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李延伟,荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学公共管理系博士(2016),山东大学政治学与公共管理学院教授、博士生导师,齐鲁青年学者(第一层次)。主要研究领域包括:社会治理、公共政策与公共服务、创新技术与风险治理。近年来,第一作者或通讯作者发表SSCI学术论文三十余篇,包括公共管理、公共政策、危机管理等领域国际顶级与权威期刊,如Public Management Review, Public Administration, Policy Sciences, International Public Management Journal, Public Policy and Administration, Journal of Public Policy, Journal of Social Policy, Local Gov. Studies, Policy Studies, Journal of Chinese Governance, Risk Analysis, Review of Policy Research, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Journal Environmental Policy and Planning, Environmental Policy and Governance。发表中文CSSCI学术论文十余篇,包括《江海学刊学海公共管理与政策评论、《公共管理评论》、甘肃行政学院学报电子政务公共行政评论、《治理研究》、中国行政管理》等。独立作者出版英文学术专著一部(Routledge,2018)。获评江苏省“双创博士”荣誉称号(2017),获国际公共管理学会(IRSPM)最佳青年学术论文奖,主持国家社科基金面上项目(2020),担任SSCI期刊《Local Government Studies》编委。

个人Researchgate主页:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yanwei-Li-3 (可直接下载发表英文学术论文)





1.  李延伟. 预防性公共安全治理模式实现路径.  国家治理,  2024. 

2.  边琦 , 辛鲁宁  and 李延伟*. Towards a more globally inclusive academic discussion on local government: is more attention to Asian countries the answer?.  LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDIES,  2024. 

3.  谢程远  and 李延伟. Evaluating the coordinated development between digital technology and local safety management capability: evidence from 31 provinces in China.  Journal of Chinese Governance,  2024. 

4.  李延伟. Individual, organizational, and institutional accountability: a systematic literature review in public administration.  PUBLIC MANAGEMENT REVIEW,  2024. 

5.  李延伟. Governing Risks in Innovation: Findings from the Adoption of Mobile Payment Technology in Nanjing, China.  PUBLIC ORGANIZATION REVIEW,  2024. 

6.  吴晓林 , 覃雯  and 李延伟*. Passive cooperation or active coproduction? Grassroots NGOs’ strategies in interactions with government in crisis management in Chengdu, China.  Local Government Studies,  2024. 

7.  宋云鹏  and 李延伟*. Upscaling policy pilots: Four tales in Chinese health governance.  Public Policy and Administration,  2024. 

8.  李延伟. 公共行政中的感知问责:分析框架与研究展望.  公共行政评论,  17,  178-195+200, 2024. 

9.  宋云鹏  and 李延伟*. How are policy pilots managed? Findings from the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme in China.  International Journal of Public Policy,  2023. 

10.  谭海波  and 李延伟*. Is it all about the government's early response? A configurational analysis of 27 cases in governing COVID-19 in China.  Review of Policy Research,  2023. 

11.  叶紫蒙 , 马奔  and 李延伟*. Wrestling with multiple accountabilities in times of crisis: Findings from the experiences of Chinese local governments in responding to COVID-19.  Review of Policy Research,  2023. 

12.  李延伟. Is hierarchy the only answer? The accountability preferences of Chinese public employees in public service delivery.  Review of Policy Research,  2023. 

13.  张俞杉 , 陈琤  and 李延伟. 公共管理中的跨界行动者:理论脉络、研究框架和未来展望.  甘肃行政学院学报,  23-42+125, 2023. 

14.  李延伟  and 宋云鹏. How temporary organizations manage operational flexibility in emergencies: Experiences of a Chinese control command in response to COVID-19.  Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management,  31,  249-258, 2023. 

15.  李延伟 , 陆亚娜 , Astrid Molenveld  and Joop Koppenjan. Citizens’ motivations to coproduce: A Q methodological analysis on the City Governance Committee in Nanjing, China.  Public Management Review,  25,  950-970, 2023. 

16.  黄靖  and 李延伟*. Toward a leading-agency coordinated collaboration model? Lessons learned from interagency collaboration in Chinese environmental protection.  Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning,  23,  570-585, 2023. 

17.  李延伟  and 宋云鹏. Contingent coordination in crisis: Experience of Qingdao control command in governing COVID-19.  Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management,  2023. 

18.  李强彬 , 支广东  and 李延伟. 中央推进政策试点的差异化政策工具选择逻辑.  公共行政评论,  2023. 

19.  李延伟  and 宋云鹏. State-led pilot innovation upscaling? A tale of the Sanming healthcare reform in China.  Local Government Studies,  49,  375-396, 2023. 

20.  李延伟  and 黄靖. The evolution of collaborative networks: A social network analysis of Chinese environmental protection policy.  Public Policy and Administration,  38,  34-57, 2023. 

