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- [111] 李雪芝 and 赵建. 碱性果胶酯裂解酶的异源表达与性质研究. 中国食品科学, 14, 34, 2014.
- [112] 曲音波 , 李雪芝 and 赵建. Tween 40 pretreatment of unwashed water-insoluble solids of reed straw and corn stover pretreated.... Biotechnology for biofuels, 6, 159, 2013.
- [113] 李雪芝 and 赵建. 白腐菌处理次氯酸盐漂白废水. 《纸和造纸》, 25, 79, 2006.
- [114] 李雪芝 and 赵建. 生物处理纯化玉米芯半纤维素糖液的研究. 《林产化学与工业》, 34, 73, 2014.
- [115] 李雪芝 , 赵建 and 郭芬芬. Optimizing Culture Conditions by Statistical Approach to Enhance Production of Pectinase from Bac.... BioMed Research International, 2019.
- [116] 李雪芝 , 曲音波 and 赵建. Differences in the adsorption of enzymes onto lignins from diverse types of lignocellulosic bioma.... Biotechnology for biofuels, 7, 38, 2014.
- [117] 曲音波 , 李雪芝 and 赵建. Enhancing Production of Alkaline Polygalacturonate Lyase from Bacillus subtilis by Fed-Batch Ferm.... Plos one, 9, e90392, 2014.
- [118] 李雪芝 , 林建强 , 方诩 and 曲音波. High concentration ethanol production from corncob residues by fed-batch strategy. Bioresource technology, 101, 4952, 2010.
- [119] 李雪芝 and 赵建. Xylo-oligosaccharides Inhibit Enzymatic Hydrolysis by Influencing Enzymatic Activity of Cellulase.... 《Energy Fuels》, 32, 9427, 2018.
- [120] 刘国栋 , 赵建 , 李雪芝 , 曲音波 and 杜健. Identifying and overcoming the effect of mass transfer limitation on decreased yield in enzymatic.... Bioresource technology, 229, 88, 2017.