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毕业院校:King Abdullah University of Science and Technology








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通讯/办公地址 : 山东省济南市历城区山大南路27号山东大学环境楼317

邮箱 : yangyang.li@sdu.edu.cn


个人简介Personal Profile

李洋洋,男,1988年4月生,山东大学物理学院/晶体材料国家重点实验室教授、博士生导师,交叉科学研究所副所长。入选“小米青年学者”(山东大学首届)、山东省泰山学者计划(青年专家)、山东省(海外)优秀青年科学基金项目、山东省高层次人才、山东省海外科技人才、山东大学齐鲁青年学者(第一层次)、山东大学基础学科拔尖计划物理取向)教授小组、山东物理学会凝聚态物理专业委员会委员等。主要从事关联电子体系的新奇(量子)物性和功能应用的实验研究,主要研究成果包括:1)首次报道了一种新型量子物态-关联磁性外尔半金属,为实验研究“关联拓扑物态”开辟了道路;2)首次在3d1体系中发现超导,并对其新型3d1超导和磁性进行 了深入研究,为探究3d9铜基和3d6铁基高温超导的起源提供了新思路;3)在三维强关联氧化物体系中发现了超平等离激元,并可传播到极大波矢,优异于其他已报道的材料体系;4)首次揭示了强关联氧化物的电子关联效应(电子结构)与电催化产氢活性相关的新机制,为开发高性能氧化物基电催化剂提供了指导方向;5)成功制备出高效的室温长波中红外光探测器件,其光响应指标比现商用的长波中红外探测器高出两个数量级,具有较大的应用潜力。 近年来,共发表SCI论文50余篇,以第一/通讯作者发表Nature Communications (4篇),Advanced Materials (3篇), Advanced Functional Materials (3篇) 等高水平期刊论文,总被引3200余次,第一作者文章单篇最高被引1100余次 (‪Yangyang Li (Prof. Dr.)‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬)。研究成果多次被包括诺贝尔奖得主(John B. Goodenough)在内的顶尖科学家们在ScienceNature, Nat. Rev. Phys.Nat. Rev. Mater., Nat. Nanotech., Nat. Commun., Phys. Rev. Lett., Sci. Adv., Adv. Mater., Chem. Rev.等顶级期刊积极评价及正面引用。申请发明专利1项。在国外工作期间,参与了韩国基础科学研究所(Institute for Basic Science, Korea)和新加坡国家研究基金会(National Research Foundation, Singapore)的多项重大研究项目。回国后,现主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题、山东省自然科学基金、山东省泰山学者计划、山东大学齐鲁青年学者、教育部产学合作协同育人等项目。获得小米公益基金会-小米青年学者(2023)、山东物理学会杰出青年学术奖(2024)等奖励。长期担任Nat. Commun., Adv. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., ACS Nano,InfoMat等SCI期刊审稿人。多次以会议主席/分论坛主席、特邀/口头报告人等身份参加国内外学术会议。课题组的主要研究方向以凝聚态物理和材料科学为主,以研究“强关联氧化物及量子材料”为核心,深入研究新型量子材料及其功能应用。





Several post-doc positions are opening: 1. Growth and electrical transport properties of oxide thin films via PLD; 2. Characterization of band structures for quantum materials by ARPES; Please send email for more details (yangyang.li@sdu.edu.cn).


Prof. Li has long been focused on the investigation of novel physical (quantum) properties and functionality of strongly correlated electron systems, mainly including: 1) studied the strain-engineering of correlated topological phases in pyrochlore iridates, and reported a novel quantum state named “correlated magnetic Weyl semimetal”; 2) discovered novel 3d1 superconductivity;3) reported the ultra-flat and long-lived plasmons in the strongly correlated oxide system, which prior to other reported systems; 4) demonstrated the relation between the electronic correlation effect (band structure) and HER activity in strongly correlated oxides, which can be an unambiguous descriptor for exploring high-performance oxide-based catalysts; 5) successfully fabricated an efficient room-temperature long-wavelength mid-infrared photodetector, whose photoresponse is two orders higher than that of the commercial ones. He has published more than 50 SCI papers with a total citation of more than 3000 times. As the first/corresponding author, he has published several high-impact journal papers, including Nature Communications (4), Advanced Materials (3), Advanced Functional Materials (3). Based on condensed matter physics and materials science, the applicant is going to further study the emergent (quantum) physical properties and applications of strongly correlated transition metal oxides. 

