演成像研究.《岩土工程学报》.2017,39 (04):652


1. 煤矿隐蔽致灾水体“空天地巷”立体探测方法及应用-2, 2023/09/01-2026/09/01

2. GFJG-KM20240033, 2024/04/30-2025/08/01

3. 高原高海拔铁路隧道穿越复杂富水冰碛体地层灾害预测预报与控制关键技术, 2022/12/01-2024/12/31

4. GFJG-KM20220092, 2018/08/01-2025/08/01

5. 复杂地质环境隧道致灾构造超前预报方法, 2022/12/01-2025/12/31

6. (包干项目)TBM岩体地质信息探测感知与高效智能掘进, 2021/12/23-2024/12/31

7. 沈阳地铁四号线盾构机搭载高压射流破桩技术与优化设计研究-1, 2021/01/01-2022/12/31

8. 青岛市地铁6号线一期工程科研课题-课题3地铁TBM超前地质探测技术、装备与应用示范研究, 2021/08/30-2023/08/30

9. 上海地铁机场联络线1号风井地连墙综合探测, 2021/01/05-2022/04/01

10. (包干项目)特长海底隧道TBM施工不良地质识别与灾变控制, 2020/12/12-2023/12/31

11. 深井切顶自成巷围岩卸压-支护吸能作用机理与控制方法, 2020/09/18-2024/12/31

12. 综合超前地质预报在铁路铁路特长隧道TBM施工段中的应用与研究, 2020/12/01-2023/06/30

13. 海底隧道含水构造激发极化超前探测全时域成像与涌水量动态预测理论, 2020/09/18-2024/12/31

14. 隧洞含水构造钻孔声波与激发极化精细超前探测及其联合反演理论, 2020/09/18-2023/12/31

15. 地下工程灾害预报及控制协同创新中心, 2019/11/04-2022/12/31

16. TBM及钻爆隧洞地质超前预报及主动控灾关键技术研究与应用-2022/12/31

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