Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:Shandong University
Paper Publications
- [51] . 山东省一岁以下婴儿麻疹病例时空分布特征分析. 病毒学报, 46, 898-902, 2012.
- [52] Tian, Huaiyu. Corrigendum to "Surface water areas significantly impacted 2014 dengue outbreaks in Guangzhou, China" [Environ. Res. 150 (2016) 299-305].. Environmental Research, 154, 459-460, 2016.
- [53] 李秀君. 预防医学专业课程教学的几点思考. 预防医学文献信息, 10, 465-466, 2004.
- [54] . 2019年山东省淄博市居民死因及疾病负担探析. 山东大学学报医学版, 60, 1-8, 2022.
- [55] 曹云贤. 气象因素与肾综合征出血热发病关系的meta分析. 中国病原生物学, 17, 59-64, 2022.
- [56] Jia, Yan. Estimation of the relationship between meteorological factors and measles using spatiotemporal Bayesian model in Shandong Province, China. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 23, 2023.
- [57] 刘静. 大学生统计学焦虑的含义及研究进展. 校园?心理(原:医学心理指导(校园心理)){12}, 19, 437-440, 2021.
- [58] 李春雨. Modified effects of air pollutants on the relationship between temperature variability and hand, foot, and mouth disease in Zibo City, China. 环境科学与污染研究, 2022.
- [59] 朱雨辰. A Network Dynamics Model for the Transmission of COVID-19 in Diamond Princess and a Response to Reopen Large-Scale Public Facilities. HEALTHCARE, 10, 2022.
- [60] 刘利利. Comparison of different predictive models on HFMD based on weather factors in Zibo city, Shandong Province, China. Epidemiology and Infection, 150, 2021.