Our group has several open positions for master/phd students, research assistants and post-docs, now. Please feel free to contact me via yangyang.li@sdu.edu.cn for more information.

部分论文(Selected publications):

#co-first author; *corresponding author

After joining SDU (*): 只列出通讯作者论文

9. Yangyu Zhu#, Xuejin Zhang#, Jaeseok Son, Tae Won Noh, Haohai Yu, Huaijin Zhang, Mingwen Zhao* & Yangyang Li*. Dispersionless plasmons in polymorphs of the Mott insulator Ti2O3Under revision. 


8. Shengchun Shen#, Taekoo Oh#, Jeongkeun Song#, Di Tian#, Xinyu Shu, Yang Zhang, Fan Zhang, Di Yi, Tae Won Noh,* Bohm-Jung Yang,* Yangyang Li* & Pu Yu*. Selective control of electric charge of Weyl fermions in pyrochlore iridates. Advanced  Materials 36, 2403306 (2024).


7. Cunyuan Gao#, Juan Wang#, René Hübner, Jinhua Zhan, Mingwen Zhao, Yangyang Li* & Bin Cai*. Spin effect to regulate the electronic structure and gelation kinetics of Ir-Fe aerogels for efficient acidic water oxidation. Small 20, 2400875 (2024).

(Fe 3d-Ir 5d电子间的自旋相互作用:https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202400875)  

6. Zhihua Zhang#, Yangyu Zhu#, Xiaoyue Shi#, Baotong Qi, Yu Ding, Yan Du, Wanfeng Shi, Jian Zhang (本科生), Jian Liu, Yuanhua Sang, Zeyan Wang, Lei Zhang, Haohai Yu, Huaijin Zhang, Bin Cai*, Mingwen Zhao* & Yangyang Li*. Orbital-morphology-based oxygen reduction in a correlated oxide. Advanced Functional Materials 34, 2316448 (2024).


5. Jeongkeun Song, Taekoo Oh, Eunkyo Ko, Ji Hye Lee, Woo Jin Kim, Yangyu Zhu, Bohm-Jung Yang, Yangyang Li* & Tae Won Noh*. Higher harmonics in planar Hall effect induced by cluster magnetic multipoles. Nature Communications 13, 6501 (2022).


4. Han Gao,# Chao Ding,# Jaeseok Son, Yangyu Zhu, Mingzheng Wang, Zhi Gen Yu, Jianing Chen, Le Wang, Scott A. Chambers, Tae Won Noh, Mingwen Zhao* & Yangyang Li*. Ultra-flat and long-lived plasmons in a strongly correlated oxide. Nature Communications 13, 4662 (2022).

X-MOL平台 "强关联氧化物Ti2O3中的奇特等离激元": https://www.x-mol.com/news/780502

3. Yangyang Li*, Yangyu Zhu, Mingzheng Wang, Mingwen Zhao, Junmin Xue, Jingsheng Chen, Tom Wu, & Scott A. Chambers. Recent Progress on Titanium Sesquioxide: Fabrication, Properties and Applications. Advanced Functional Materials 32, 2203491 (2022). 被诺奖得主引用。Cited by Nobel Prize Winner.

X-MOL平台 "Ti2O3:合成百年来,首篇综述": https://www.x-mol.com/news/772178

2. Juan Wang, Zhihua Zhang, Yangyang Li*, Yuanyuan Qu, Yongqiang Li, Weifeng Li, Mingwen Zhao*. Screening of Transition-Metal Single-Atom Catalysts Anchored on Covalent–Organic Frameworks for Efficient Nitrogen Fixation. ACS Applied Mater. & Interfaces 14, 1, 1024 (2022).