21.  路海艳 , 母睿  and 李延伟. Shifts in governance modes and explanatory factors in the NIMBY: Findings from the X waste incineration power plant in Shenzhen, China.  Environmental Policy and Governance,  2022. 

22.  李延伟. 公共行政的主观性探索:Q方法的方法论价值.  中国行政管理,  97-104, 2022. 

23.  李延伟  and 陈铮. What makes network innovative? A configurational analysis of 18 collaborative innovation cases.  International Public Managment Journal,  2022. 

24.  李延伟  and 曹莹. Capable supervision, pragmatic engagement, and hands-off steering: Three preferences of Chinese government officials for governing NPOs in public service delivery.  Public Policy and Administration,  2022. 

25.  李延伟. Towards effective temporary organizing in crises: A tale of control command in responding to COVID-19 in China.  Public Organization Review,  2022. 

26.  李延伟 , 秦晓蕾  and Joop Koppenjan. Accountability through public participation? Experiences from the ten-thousand-citizen review in Nanjing, China.  Journal of Public Policy,  42,  43-62, 2022. 

27.  李延伟 , 倪咸林  and 韦唅. Government profiles as perceived by governments’ NPO partners in Chinese social service delivery.  Journal of Social Policy,  2021. 

28.  李延伟. Governing Airbnb in Amsterdam and Singapore: A Comparative Study on Governance Strategies and Styles.  Sage Open,  11,  1-11, 2021. 

29.  李延伟. A framework in analyzing the governance of innovation networks for public innovations.  Policy Studies,  42,  193-209, 2021. 

30.  李延伟 , Araz Taeihagh , Martin de Jong  and Andreas Kliner. Towards a commonly shared public policy perspective for analyzing risk coping strategies.  Risk Analysis,  41,  519-532, 2021. 

31.  李延伟  and 邱实. More ‘government’, less ‘governance”: Chinese public employee’s preferences for governing public service delivery.  Policy Studies,  43,  422-442, 2020. 

32.  秦晓蕾  and 李延伟. 治理效能提升视阈下公民参与治理创新的制度化之路——基于南京市机关作风群众评议18年演变历程的分析.  治理研究,  2020. 

33.  李延伟  and 马亮. What drives the governance of ridesharing? A fuzzy set QCA analysis of local regulations in China.  Policy Sciences,  52,  601-619, 2019. 

34.  李延伟 , 刘毅  and Joop Koppenjan. Government strategies in dealing with three protests against PX plants in urban China: Comparing cases using a most-similar-system design.  Policy Studies,  43,  464-482, 2019. 

35.  陆亚娜  and 李延伟*. Cross-sector collaboration in the time of crisis: Lessons learned from the Funing Tornado case.  Local Government Studies,  46,  459-482, 2019. 

36.  李延伟. Governing sharing economy initiatives smartly: A tale of two stories.  Public Policy and Administration,  36,  2019. 

37.  马亮  and 李延伟. 既得利益、多重动机与分享经济治理:中国城市网约车监管政策的实证研究.  甘肃行政学院学报,  2018. 

38.  马亮  and 李延伟. 政府如何监管共享经济:中国城市网约车政策的实证研究.  电子政务,  2018. 

39.  李延伟. 创新技术采纳中的风险治理:分析框架与研究议程.  学海,  100-106, 2018. 

40.  李延伟. 治理环境争议:一项分析框架.  公共管理与政策评论,  89-96, 2018. 

41.  李延伟  and 马亮. 共享经济治理:分析框架与国际经验.  电子政务,  2-8, 2018. 

42.  李延伟 , Vincent Homburg  and Joop Koppenjan. Government strategies in environmental conflicts: A comparative analysis of 10 protests against industrial facilities in urban China.  Local Government Studies,  43,  992-1013, 2017. 

43.  李延伟. Governing environmental conflicts in China: Lessons learned from the case of the Liulitun waste incineration power plant in Beijing.  Public Policy and Administration,  34,  2017. 

44.  李延伟. 治理网络理论及其分析中国治理的适用性.  江海学刊,  125-131, 2017. 

45.  李延伟 , Stefan Verweij  and Joop Koppenjan. Governing environmental conflicts in China: Under what conditions do local government compromise?.  Public Administration,  94,  806-822, 2016. 

46.  李延伟 , Vincent Homburg , Martin de Jong  and Joop Koppenjan. Government responses to environmental conflicts in urban China: the case of the Panyu waste incineration power plant in Guangzhou.  Journal of Cleaner Production,  134,  354-361, 2016. 

47.  刘毅 , 李延伟*  and Joop Koppenjan. A governance network perspective on environmental conflicts in China: Findings from the Dalian paraxylene conflict.  Policy Studies,  37,  314-331, 2016. 

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