Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Alma Mater:山东大学
Paper Publications
- [101] 张森 and Li Ying. Study of the Molecular Array Behavior of Laurel Alkanolamide on Oil/water Interface and the High Interfacial Activity Enhanced by Inherent Synergistic Effect. RSC advances, 2014, 4, 41831, 2014.
- [102] 邓全花 and 李英. Rheological properties and salt resistance of a hydrophobically associated polyacrylamide. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 67, 1396, 2014.
- [103] 吕韦钦 and Li Ying. Ultra-stable aqueous foam stabilized by water-soluble alkyl acrylate crosspolymer. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A, 2014,457, 189, 2014.
- [104] 李亚娉 and 李英. 十二烷基硫酸钠与甜菜碱在气液和油水界面的复配协同作用研究. 《化学学报》, 2014,72, 615, 2014.
- [105] 袁瑞 and Li Ying. Study about how the Metal Cationic Ions Effect the Properties of Partially Hydrolyzed Hydrophobically Modified Polyacrylamide (HMHPAM) in Aqueous Solution. Colloid and Surfaces A, 434, 16, 2013.
- [106] 李春秀 and Li Ying. Study of the Micro Character of Ultra Stable Aqueous Foam Stabilized by a kind of Flexible Connecting Bipolar-Headed Surfactant with Existence of Magnesium ion. Langmuir, 29, 5418, 2013.
- [107] 袁瑞 and 李英. 部分水解的疏水改性聚丙烯酰胺分子构型与体相行为的关系. 《物理化学学报》, 29, 706, 2013.
- [108] 李全伟 and 李英. Study on the Molecular Behavior of Hydrophobically Modified Poly(AcrylicAcid) in Aqueous Solution and Its Emulsion-Stabilizing Capacity. Journal of applied polymer science, 2013, 128, 206, 2012.
- [109] 胡晓莹 and 李英. Structure-Behavior-Property Relationship Study of Surfactants as Foam Stabilizers Explored by Experimental and Molecular Simulation Approaches. J. Physics Chemistry B, 116, 160, 2012.
- [110] 朱鹏飞 and 李英. 生物表面活性剂鼠李糖脂及其复配体系界面行为和性质的介观模拟. 《化学学报》, 69, 2420, 2011.