1. Yangyang Li*, Taekoo Oh, Jaeseok Son, Mi kyung Kim, Sukhyun Kim, Seo Hyoung Chang, Changyoung Kim, Bohm-Jung Yang & Tae Won Noh*.“Correlated magnetic Weyl semimetal state in strained Pr2Ir2O7”, Advanced Materials 33, 2008528 (2021).


Before joining SDU:

1. Yangyang Li, Zhigen Yu, Ling Wang, Yakui Weng, Chi Sin Tang, Xinmao Yin, Kun Han, Haijun Wu, Xiaojiang Yu, Lai Mun Wong, Dongyang Wan, Xiao Renshaw Wang, Jianwei Chai, Yong-Wei Zhang, Shijie Wang, John Wang, Andrew T.S. Wee, Mark B.H. Breese, Stephen J. Pennycook, T. Venkatesan, Shuai Dong, Jun Min Xue, Jingsheng Chen*. “Electronic-Reconstruction-Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis in Oxide Polymorphs”, Nature Communications 10, 3149 (2019). 

HER的新机制(以Ti2O3为例):https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-11124-w )  

2. Xuechao Yu#, Yangyang Li#, Xiaonan Hu, Daliang Zhang, Ye Tao, Zhixiong Liu, Yongmin He, Haque, Zheng Liu, Tom Wu*, Qijie Wang*. Narrow-bandgap oxide nanoparticle coupling graphene for high-performance mid-infrared photodetection. Nature Communications 9, 4299 (2018). 被诺奖得主引用。Cited by Nobel Prize Winner.


3. Juan Wang#, Yangyang Li#, Lin Deng, Nini Wei, Shuai Dong, Dianpeng Qi, Jun Qiu, Xiaodong Chen*, & Tom Wu*. “High Performance Photothermal Conversion of Narrow-Bandgap Ti2O3 Nanoparticles”, Advanced Materials 29, 1603730 (2017). Citation: > 1100. 被诺奖得主引用。Cited by Nobel Prize Winner.

Ti2O3的优异光热性能:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/adma.201603730  ) 

4. Yangyang Li, Yakui Weng, Xinmao Yin, Xiaojiang Yu, S. R. Sarath Kumar, Nimer Wehbe, Haijun Wu, Husam N. Alshareef, Stephen J. Pennycook, Mark B. H. Breese, Jingsheng Chen*, Shuai Dong*, & Tom Wu*. “Orthorhombic Ti2O3: A Polymorph-Dependent Narrow-Bandgap Ferromagnetic Oxide”, Advanced Functional Materials 28, 1705657 (2018).

Ti2O3中晶相依赖的磁性研究:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adfm.201705657  ) 

5. Yangyang Li, Yakui Weng, Junjie Zhang, Junfeng Ding, Yihan Zhu, Qingxiao Wang, Yang Yang, Yingchun Cheng, Qiang Zhang, Peng Li, Jiadan Lin, Wei Chen, Yu Han, Xixiang Zhang, Lang Chen, Xi Chen, Jingsheng Chen, Shuai Dong*, Xianhui Chen, & Tom Wu*. “Observation of Superconductivity in Structure-Selected Ti2O3 Thin Films”, NPG Asia Materials 10, 522-532 (2018).

Ti2O3中晶相依赖的新型3d1超导:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41427-018-0050-5  )    

6. Yangyang Li, Yang Yang, Xinyu Shu, Dongyang Wan, Nini Wei, Xiaojiang Yu, Mark B. H. Breese, Thirumalai Venkatesan, Jun Min Xue, Yichen Liu, Sean Li, Tom Wu*, & Jingsheng Chen*. “From titanium sesquioxide to titanium dioxide: Oxidation-induced structural, phase and property evolution”, Chemistry of Materials 30, 4383-4392 (2018).

  Ti2O3的稳定性及其相变:https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b01739  ) 

7. Yangyang Li, Qingxiao Wang, Ming An, Kun Li, Nimer Wehbe, Qiang Zhang, Shuai Dong, & Tom Wu*. “Nanoscale chemical and valence evolution at the metal/oxide interface: a case study of Ti/SrTiO3”, Advanced Materials Interfaces 3, 1600201 (2016).


8. Yangyang Li, Xinhua Zhu*, & Tala’at Al-Kassab. “Atomic-scale microstructures, Raman spectra and dielectric properties of cubic pyrochlore-typed Bi1.5MgNb1.5O7 dielectric ceramics”, Ceramics International 40, 8125-8134 (2014).

9. Woo Jin Kim#, Taekoo Oh#, Jeongkeun Song, Eun Kyo Ko, Yangyang Li, Junsik Mun, Bongju Kim, Jaeseok Son, Zhuo Yang, Yoshimitsu Kohama, Miyoung Kim, Bohm-Jung Yang, & Tae Won Noh*. “Strain engineering of the magnetic multipole moments and anomalous Hall effect in pyrochlore iridate thin films”. Science Advances 6, eabb1539 (2020).

10. Weinan Lin#, Lei Li#, Fatih Dogan, Changjian Li, Helene Rotella, Xiaojiang Yu, Bangmin Zhang, Yangyang Li, Wen Siang Lew, Shijie Wang, Wilfrid Prellier, Stephen J. Pennycook, Jingsheng Chen*, Zhicheng Zhong*, Aurelien Manchon*, & Tom Wu*. “Interface-based tuning of Rashba spin-orbit interaction in asymmetric oxide heterostructures with 3d electrons”, Nature Communications 10, 3052 (2019). 

11. Le Wang, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger*, Lei Chang, Jiali Zhao, Yangyang Li, Chi Sin Tang, Xinmao Yin, Mark E. Bowden, Zhenzhong Yang, Haizhong Guo, Lu You, Rui Guo, Jiaou Wang, Kurash Ibrahim, Jingsheng Chen, Andrivo Rusydi, Junling Wang*, Scott A. Chambers, & Yingge Du*. “Tuning Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysis by Changing the A-site Rare-Earth Element in Perovskite Nickelates”, Advanced Functional Materials 28, 1803712 (2018).

12. Hong Wang, Shixiong Min, Chun Ma, Zhixiong Liu, Weiyi Zhang, Qiang Wang, Debao Li, Yangyang Li, Stuart Turner, Yu Han, Haibo Zhu, Edy Abou-hamad, Mohamed Nejib Hedhili, Jun Pan, Weili Yu, Kuo-Wei Huang, Lian-Jong Li, Jiayin Yuan*, Markus Antonietti, & Tom Wu*. “Synthesis of single-crystal-like nanoporous carbon membranes and their application in overall water splitting”, Nature Communications 8, 13592 (2017).

13. Feng Li#, Hong Wang#, Dominik Kufer, Liangliang Liang, Weili Yu, Erkki Alarousu, Chun Ma, Yangyang Li, Zhixiong Liu, Changxu Liu, Nini Wei, Fei Wang, Lang Chen, Omar F Mohammed, Andrea Fratalocchi, Xiaogang Liu, Gerasimos Konstantatos, & Tom Wu*. “Ultrahigh Carrier Mobility Achieved in Photoresponsive Hybrid Perovskite Films via Coupling with Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, Advanced Materials 29, 1602432 (2017).

14. Hong Wang#, Shixiong Min#, Qiang Wang, Debao Li, Gilberto Casillas, Chun Ma, Yangyang Li, Zhixiong Liu, Lian-Jong Li, Jiayin Yuan*, Markus Antonietti, & Tom Wu*. “Nitrogen-Doped Nanoporous Carbon Membranes with Co/CoP Janus-Type Nanocrystals as Hydrogen Evolution Electrode in Both Acidic and Alkaline Environments”, ACS Nano 11, 4358 (2017).

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